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Donnie: *runs in* Guys! Guys! I finally got Kayla on the phone!

Raph: 'Bout time!

Casey: Yea, put that girl on speaker

Donnie: *sets phone in the middle of the room* Okay, you're on speaker phone

Kayla: *from the other line* Hey!

Mikey: Kay! You're alive!

Kayla: *giggles* Of course I'm alive. Why wouldn't I be?

Mikey: Mutated evil frogs

Kayla: What?

Raph: *smacks Mikey on the back of the head*

Larry: Nothing. Where's the rest of the girls?

Leo: Yea, where's Bella?

Raph: And Abbie

Kayla: Yeesh! Ya guys can't live without your girlfriends very long can ya?

Mikey: Tell me about it! They won't shut up for one second about them

Leo and Raph: *blushing* Mikey!

Kayla: *giggling* Don't worry love doves, everyone's resting after...uh...a little accident that occurred

Leo and Raph: WHAT!?

Donnie: What happened?

Kayla: Nothing too serious, but I think a prank may or may not of gone a little too far

Larry: Wha-?

Kayla: Sorry dudes, I gotta go, Anju's cell has terrible reception here

Anju: Hey! I heard that!

Kayla: *nervous chuckle* See ya! *hangs up*

Mikey: *sniffles* I miss them already

FROM: memyselfi93

DARE: I dare Raph and Casey to pretend to go out on a romantic date in the dojo then kiss

Casey and Raph: *blushing* 0_0

Larry: Wouldn't that technically be considered a real date?

Raph: Yes. But sadly I won' be going on the date? *smiles evilly at Leo*

Leo: *raises brow* And why would that be?

Raph: Oh because a certain someone dared you to be my slave for...I don't know...2 WHOLE CHAPTERS!

Leo: WHAT!? Who-when-I-I-what!?

Mikey: Ooh karma bro

Larry: And what would you know about karma?

Mikey: No clue

Casey: No! No way! Not in a million years am I doing this! I'm already taken!

Everyone slowly looks at him confused

Donnie: Y-You're taken?

Casey: Uh...yea...just recently *rubs the back of neck nervously*

Larry: *tilts head to the side* You didn't ask Kayla out did ya?

Casey: No! Ew no! Ya kidding me, gross!

Mikey: *snaps fingers* Aw man! I had a perfect ship name for you two

Raph: *sighs* Just tell us the girl's name!

Casey: *gulps* It might or might not be...April

Donnie: *face turns red* You. Did. What?!

Casey: Uh...*gulps* this *cuffs Leo's cheeks and smashes lips into his*

Larry: O.O

Raph: *shields Mikey's eyes* NOT IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN!!!

FROM: tmnt-fan15

DARE: I dare Leo to make everyone train till their feet bleed

Leo: *face beat red sitting awkwardly on the couch*

Casey: *hiding face in a pillow*

Larry: I-I think they both died physically and emotionally

FROM: @teleria

DARE: 1.) I dare Raph and Mikey to kiss on the lips.
               2.) I dare Castiel and Dean from Supernatural to come into the story for one chapter and kiss

Mikey: What's supernatural???

Raph: No idea-

Without warning, a puff of smoke appeared from no where! Castiel and Dean magically entered the lair.

Dean: What the-?!

Castiel: What happened?! Where are we?!

Mikey: Hey dudes! What up?

Castiel: *gasps* Monsters!

Dean: Dude. We already deal with spirits. These monsters surprise you?

Donnie: We aren't monsters!

Mikey: Yea! We're mutated turtles. Not monsters.

Castiel: Difference?

Short pause...

Mikey: uh...we're nice monsters...?

Raph: *rolls eyes*

Dean: Right. So why are we here?!

Larry: Oh, you're in a truth or dare game

Castiel: .....Seriously?

Donnie: Well since you magically popped in here...yes. We're being totally serious.

Larry: Annnd ya kinda got a dare

Dean: *raises brow* what kind of dare?

Raph: It's nothing too serious...but ya guys gotta kiss each other

Castiel: WHAT!?

Dean: And that's nothing serious?!

Donnie: *nervous chuckle*

Castiel: No! Nuh uh! No way! Not happening!

Dean: Yea...now get us out of here-

Larry and Raph push them together until the peck each other's lips.

Dean: Gah! *starts wiping mouth*

Castiel: *spitting* You son of a-

They magically poof away

Larry: Huh

Mikey: What?

Larry: Have you noticed that all these dares consist of everyone kissing each other?

Mikey: I don't notice anything

Donnie: I think everyone and their dog knows that

Mikey: *glares at him*

Larry: *chuckles* Hey, Raph, don't forget yours and Mikey's dare

Raph: No! I'm not-*thinks of an idea* Okay

Donnie and Larry: Wha-!?

Raph: Trust me. It'll be fine *walks slowly towards Mikey*

Mikey: *starting to back away* D-Dude, I don't think I like this

Raph: Like I said: It'll be fine *grabs his arm*

Mikey: Wait, dude, no-!

Raph covered Mikey's mouth with his hand then kissed the back of his own hand. Making it look like he was making out with Mikey.

Raph: *pulls away* See! I told you it would be fine-

Mikey: *faints*

Larry and Donnie: 0_o

Raph: Oh...

FROM: Iyza891

DARE: I dare for Leo and Raph to make Raphanardo happen with a lot of shell grinding. And possible a v-card loss. And if they don't, then the author can force them to do it.

Donnie: But the author's not even here

Raph: And what the shell is Raphanardo?

Another puff of smoke goes off in the lair, reveling a random fangirl

Larry: Not again *face palm*

Fangirl: O.M.G! I am in the ninja turtle's lair! *squealing with joy*

Donnie: Uh...miss? Can we help you with something?

Fangirl: *screams* THE NINA TURTLES!!! *fangirling*

Raph: Ah! Who is this!?

Fangirl: *jumps in Donnie's arms* Marry me, Donatello

Donnie: Uh...sorry...I'm taken *drops her*

Fangirl: Not true! According to this book *looks through wattad* you are very much single

Donnie: -_- Once I figure out how to own the Internet, wattpad is the first to go

Fangirl: Um...why is Casey, Mikey and Leo knocked out?

All four of them turn around to see that Mikey, Leo, and Casey have all fainted. When did that happen?

Larry: T-They had a long night

Fangirl: *gasps* Can I take one of them home with me?!

Raph: *groans* We don't have time for this! We need to find out what Raphanardo means

Fangirl: Oooh! I know! I know! Pick me! Pick me! *has hand raised, jumping up and down*

Donnie: *sighs* Yes?

Fangirl: Yes! Okay! Okay! Raphanardo is a ship name between Raphael and Leonardo

Raph: S-Ship...ship name?

Fangirl: Yea, you know, when someone dates or has strong feelings for each other

Raph: OEIFEFJVOLA! Okay, time for you to go! *shoves her out the exit*

Donnie: *buries face in hands* One normal chapter! ONE normal chapter is all I ask for!


Mikey: Hey! Pssst! You! Yea, you! I need to ask you all a favor. A really good friend and someone who has dared and asked some pretty awesome stuff for this book, has made her own truth or dare book of her own! Pretty rad, right? Anyway, she needs some dares, or even some questions would be awesome. You showed some much love for this book, so let's show some love for hers and others who need some audience. So, what do ya say? Ya gonna join me? The amazing user is ngoodman2 go check it out dudes!

Donnie: Mikey, what are you doing?

Mikey: N-Nothing, bro

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