Raph~ Difficult Decisions

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After being on the run for countless days and moving from facility to facility, you and Raph finally made it to the Graveyard. The Graveyard was the code name the area was given because it was an airplane graveyard. You waited in what appeared to be a never ending line to talk with the top three kids, all of which were personally chosen by the Admiral. Raph grunted and shifted his feet slightly, awaiting his turn in line next to you.

"So, let me get this straight. We're gonna tell them what we're good at and hope they give us a job we can enjoy doing?" He turned to you, obvious annoyed.

You simply nodded in return, busy thinking about what you could possibly tell them about yourself.

"Well I hope they have a job that requires beating people up. 'Cause that's all I'm good at." He folds his arms and steps forward to the table.

A minute later, Raph growls and stomps away from the table, mumbling something to himself. He crumbled the piece of paper in his hand. The person that assigned his job rolled his eyes and asked for you to step forward.

"What talents do you have?" He asked, clicking his pen.

You blinked. This wasn't how you were expecting the conversation to go. No introductions? Not even a hi? You could see why Raph easily got worked up.

"Well, I'm good at (activity) and I guess I know how to patch up an injury." You shrugged.

"Name?" He looked up at you with a bored expression.

"(Y/n) (L/n)."

"Okay, (y/n), I would assign you to dishwashing duty, but we're short on medics. So," he scribbled on a piece of paper and handed it to you," welcome to the medical field. Next."

You looked down at the piece of paper in your hand. It read: temporary medic. After wondering around for a few minutes, you found Raph standing in another line.

"Raph, what job did they-"

"I'm a fricking garbage collector! You would think they would put my talents to better use, but no, my muscles are only good for picking trash and dirt!"

You grabbed his hand. "It's okay Raph. We won't be here long remember? Just until we can find our way to another portal." You gave him a small reassuring smile.

"Let's just hope we find one before I kill that stupid Golden Boy who gave me this job."


A week later, the supplies started to run low. None of the head people wanted to say anything to the teens, but you and Raph had noticed along with a select few of the others.

You sat quietly next to Risa, passing her some guaze to patch up Conner's arm. He had fallen and cut his arm on some glass.

"Last piece of guaze." You sighed.

"Already? I thought we could at least last a few more days." Risa sat back in her seat after finishing her patch work.

"Yeah, well, if your boyfriend didn't get hurt every other day, we'd still have some." You smirked as she blushed at your statement.

"He's an idiot. He can't help but to get injured all the time." She smiled mischievously and leaned forward. "What about you and the guy with the muscles?"

"Raph? Yeah we've been together for about two years now. He's an idiot too."

"But I'm your idiot." Raph smirked as he walked in and kissed your cheek.

Risa laughed and walked out of the room to give you some space.

"What's up? Split your knuckles on someone's face again?"

"No, but I do need your help with something. You act as if I'm always violent." He crossed his arms.

You raised a suspecting brow at your boyfriend. He simply shrugged in response. "What is it you need help with?"

"We're running out of supplies and food. I say we sneak out and go get some."

"With what money? You gonna pull a Robin Hood?" You inquire.

"I see nothing wrong with taking what is needed to survive."

"How exactly do you expect to even get to the city? The closest town is like fifty miles away."

"Follow me, hermosa." He chuckled and walked to the door.

"Right behind ya, Mr. First Year Spanish."

"Hey, it was my only A besides P.E. so give me some credit." He opened the door for you.


"You sure this is gonna last fifty miles?" You closed your squeaky door to the beat up pick up truck.

"It should. I think I fixed it well enough that it should last." He started the car, which shook violently as the engine started.

"Golden Boy would be impressed with you, Garbage Head."

Raph rolled his eyes at you as he drove off into the night, two hours passed curfew.


As you pulled up to the store, you saw the juvie police surrounding two teens that looked similar to you and Raph. The boy had green eyes and a muscular build, but he wasn't built as much as Raph. The girl next to him had (h/c) hair and a lighter shade of (e/c) than you.

"Raph, we gotta save them." You say undoing your seat belt.

"What can we do? They're surrounded and the police will just follow them." He parked the truck.

You looked at the two teens and saw the desperation in their eyes. "We take their place." You jumped out of the pick up and started to sprint down the parking lot.

"Jesus, (y/n)! You're gonna get us killed!" Raph jumped out behind you.

"Pass me a smoke bomb." He tossed you the small egg and you chucked it into the middle of the circle.

Using stealth, the two of you pulled the teens out of the sight of the officers. "Get out of here. Take the truck and go." Raph said as he tossed them the keys. They nodded and took off running without a second thought.

As the smoke started to clear, you and Raph stood in their place with your hands above your heads.

"Hey, Raph?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"I love you."

"Love you too."

And with that, they tranq'ed you.

They strapped you down to a table in the same surgical room as Raph. In a few minutes your body would be unwound. Raph looked at you one last time before they began to operate on the both of you, starting by removing your arms.

Never thought this would be the way I'd die...

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