When You Cook Together

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I just published a PJO and Magnus Chase x reader One Shot book if you guys were interested.

Also this may be the last chapter for this book. Thank you all so much for the support for the years this book has been around. I never expected it to get so popular and it has been a dream come true for so many people to enjoy my writing ❤️
I have another tmnt x reader/Oc book and my Raph x reader (book 2) out and being updated if you guys still wanted to read my tmnt books.


Everyone knows Leo is the worst cook. Like seriously, when Leo is cooking, have a fire extinguisher nearby. Normally, you would advise that he stays out of the kitchen and let someone else do the cooking, but Leo begged and begged.

The puppy eyes were the last straw.

"Fine, Leo. What do you want?"

"Yes!" He exclaimed and did a little dance before racing to the refrigerator. "French toast here I come."

You put the stove on medium heat and grabbed a loaf of bread from the cabinet. Leo stood behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder. He sighed heavily to get your attention.

"Yes, Leo?" You laughed a little as you reached for the cinnamon and sugar.

"You gotta let me help! I promise I won't burn anything... too badly."

Rolling your eyes, you pushed his head away from you. "Fine, I'm giving you the easy job. Melt the butter in the pan. Can you handle that?"

"Pfft piece of cake... Or should I say..."

"Don't say it."

"A slice of-"

"Leo, I swear-"

"A slice of bread!" He laughed at his terrible pun and threw some butter on the pan. The moment he did, smoke engulfed the area.

The smoke detector went off. As the air cleared, Leo got a clear view of your glare. He nervously spread what remained of the butter on the pan.

"Heh, at least nothing caught on fire this time." He shrugged with a proud smile on his face. Just as he did so, some of the butter from the spoon fell onto the fire from the stove. The fire quickly grew as you fumbled for the extinguisher.

"You were saying, Leo?"


It was midnight. Raph rolled over in the bed, wide awake. He shook your sleeping form.

"(Y/n), baby, wake up." He whispered.

You managed to mumble, "What Raph?"

"I can't go to sleep and I'm hungry. Let's go make some pasta." He nuzzled his head into your neck.

"Pasta? At midnight? I hope you're talking about Ramen." You push his face off of you.

"I want Alfredo." He waited a moment for you to respond. When you didn't, he continued. "Please, babe? Don't make me beg!"

You sat up out of your sleep. "Fine, Raph, but you better not wake me up until four tomorrow."

"Yes, you're the best!"

You handed Raph the butter and whipping cream to add into the sauce pan. His tough guy attitude was completely replaced by his secret love for cooking.

You yawned. "I'm gonna start the noodles. After a couple of minutes-"

"Add the cream cheese and seasoning! Yeah, I got it, but look, I'm thinking about adding some thyme, Italian seasoning-"

You glared at him after heating up the pot for the noodles. "You're telling me you already know how to make this? Why did you wake me up if you knew how to make it?"

Raph blushes and turned back to the seasoning cabinet. "Okay, yes I know how to make it, but I just wanted to spend time with my girl." He hugged you.

"Yeah, yeah ya big softie. I'm halfway asleep right now so the whole affection thing is kinda hard." You lean your head on his shoulder. "Especially when my annoying boyfriend wakes me up out of my sleep to make some freaking fettuccine Alfredo!"

"...Sorry." Raph lowered his head. "But look at how nice this sauce looks!"

You sigh and shake your head. This was going to be a long night.


You walked through the lair looking for your tall turtle boyfriend. When you didn't see him in the living-room with his brothers, you knew exactly where to find him. You knock on the lab door gently before peeking your head inside.

"Donnie baby, you in here?"

He waited until after he carefully mixed the chemicals he was working with before responding to you. "Yeah, sweetheart, come in."

Once he saw that the mixture wasn't going to explode, he turned to you, a big smile on his face. He opened his arms, guiding you to his lap. "What's up, love? What can I help you with?"

You bury your head into the crook of his neck. "I'm hungryyy."

He laughed a little at you before lifting your head and motioning towards a pile of chip bags. "Eat a bag of my chips. I've been surviving off of them for a while."

You reach for a bag of (favorite chips). You noticed the waste bin full of chip bags. "When you say 'a while,' how long are we talking?"

