Vacation: Raph

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~Your PoV~

After months and months of homework, tests, and finals, you were finally released from the jail which is also known as school. You hugged your friends goodbye before heading back to the lair. You wanted to plan out an amazing summer with Raph, but you wanted to wait for him to return home in order to do so.

He told you that he, Casey, and his brothers were going to hang out today for a while, so that left you, Casey and his brothers' girlfriends, Ice Cream Kitty, and Master Splinter. An hour went by before you guys decided to watch a movie together. You placed Ice Cream Kitty inside a portable cooler in front of the TV. Splinter handed out cheesicles and (favorite pizza) to everyone before turning on (favorite movie).

Raph slowly walked into the lair, a wide smirk evident on his face.He motioned for you to follow him, walking towards the dojo after doing so. Rolling your eyes, you excused yourself and followed suit.

"Raph I don't feel like training right now. We were watching (favorite movie) and I don't want to miss my favorite scene."

"Hold your horses, princessa, I'm not here to train."

"That's a first. What am I here for then?"

He walked up to you and hugged you. After holding you for a few seconds, he whispered in your ear:

"Me, you, and a vacation in Hawaii."

You skeptically raised an eyebrow."Seriously?"

He pulled back from the hug." Have I ever lied to you?"

"Let's hope not. Anyway, what are you waiting for? It's time to pack."


The airplane landed after an overall smooth flight. Raph grabbed both his and your suitcase and walked outside of the airport. A black limousine pulled up in front of you. The driver let down the window.

"Are you Mr. and Mrs. Hamato?" The driver took off his shades.

"Yeah, is this our ride?" Raph smiled like a little boy would after getting a toy card.

Ten minutes later, you were cruising down the street to your destination: The Four Seasons Hotel. The person working the front desk gave you and Raph room cards, leading you to your room.

Instantly, you ran to the small balcony to gaze at the beautiful view if the glistening water. Raphael walked towards you, hugging you from behind. You cuddled into his embrace as he kissed you on the cheek. No words were said between the two of you. The only sound was the calming waves below and the low mumble of the wind.

An hour later, you were dressed in a (f/c) swimsuit so you could go to the beach. After what felt like hours to Raph, you came out of the bathroom.

He touched your arm and pulled back while wincing in pain.

"What the shell, babe, why are you so dang hot!" You blushed at his words."What did I do to get a girl as fine as you?"

Compliment after compliment, eventually Raphael focused on the thought of other guys being able to see you; as a result, he zipped his jacket on you.

The beach was beautiful. Vegetation was behind the area you chose. The water was a delicate shade of blue. You had the whole area to yourself.

Straightening your (f/c) chair, you laid back and enjoyed the view of the picturesque island. Raph placed his chair next to you, grabbing your hand after sitting in his. He smiled and closed his eyes. Eventually, the two of you went out into the water.

Raphael splashed you with water, which you returned as you chased after him. Once you caught him, he cupped your cheek and slowly kissed you. Pulling away, his eyes averted to the water. He reached down and revealed an open clam with a pearl within it. (I know how original of me. Note my sarcasm)

Raph smirked and handed you the pearl. This action earned him another peck of the lips. He placed his forehead on yours while closing his eyes.

"I love you so much." He whispered just loud enough for you to hear.

"I love you too, Raph."

Many kisses and romantic moments later, the sun began to set. You pulled out your phone to take a picture of the sky. You noticed Raph did the same.

"What did you take a picture of? The sky?"

He shook his head no. "I took one of the world."

He revealed the photo, and, to your surprise, it was a picture of you.

"I thought you said you took a picture of the world."

"I did. You are my world, (y/n)."

"You've been on Instagram too much lately." You kiss his cheek.

He rolled his eyes."It's the truth though. Ready to head back?"


Once again, you walked to the mini balcony to stare and take in the reality of this vacation. Raph walked next to you, drying his hair with a towel.

"I'm glad you managed to arrange this vacation. It's nice to have some alone time away from all the fighting and evil alien robots." You said.

"Yeah, but I still love kicking butt." He laughed.

"What are you going to do when all the bad guys are gone?" You asked.

"I don't know," he shrugged,"I guess I'll just have to slap yours." He slapped your butt and began to walk away.

You walked next to him."Yeah? Well I can do the same to you whenever you are in human form." You slapped his butt in return and laid in the bed.

"How did you manage to get the plane tickets anyway?"

"There was this contest thing. I managed to win a vacation to Hawaii for two." He cuddled up to you.

"You won something? That's a first."

"Shut up. I win battles all of the time. Let's not forget that my football team won state this year, (y/n)."

"True, but-"

"And I found a way to win your heart." He kissed your forehead. "Goodnight, babe."

"Goodnight, Raphie."

Sooooo sorry for the long wait for this update. My little cousin is in the hospital and I've been there everyday and finals just ended. So, once again super sorry.
~Randi PayDay

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