When You Get Jealous

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You were texting Leo one night about your plans to hang out.

You: Are we still watching Space Heroes?

Leo: Oh right...

You: Is that a no?

Leo: I can't tonight. I promised Karai I would meet up.

You: Oh okay...

Mikey had told you all about Karai and how Leo used to have a crush on her. Mad, you ask Donnie to track Leo's phone.

"He's not too far from the pizza place."

"Thanks Don." You instantly track down Leo and grew angrier when you saw what was happening. Karai had hugged Leo and their faces only inches apart. You jump over to the roof they were on and slap her.

"Stay. Away. From. Leo!"

"(Y/n) are you jealous?" Leo smirks.

"No! Now let's go!"


After school you had to stay after school to study. Throughout the time, Raph was texting you, but he stopped after 30 minutes.

Making your way through the sewers you see Raph sitting with a girl with blonde hair.

"Raphael Hamato what the heck is wrong with you?!"

"Hey Chica what's up?"

"Don't 'what's up' me! You little cheat-"

The girl turns around and says "Hey (y/n)." Who you thought was a girl was actually Mikey with a wig.

You were so surprised that you fainted as soon as he finished his sentence.

"What's wrong with her?"

"I think she's jealous."

"Who wouldn't be? I'm so pretty!" Mikey flips his wig and walks away.


April was with Donnie again and you knew it because she just sent you a snapchat of herself in his lab. Ever since you received the snap, Donnie stopped texting you.

Sprinting, you run straight into the sewers to his lab to see April twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes.

"Get away from him you thot!" You take tackle her to the ground.

"Sweetheart don't kill her!"

"Donnie get her off of me!" April screamed.

After having four turtles pull you off of April, she runs out yelling.

"So was that jealousy I saw?" Donnie says while wrapping an arm around you.

"I'm not even going to deny it."


Raph decided to prank Mikey and glue a blond wig to his head while he was sleeping.

At the same time you were walking into the lair heading to Mikey's room.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Raph snickers to himself.

You open the door and see a girl in Mikey's bed.

"Michelangelo! This better not be what it looks like!"

"Shh (y/n) I'm trying to sleep."

"With another girl?!"

"What girl?" Mikey sits up and looks at you confused.

"I- uh... I'm going home now."


April got assigned to work on a project with Casey. So you've constantly been checking up on the two.

You: How's the project coming?

Casey: Open your door!!!

Confused, you opened the door a see Casey running down the street towards you.

"Casey just kiss me already!"

"Get away from me April!"

Casey sprints into your house with April trailing him.

"Excuse me. What are you doing?"

"Move (y/n)!" She pushes you back.

You punch her in her face and close the door.

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