When He Joins a Sports Team

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|Leo's PoV|

I was in P.E. playing baseball. Everyone was assigned positions to play and I was given pitcher. The first batter stepped up to the plate at smirked at me.

"I'll go easy on you since you're a newbie."

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"I'll only hit a couple of home runs to make your life easy," he swung the bat, demonstrating.

"We'll see about that," I smiled to myself.

I pitched the first throw, a fast ball. It flew past the boy and over the plate before he had time to react. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes.

"Strike One!"

The batter scowled at me as I began to pitch again. This time it was a curve ball. He swung too early barely hitting it enough to go anywhere.

"Foul ball!"

I shrugged my right shoulder a few times before pitching one last time. This time, the baseball flew at a faster speed than the first time. He swung, but it was too late.

"You're out!"

The boy grunted and threw the bat to the ground. I looked over at the teacher and he smiled back at me.


Not long after, I struck out two more players and switched sides. I was fourth to bat and so far everyone ahead of me ran a single base.

I looked over and saw that the baseball coach was talking to the P.E. director. Then both of their eyes shot back over at me. I quickly looked away and grabbed the bat.

The first time I swung I hit a foul ball in the direction of third base. The first guy I struck out, I believe his name is Jacob, snickered at the play.

Slightly angered, I gripped the bat tighter and readied myself to swing. The pitcher threw the ball and I swung with all my strength. I heard the crack of the baseball against the bat and watched as the baseball flew into the air and into the outfield.

I sprinted to first base and saw that the ball just landed on the ground. Then, I flew past second without looking over my shoulder to find where the baseball was now. My foot tapped third base and I used the last of my energy to run home.

Jacob was speeding towards me. I quickly landed my foot on home base and smirked up at him. Red faced, he stomped off into the outfield.


After I changed out of my P.E. attire, the P.E. instructor and baseball coach walked up to me.

"That's quite an arm you've got there boy. My names Coach Johnson."

"Leo Hamato. Nice to meet you, sir,"I shook his hand.

"So you're one of the Hamato boys all the coaches are interested in? I can see why. I would love to have you as an addition to our team."

"I'd gladly accept."

"Great. We start practicing next week," he hands me a flyer and walks away.

Wait until I tell (y/n) about this.


|Raph's PoV|

I had some extra time after eating lunch. A few of the guys I've became close to invited me to hang out for ten minutes.

Once we walked outside I see a group throwing a football back and forth to each other.

"Hey Raph, heads up!"

I catch the football and look back in the direction that it came from. I pulled my arm back and threw the football back to one of the players.

I guess either I threw the football too hard or he has zero to little experience in football because he stumbles backwards. All the guys look over at me with shocked faces.

"What?" I shrugged.

"We need to introduce you to Coach Evans ASAP."


They led me down a few different corridors. We walk into the weight room and a few athletes are working out.

I look around at all the equipment. As I was browsing, a tall and extremely built man walked my way.

"What's up boys?" He fist bumps with them.

"Coach, this guy has a great arm when it comes to throwing a football. You should check him out."

He examines me for a few seconds.

"Is it true, son?"

"Uh yes sir."

"We needed a new addition to our team. Would you be interested?"

"Of course I would."

"Well welcome to the team..." He stops.

"Raphael Hamato, but everyone calls me Raph."

"We start practicing today. I'll have one of the guys bring you the schedule."

"Yes, sir." He fist bumps me and walks away.

The bell rings and I hurry to my next class.

|Don's PoV|

Before school started, I sat on one of the benches by the soccer field. Usually no one is here, but today a team is practicing.

I sketch ideas for a new invention for the team. So far I haven't come up with much, but I have had some ideas for improvements I could make from older inventions.

I look away from my sketch book when I feel something against my foot. I look down and it was the soccer ball the team was using.

"Hey can you kick that back over here?" A player yelled to me.

I nod my head and put my books down. I steady myself at an angle to kick the ball. I ran forward and kicked the ball. It flew in a straight path and into the boy's hands. He looked at me with wide eyes.


I pick up my books and sit down again after nodding my head as a response. A few minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder. Before I looked up, I looked at what I was drawing. I had (y/n)'s name drawn in different designs.

I blushed and quickly slammed my notebook closed. I looked up and saw a group of the soccer team and their coach.

"Uh hi."

The boy closest to me smirked at my notebook. He opened his mouth to talk, but their coach stepped in front of him.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Donatello Hamato, but everyone calls me Don or Donnie."

"Well, Donnie, that was quite some kick there," he points over shoulder.

"Thanks Mr..." I trail off.

"Call me Coach Taylor. I'm hoping you'll join our team."

"It would be an honor, sir."

"Fantastic, here's our schedule," he hands me a copied version of a calendar.

"You wanna join us?" He asks as he walks away.

"Sure," I stand up.

"So (y/n), huh?"

I blush and turn around to see the boy that tried to talk to me a few minutes earlier.

"Uh yeah... She's my girlfriend."

We start walking to the field.

"Isn't this your second week here? And you already gave a girlfriend?"

"She was my girlfriend before I came here."

"I see," he walks onto the field.


|Mikey's PoV|

I had a free period after my Algebra class. It was supposed to be a study hall class, but today a few of my friends on the basketball team invited me to play with them.

I opened the gym door and saw five other boys waiting for us to arrive. The guy in the middle threw a basketball at me and I caught it.

"Hope you're ready rookie. 'Cause I'm not going easy on you."

"I don't need you to."

We shot for team captain and two guys named Tony and Jared, the one who called me rookie, won.

I was the second pick for Tony's team. All of us were given positions to play. I was assigned to be the shooting guard.

I saw a few teachers sit down to watch us play. One of them came to toss the ball for the tip off. Jared's team started off with the ball and my team dropped back to play defense.

He smirked at me. His teammate passed him the ball and he began to shoot. I ran over and blocked his shot. Passing the outlet to the point guard.

Tony threw me a lead pass to the basket and I caught the ball, making an easy layup. I looked at the teachers looked impressed and nodded.

We played until the bell rang and my team won. One of the teachers that was spectating came up to me with a smile.

"Hello Mikey, you're a great basketball player. At least from what I see."

"Thanks dude... I mean Mr..."

"Griffin. But to you I'm Coach Griffin. Welcome to the team," he shook my hand.

"Awesome! I can't wait to play!"

He nodded and walked away.

No Casey for this one since he's already on the team.

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