Turtle Tots Scenarios (1)

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I know this story is done, but a little chapter just because

Making Pizza as a Family:

A lot of families have a family game night. Well, your family's game night wouldn't be complete without making a pizza first. It was Mikey's idea.

You rolled out the dough and shaped it in a circle. "Alright, guys, what toppings are we gonna use tonight?"


"Jelly beans!"



The younger three turtles all stared at the eldest in disgust. Young Leo shrugged and held his head in confidence. "Pineapple belongs on pizza. You can't change my mind."

Raphael pretended to throw up. "If it's not meat lovers, you're doing it wrong. Cooked fruit does not belong on pizza."

You placed a flour covered hand on both of their shoulders. "Hey, Leo is entitled to his opinion, Raph. Unfortunately, I didn't buy any pineapples so we can't use that tonight. Remind me next week."

"From what I've seen online, a majority of people think it's a bad topping." Donnie points out. "This survey I found online says that 54% of people say that it doesn't belong. That includes Gordon Ramsey."

Mikey started spreading the pizza sauce while everyone was debating. "You know, I'm willing to try anything once. Tomato, pineapple, they're both fruits so I say who cares! No such thing as bad pizza, bros."

Wise words from Michelangelo.

Mikey's First and Last Pillow Fight:

You allowed the boys to watch Madagascar 3 while you took a nap. You figured it would be a nice break away from parenting and that nothing could go wrong from an innocent movie. You hated how wrong you were.

When the iconic pillow fight scene came on, Mikey devised a devious plan. He sneaked away from his brothers into their bedroom. He grabbed the biggest pillow and sprinted back to the living room. With all of his strength, he swung the pillow at Raphael's head. The hot headed young turtle screamed in anger before snatching the pillow from his brother. Leo and Donnie tried to hold him back, but he pushed them over and chased after Mikey anyway.

When you heard Raph's scream, you bolted from your sleepy state and into the room where your adopted sons resided. Pillow feathers littered the room. Raph was currently slapping Mikey over and over again with an empty pillow sack. Leo and Donnie were trying to pull him off. Yeah, you should've just stayed asleep.

Picking a Bedtime Story:

"Okay, guys, we've all had a long day. Donnie, pick a bedtime story."

Mikey groaned. "Why does Donnie get to pick? Isn't it my turn?"

"It was your turn last night, idiot." Raph complained. "Donnie, don't pick another lame story about science."

You shush the brothers. "Raphael, what did I say about being nice? Watch your words!" You then smile sweetly at the brainiac. "You can choose whatever you want. Hopefully you choose something short though."

"Um, how about The Very Hungry Caterpillar?" He suggested.

His brothers groaned in annoyance. Leo covered his face with a pillow. "I think I'd rather hear the science book. This is the third time in a row you've asked for this book!"

"Well I panicked! You all were giving your opinions and you know I'm not good under pressure!" Donnie complained.

You calmed the group down again before fishing out another book they haven't heard yet. "How about we read A Bad Case of Stripes? It's another classic."

All the arguing was for nothing. They all fell asleep by the third page.

How Leo Lost His Toaster Privileges:

"Are you sure you should be making toast without adult supervision? We should wait-"

Leo brushed his brother's concern off. "Calm down, Donnie. How hard can it be to use a toaster?"

Raph and Mikey covered their heads with some of the pots in the kitchen. The last time Leonardo got close to cooking anything by himself, he blew up the microwave making Ramen. Long story short, he forgot the water and should have just waited five minutes for you to cook them on the stove.

Leo shoved a piece of bread into both sides of the toaster. Once he started the machinery, he shoved a stick of butter into both sides.

"Uh, Leo-"

"It's just butter, Donnie."


"It's fine."

"You forgot to unwrap the butter!"

Right after Don announced Leo's mistake, the toaster began smoking. But wait, it gets worse. Leo tried to throw water on the toaster, which got in the electrical socket. The toaster blew up within seconds. Raph rushed in to the rescue with the fire extinguisher. You were not going to be happy when you got home. 

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