There's Times To Be Silly And Other Times To Be Serous

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Kayla: Hey! Welcome back to the game of truth or dare?! Okay the last chapter we had some pretty crazy dares if I say so myself

Raph: That's because you didn't get one

Kayla: *rolls eyes* I'm sure I'll get one soon

Raph: And I hope it's embarrassing *smirks*

Kayla: >:(

Donnie: *walks in* Hey guys, have you seen Mikey and Leo?

Kayla: Not since the dare they had to do-

Raph: Will speaken of the devil!

Kayla and Donnie: *turns and sees Leo and Mikey*

Donnie: Where have you two been?

Leo: *holding raw steak to the side of his face* Doing Kayla's stupid dare!

Kayla: Don't get mad at me! I wasn't the one who dared you

Raph: Leo, what happened to your face?

Leo: *removes steak, showing side of his face bruised*

Mikey: Aw man! You dudes should've saw it! *laughing* It was so priceless

Donnie: Why? What happened?

Mikey: *holds up camera* Better to show you then tell you

Leo: Mikey don't-

Raph: Too late!

Everyone except Leo: *watching the video*


Mikey: You ready for this dude?

Leo: Why are you video tapping now?

Mikey: Just in case something epic happens

Leo: *rolls eyes* I can't believe I'm doing this

Mikey: Dude look! *points down an alley* there's your victim

Leo: *sees purple dragon* Oh boy-

Mikey: C'mon Leo! Everyone is waiting! You don't want the audience to get disappointed, do you?

Leo: If I wasn't mistaken Mikey! The audience is the reason why I'm doing this!

Mikey: Just get down there and do the dare, dude!

Leo: *groans and jumps into the shadow*

Leo quietly gets behind the dude, and gives him a wedgie! But he didn't know that the dude was 6ft tall and really muscular.

Purple Dragon: What the heck-

Leo: *gulp*


Mikey: *rolling on the floor dying of laughter* BAHAHAHAHA!!!

Leo: *laying on the ground* Yet again. I hate you all


Everyone except Leo: BAHAHAHAHA

Leo: -_- *sees my laptop, then smirks* Oh, Raph and Donnie!

Donnie: *wipes a tear* Yea?

Leo: Did you know you had a dare?

Donnie: R-really?

Mikey: *jumping up and down* What is it!? What is it!?

FROM: @tmnt-fan15

DARE: I dare Raph and Donnie to kiss you Kayla

Raph, Donnie, and Kayla: *blushes*

Mikey: *laughing* Ooooh better pucker up, dudes! 

Raph: *hits Mikey on the back of the head* I'll just peck her on the cheek

Leo: Sorry boys it has to be on the lips

Kayla: W-why?

Leo: Because she said to in the comments *smirks*

Kayla: *blushes* My readers betrayed me!

Mikey: C'mon Kay kay! *nudges me* 

Kayla *growls* Fine! Let's get this over with!

Raph: *pushes Donnie* You go first!

Donnie: Why me?

Raph: Because she's your friend

Donnie: That doesn't even- Ugh fine! *sits in front of me blushing*

Both of us burning up, we slowly move our heads towards each other. Until our lips touch, Don kisses me, and I kiss back, blushing like crazy. We stayed that way until I heard his brothers snickering. I slowly pull away.

Kayla: *blushes*

Donnie: *blushes*

Leo: It looks like we have two love birds in here

Donnie: DO NOT! *glares*

Mikey: Your turn Raphie!

Raph: Shut up! *sits in front of me*

Mikey: *whispers* I knew they would make a cute couple

Kayla: *throws slipper at him*

Mikey: Ow!

Kayla: Then shut your trap!

Me and Raph do the same thing until we feel our lips touch. I kiss Raph and he kisses back, that was until we heard a different voice calling for the boys.

Splinter: My sons it's time for- *sees me and Raph kissing* WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!?

Kayla *gasps and pushes Raph away*

Raph: What!?

Splinter: *clears throat*

All the boys: *gulp*

Splinter: Raphael, what were you just doing!?

Raph: Uh...a...dare?

Splinter:....Miss Jacobs is doing another book, isn't she?

Everyone but me: Yup

Splinter: *sighs* It is time for training *goes into the dojo*

Donnie: Ugh!

Kayla: Okaaay, before you guys go, we have time for another dare

Leo: Didn't your dares already do enough damage?

Kayla: Hmm...not yet

The turtles: *groans*

Kayla: Here's the last dare for the chapter

FROM: @MikeysGurltmnt

DARE: I dare Mikey to ask me out

Everyone but Mikey: Ooooh! Someone has a crush on Mikey!

Mikey: I really wouldn't call it a crush. But...HECK YEA!!! Dudette, would you like to go out with this GUY!?

Raph: Please say no!

Splinter: BOYS!

Turtles: Coming Sensei!

Kayla: *sees a new massage on IPod* Whoa whoa wait guys! *reads massage*

Donnie: What's wrong?

Kayla: Okay, we have to be serous now

Mikey: When are we never?

Leo: Please don't answer that

Kayla: Guys! Please! I just got a massage from my friend. And she told me to mention her close friend who just got into a car accident.

Donnie: Whoa! Is he okay?

Kayla: Yea, he's doing better. But she wanted you guys and ALL my readers out their to keep her friend: Gage in their prayers.

Turtles: Absolutely! 

Kayla: And all my readers please keeps his family in mind! I saw how bad it was, it didn't look to good. Anyway, in the next chapter we're going to catch up on the late dares and questions we have. Keep asking and daring away! See ya next chapter! ;)



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