When You See Your Ex

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You waited inside of movie theater waiting for Leo to drive up with the car. It was raining and you didn't have an umbrella so he volunteered to pick you up at the door. You were texting in the group chat with the four Hamato brothers, their girlfriends, and Casey and April. A tap on your shoulder caused you to turn around. It was (ex's name).

"(Y/n), I've missed you." (He/she/they) hugged you randomly, which you didn't return. You awkwardly pushed away from them.

"What are you doing? You haven't talked to me since the break up, yet you say you miss me?" You raise a brow.

(He/she/they) reached for your hands, but you pulled back. "Don't act like you don't miss me. Who else would date someone as sorry as you?"

"Don't you dare ever call my girlfriend sorry again. She is beautiful and amazing, which probably explains why you are coming after her again." Leo stormed into the building.

He/she/they growled and rolled his/her/their eyes. "I don't want her. She was only good for benefits."

"We never even-" you began.

"You better stay away from her. If I ever see you near her or hear you insult her again, we will have a problem buddy." Leo grabbed your hand and stormed out the building with you.


You were shopping in the mall with Raph. You stuffed clothes in his hand and pushed him into a dressing room. "Put on that red button up shirt first." You tell him as you walk away.

"What a surprise. You're here to try to make yourself look better, but you never will look better than me." A voice from behind you said.

You turned around to see (ex's name) and his/her/their new girlfriend Natalie. You roll your eyes and turn back around.

"What? Can't speak, gremlin?" (Ex's name), says with a snicker.

"It's not that I can't speak, I just refuse to waste my time on a piece of schist."

An argument broke out from there. Well it was one-sided as he/she/they threw insults at you as you sat there with a bored expression. And that's when Raph walked out.

"Woah, I know dang well you aren't talking about my (y/n). In all honesty what is up with you? She is muy bonita.*" He looked at you with a smile. "While you my friend are nothing but a piece of shuck beneath my feet."

(Ex's name)'s girlfriend gawked at the sight of Raph. You grabbed Raph's hand and smiled. He kissed you and turned back to your ex.

"Now, I suggest you leave before I get mad. And when I get mad... Well let's just say you don't want to be around me when I lose my temper."

They quickly walked away. You looked at Raph and practically drooled at his outfit. He was in khaki pants and had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. "Red is definitely your color, novio.* Me gusta.*"

1* very pretty
2* boyfriend
3* I like (it is pleasing to me)


Donnie managed to convince you to go to the school again to help with the little kids' soccer camp like he did last year. His coach gave you the keys and asked if you could go to the sports' storage room to get the colorful jerseys. While walking across the parking lot, you saw your ex pull up in his/her/their car. You rolled your eyes, trying to walk faster. He/she/they saw you and slowly pulled up next to you.

"You are still looking good (y/n)." He/she/they said while rolling down the window.

"Leave me alone, (ex's name). I'm doing something." You walked faster.

"Yeah and I have a problem with that because it's not me." (ex's name) said. You rolled your eyes and stepped on to the side walk and began to walk into the school. Once you got into the school, you looked out the door to see if he/she/they left yet. To your discomfort, he/she/they was/were walking up to the school.

You groaned and hurriedly ran up the steps to the storage room, closing the door. You picked up the jerseys, but stopped when you heard movement outside of the door.

"Y/N, I know you are somewhere in this hallway. Come on out." You waited until the rounded the corner before you sprinted out of the door and down the steps. You could hear footsteps behind you as you sprinted to the soccer field. You dropped the box in front of Donnie, gave the keys to the coach and ran to the outdoor bathrooms.

~Don's PoV~

"(Y/n), where are you going?" I called after her. I turned around to see someone following her.

"Have you seen a girl about this tall, (h/c) hair, and (e/c) eyes?" He/she/they stopped, panting.

"Do you mean my girlfriend? Look it is evident she doesn't want to be bothered by you right now,  so why don't you save yourself the trouble and just leave." I crossed my arms. He/she/they tried to push me back, but my body didn't move an inch. I rose a brow.

"Your girlfriend? She wants me back, not you!" He/she/they tried to walk passed me. I took a step over, blocking his/her/their path.

"I don't have to be a scientist or a psychologist to know that she obviously doesn't want you around, so go. She wasn't happy with you and she never will be okay."

"Whatever." He/she/they turned around, just to get hit in the back of the head by a soccer ball. I turned around to see (y/n) holding three soccer balls in her hands.

"Oops?" She smiled.


You and Mikey were currently on a date at the pizza parlor. Mikey left the table to go get the pizza. Once he was gone, you began to scroll through (favorite social media). The chair in front of you moved, grasping your attention. You thought it was Mikey, but when you looked up, it was actually your ex.

"What's the word (y/n)?" He/she/they smiled.

"Leave." You stated looking back at your phone.

"I just wanted to keep you company. You seemed lonely."

You didn't respond, you just kept looking at your phone. He/she/they stood up and walked over to you, grabbing your phone from your hand. "Your phone wasn't even on!"

"That blank screen is more interesting than the relationship we had. You were embarrassed of me when you were with your friends! You only dated me for a dare. Which, might I add, you lost money to because I refused to sleep with you!"

"Hey, I don't think anything is wrong with earning a couple of bucks..."

"By breaking someone's heart? By pretending to actually like someone?" You sighed and grabbed your nose while putting your head down. "Give me my phone and leave me alone."

"You don't mean that." He/she/they smiled.

"Do I need to sing the Michael Jackson song to prove it to you?" You cleared your throat.

"Please don't." He/she/they handed you your phone. "I hate that song, but I don't hate you." He/she/they tried to grab your hand.

"Dudette, look at what I can do." Mikey called out while spinning the pizza platter on his fingertip and balancing the drinks on his head.

"Seriously, leave me alone (ex's name)!" You yelled.

"Fine. Don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart." He/she/they got up and stormed away, only to run into Mikey. The pizza twirled out of Mikey's hand and all over (ex's name), followed by the drinks on Mikey's head. He/she/they growled and pushed passed Mikey.

"Sorry, dude(tte)."


You crossed juice off of the shopping list. Currently, you and Casey were grocery shopping for the household. Casey was pushing the cart, swerving in and out of aisles.

"Heads up, Arnold." You say as you throw a box of rice over your shoulder. He ran up with the cart, catching it inside and sped off towards the brownies.

"Quit calling me that. You were sworn to secrecy." He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Bernind. I-" You were cut off by a voice.

"(Y/n), how are you?" Your ex said from behind you. You turned in surprise.

"(Ex's name)? I thought you moved." You said as you grabbed a box of pasta.

"I did, but I'm back now. I'll be attending Roosevelt High with you again." He/she/they winked.

"(Y/n) look at this! It's a fudge filled cupcake... Who's this?" Casey lowered the cupcake.

"Casey Jones, how do you not recognize me? Remember Spanish class?"

"(Ex's name)? You really thought it was a smart idea to show your face around me again?" Casey growled.

You put a hand on Casey's chest. "Woah, calm down Case."

"Calm down?! This is the guy/girl/person that used to insult you everyday before we got together!" He clenched his fist.

"Oh really?" You raised a brow.

He/she/they pulled her phone out. "What's that mom? Aisle six? I'll be there." (Ex's name) scurried away.

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