He shrugs nonchalantly. "Oh, you know, just three days."

You looked at him blankly. "I'm sorry, did you just say three days?"

"I've been busy."

"Too busy to eat?"

"There was a long list of things to do?"

"And that list didn't include real food?"

Donnie opened and closed his mouth a few times. He knew it was a useless argument. "Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"We're going to cook a nice meal for the two of us." You get off of his lap and take him by the hand.

"You mean three. Mikey is definitely going to want whatever we cook." He laughed lightly as he followed you to the kitchen.

You opened the fridge and grabbed a pack of ground beef. "We're going to make you some burgers so you can eat somewhat healthier than what you have been the last three days." You then grabbed some seasoned salt, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning for the meat.

"Think of it like a science experiment. You have to mix the perfect proportions of everything in order to make a successful meal." You say as you aid him with seasoning the meat.

Donnie's face lit up slightly at the thought. He eagerly began to season the meat on his own. You added oil to the pan and grabbed a spatula to flip the patties. You watched as Donnie hummed in amusement as he finally ate a decent meal.


You and Mikey were sitting on the couch, engaged in a competitive game of (favorite video game). You were sharing a bag of (favorite snack) throughout your gaming binge. After a few hours, you removed one of your hands from the controller and reached into the snack bag. You fingers brushed crumbs.

You quickly paused the game. "Mikey, we're out of snacks!"

"No! Dudette, it's the end of the world!" He screamed and rolled around dramatically on the floor.

"Mikey." You tried to get your boyfriend's attention.

"We're going to die!"


"All hope is lost!"

"...Mikey!" You screamed over his whines. He froze, laying on his face, mid-scream. "Now that I have your attention, I would like to tell you that: I think we should make a pizza."

Mikey flipped over onto his shell. "Baby, you should have said something earlier. Let's go!" He ran off to the kitchen.

You shook your head but followed your child-like boyfriend. You grabbed some bread flour, yeast, olive oil, and water and got to work on the pizza dough. Mikey opened the freezer as he pranced around and began singing with Ice Cream Kitty.

"I love a little hot sauce on my pizza~. I love a little hot sauce, yes I do." He continued on with his infamous pizza song as he cut up the toppings you guys would be using.

Ice Cream Kitty meowed to the song as you took over the next verse. "But hot sauce isn't hot without sardines, son. It just tastes like a pile of sticky goo!" You hip bump him and roll behind him while flipping the dough into the air.

You and Mikey continued on through his song as you slid the pizza into the oven. You flicked some flour into his face just as he smeared sauce onto your face.

"Oh, it is on Michelangelo."

"Bring it on sister!"

The both of you pelted each other with random pizza toppings as his brothers watched you guys with an unamused look on their faces.


Casey came home and flopped dramatically on the bed where you were sitting. He flung his practice bag across the room and crawled forward, laying his head in your lap. You put your book (or phone if you don't like reading) down and combed your fingers through his dark hair.

"Long day at practice, love?" You ask him.

He hums a response. Casey's stomach grumbling interrupted the silence between you two. He groans and rolls over on his back, rubbing his empty stomach.

"Babeeee, I have hunger. I need food!"

You push him over and head towards the door. "Come on, let's go make some chicken. I've been dying to use this new air fryer your dad bought."

"Yesssss!" Casey jumped up and tackled you in a hug.

You pushed him off of you. "Shower first, then come help me cook."

You enter the kitchen and thawed out a pack of drumsticks as Casey ran to the shower. When he came back, you had just begun to season the chicken with some seasoned salt, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

"Case, grab a few eggs out of the fridge and put them in a bowl, would you?" You ask your boyfriend as you grab the sack of flour from the cabinet and poured some in a bowl.

Casey slid you the bowl of slightly whisked eggs. He then went to plug in the air fryer. You dipped the seasoned chicken in the eggs and then into the flour before handing it to Casey to put into the air fryer.

"You have the easy part, Case. You better not mess it up." You kiss his cheek and move to wash your hands.

"I'm too hungry to mess up. Plus I'm too lazy to start over." He grinned as he continued to follow the directions to fry the chicken.

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