Valentine's Day with Raph

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You were sound asleep when you heard a distance noise. You started to wake up and noticed that it was just your phone alerting you that you got a new message. You groaned and took the phone in your hands, glaring at the screen to whoever would possibly be trying to wake you up at this hour.

'hey get over here'

It was Raph. Apparently.

You rolled your eyes then texted back.

'raphie! it is 9 in the MORNING ON A SUNDAY'

'don't care just hurry up'


You slightly giggled at the last message he sent then got out of bed. You did your usual morning routine and put on your favorite casual outfit. Knowing today was Valentine's Day, you wanted to look your best, just not too over the top since that really wasn't your style. You grabbed Raph's V-Day present from deep inside your closet, where you knew no one would go looking into.

You managed to snag a pink frosted donut before heading out, not the healthiest choice but who really cares. You skipped out the front door and after a few short sprints, made it to a familiar manhole. You made sure no one was looking before going in and making your way into the sewers.

Entering the lair, you were greeted by a pair of strong arms wrapping around you into a hug. You quirked a brow and to your surprise, found it was a certain red masked turtle who was hugging you. After about half a second later, he pulled away but tugged your hand in his direction.

"Finally. Come on, I got something to show you." He pulled you into his room without another word and closed the door.

"Okay so you know that stupid holiday you've been talking about?"

"Oh uh- Valentine's Day?"

"Yeah well, I...made something for ya."

He walked to his night table and grabbed something from the first drawer. He walked back to you.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Y/n." Raph presented what was in hiding in his hands. A handcrafted plush doll of your favorite animal.

Much to his surprise, you squealed the loudest 'oh my gosh raph' he'd ever heard you say. He rolled his eyes but blushed none of the less.

"This is so cute! How did you know this was my favorite animal? Did you sow this yourself? That's so sweet!" You went and glomped him before he even had the chance to answer. Letting go, you remembered the gift that was at your side and smirked, handing him the red bag. "That's yours." You simply said.

He wasn't expecting you to get him anything so he looked at the bag a little wide-eyed and confused. Until he opened it, a big smile appeared on his face.

"A- mix tape?" He took the rectangular box in his hand.

You nodded, "It's all of your favorite songs, most of them anyway. I hope you like it." You smiled hopefully.

He nodded, "I do. I love it. And....I know I don't say this often but I love you. A lot."

"I love you too, Raphie." You giggled, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

He turned you and let you fall into his arms, "I'll let the one slide cause I don't wanna ruin the moment." Without warning, his lips pushed onto yours. Soon your lips were moving in sync, making your first kiss very passionate and romantic.

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