When You Move In

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"(Y/n) we are moving. Pack your bags."

Your parent(s) wanted to move to a smaller city in New York. You obviously didn't want to leave your friends, nor your boyfriend behind.

"No, I'm staying here," you mumbled.

"Excuse me? I don't think I heard you right," your parent said.

"I'm staying. I'll still visit you often, but I have to stay here. My friends and boyfriend are here..." You looked away.

"Boyfriend? When did you get a boyfriend?" They questioned.

"Um, it's been over a year now..." You quickly added,"but I'll just stay with his family. They are really nice."

"When can we meet this 'boyfriend'?"

Your face flushed. You tried to come up with an excuse as to why they couldn't meet him.

"Um, I don't know. He's kinda shy..."

Just as you said that, your phone rang and none other than (y/t/c) was on the other end.

"(Y/t/c), this isn't the best time."

"Sorry Sweetheart. I was wondering what time you were coming over today."

Your parent(s) ask,"(y/t/c)? Is that his name?"

"Yes his name is (y/t/c)," you respond, but they take the phone from you.

"Is this (y/t/c)? I hear that you've been in a relationship with my daughter for a while now and I haven't met you yet."

"Well, uh, you see... I'm shy? Yeah I'm very shy."

"Well we are moving so say goodbye to your girlfriend."

"I'm not going with you!" You exclaim,"I told you I'll stay with (y/t/c)!"

"Sounds fine with me. I'll be there in twenty minutes," he hung up.


He knocked on the door, which you gladly opened for him. He was in his human form.

"You ready?"

You nod. Your parents look surprisingly at Leo. He nervously waves.

"Leo, show them your true form. I think they need to know..."

"True form? What do you mean?" Your parent(s) asks.

Leo takes off his watch and turns into his turtle form. Your parent(s) shake their head and usher you out the door with your bags.

"Just... Don't forget to visit."


He came to your window while you were packing the last of your possessions. You smiled and motioned for him to come in. He begins to pick up some of your things. Your parent busts through the door, eyes wide at the site of Raph.

"Get away from my daughter," s/he points to Raph, grabbing the nearest thing as a weapon, which was a lamp.

"Woah, chill with that lava lamp. I'm not going to hurt her."

"(Mom/dad) this is my boyfriend, Raph," you stand between the two.

"You date that thing? He's a freak."

"Thanks, I really feel the love."

"Raph," you look at him,"He's a good guy, I don't care what he looks like. I love him."

"He's an ugly mutant!"

"Hey if you think I'm ugly you should see my brother."

You usher Raph out the window, grabbing the remainder of your bags in the process. You wave goodbye and head towards the lair.


Your parents were trying to convince you to leave when Donnie showed up. You all were in your room and Donnie landed outside your window. Your parent(s) stood dumbfounded as Donnie awkwardly waved.

"(Y/n) get behind me," (s/he) said.

You walked around them, letting Donnie in.

"This is Donatello, my boyfriend."

Donnie smiled and held out a hand, your (mom/dad) reluctantly shook his three-fingered hand. S/he eyed him before letting go of his hand.

"Don't hurt my little girl, okay?"

"I promise she's in good hands (sir/ma'am)."


Mikey knocked on your door. Your (mom/dad) opened the door before you could. A loud yelp came from your living room, causing you to run into the room. Your (mom/dad) was beating Mikey up with a pillow.

"Hey, I'm a good guy. Stop!" Mikey looked at you,"(Y/n) help me!"

"How do you know my daughter?" (S/he) continued hitting him.

"She's my girlfriend dude! I-I mean (sir/ma'am)."

"Your girlfriend? You date a mutant?"

You nod as you take the pillow from them. Mikey ran to you and hugged you.

"Okay then. I'm pretty sure I'm in shock right now, but for some reason I approve of this."

Mikey helped with your bags and you left, hugging your parent(s) goodbye.


You opened the door for Casey when he walked in. He turned to your parent(s).

"You must be (Mr./Mrs.) (L/n). Nice to finally meet you."

"And you must be missing at least four teeth," your (mom/dad) raised a brow.

"(Mom/Dad)! This is my boyfriend Casey Jones. I'll be staying with him, his father, and his little sister."

Casey grabbed your bags and opened the door for you. You hugged your parent(s) goodbye and left.

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