Spending Time with April

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You and April usually sit around talking about pretty much anything. The topic of you and Leo comes up every once in a while, causing her to fangirl over your relationship's cuteness.


April and you spar together whenever Sensei assigns competitors. A lot of the time you two are a team, fighting against the other girls.


"Hey, (y/n), can I talk to you for a second?"

You look away from your locker to see April standing next to you. You nod your head, hoping things would go well.

"Look, I know this apology is over due, but I'm sorry for everything. I shouldn't have gotten jealous and broke our friendship."

You smile,"I'm sorry, too, for punching you in the face, and calling you a thot, and for everything else I may have done."

"I'm sorry for your apology is so long,"you both laugh lightly.


You and April are probably closer than the rest of the girls. You go shopping, walk home together, and just hang out in general. She helps you with (worst subject) and you help her with her worst subject in school.


You were walking back home from (sport/club). You see a Purple Dragon grab April when she wasn't paying attention. Even though you two weren't friends, you decided to help her. Once you saved her, she thanked you.

"And, um, I'm sorry for being so rude to you. I was just jealous, even though I'm sure I didn't even like Casey nor Donnie like that. He's deserves someone who truly loves him, and I'm glad it's you."

You smile,"I'm sorry for all the times I retaliated. I over reacted a little. Friends?"


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