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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞  