A Portal? How Interesting..

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You were walking with your turtle boyfriend and his brothers and their girlfriends. And instead of reading a long and drawn out paragraph about your walk and the weather, the author is going to get to the point.

A Kraang dimension portal suddenly opens in front of you. You stop in your tracks. Noping your way around the device, the rest of the group follows your lead. But, since the author is late with the update, you all were magically sucked you in anyway.

~~Admit it, you love me ~~


You landed next to Leo in front of a busy building. Everything was different than from what you were used to seeing in New York. Leo helped you up and pulled you off to the side as a group of teens ran passed, all of them dressed in colors like black and red.

Someone placed a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump. When you looked to your left, it was a young man dressed in gray plain clothes.

"You look lost. Can I help you with anything?" He smiled slightly.

"I, uh..." You trailed off.

"We aren't from around here. Could you maybe help us get back home?" Leo spoke up.

"That depends, which faction are you in?" He glanced down at both of your clothing. "Or are you factionless? You seem to have multiple faction colors on..."

Your mind began piecing everything together. You were somehow teleported into the Divergent fandom.

"Actually, we are Abnegation. A few factionless came and took our clothes, leaving us with these..."

He nodded his head, even though he clearly didn't believe your story completely. "Well, follow me and I'll get you some better clothing."

Leo looked nervously at you as you began to walk behind the man. He attempted to grab your hand, but you pulled away.

"Leo, the Abnegation faction doen't express PDA. We have to play along until we can find another portal hone." You whispered.

Leo sighed," Fine."


A few seconds later, you found yourself falling out of the sky. Raph landed first and caught you before you could hit the ground. You looked around and noticed you were in a suburban town in between a forest and a medium sized town. Two police like figures pointed to you and Raph before running towards you.

"Finally, we can get some help." Raph groaned and took a step towards them.

Your eyes narrowed in on their badges, making you realize where you were.

"Raph, they aren't here to help us. They are here to arrest us and take us to a harvest camp!" You grabbed his arm and ran into the woods.

"What are you talking about?"

"Stop runaways! Get back here AWOLs." They pulled guns from their holsters.

"(Y/n)! They have guns! Move faster!" Raph pushed you in front of him.

"They are tranq guns. They aren't allowed to use real bullets, but I suggest you dodge them like they are bullets."

One tranquilizer needle landed in the tree next to your head. You looked over to Raph and watched as he caught one of the tranqs in his hand and threw it back into the arm of the officer. A second later, he was crashing to the ground.

Ten minutes later, you finally lost the other cop. A steep dip came up in front of you, so naturally you stopped before you could fall into it. Raph, however, kept running and ran right into you, causing both of you to tumble like Jack and Jill.

Slowing to a stop, you found yourself at someone's feet. It was a boy around 16. Raph helped you up.

"Who are you?" Raph growled.

"I'm Connor."


Your hand touches a metal fence. You blink to see Donnie on the other side of the fence, holding his hand to yours.

"No touching!" A guard grunts, scaring you from the fence.

A strongly built and older man, probably in his mid to late 30's, looks in your direction before returning to his conversation with the man he was talking to on the opposite side.

"Where are we Donnie?" You notice the fence extends around a closed off building with an opened center.

"I don't know. It looks like we are... No way. We have been teleported into Season 3 of Prison Break."

"Say what now?" Your eyes widened.

"And I must be stuck inside of Sona." He sighed.


Falling out of the sky is not how you planned to spend your afternoon. And if it was, tell me Annie, are you okay?

Luckily for you, a wave of water caught Mikey and a flying boy came and caught you. And yes, I meant flying.

"Who are you, and why are you flying?" You asked on the way down.

He laughed, "Name's Jason Grace."

Mikey crossed his arms as Jason sat you down on the ground and stepped away from you. Another dark haired boy with green eyes walked up to Mikey.


"Percy Jackson..." Mikey said at the same time as the boy.

"Okay there is no way we are actually here. The Pjo world is fictional."

"Pjo?" A short, around 5'5" 5'6", Latino boy with elf ears walked up behind you. "What the heck does that mean?"

"Leo Valdez?" Mikey asked wide eyed. "Dude, you're my favorite character!"

You stepped in front of Mikey before he had to chance to fangirl over Leo.

"We need to talk with Chiron and the counselors. Like right now."


Everything went black. Casey stood up and hit his head on the gated ceiling of the small area you were in.

"What the shuck?" He grumbled.

"Casey be still, I'm pretty sure we are moving right now." You pulled him back down.

After a few minutes, the moving stopped and the top of the box opened. A guy with an English accent jumped down and landed in front of you.

"Looks like we got two Greenies this time. And ones a girl." He raised a brow at you.


But seriously, if you don't know what one of these fandoms are you need to join them fast. Like yesterday fast. These are a few of my favorite ones.

And to all the TMR fangirl/fanboys reading...

Page 250 ;)

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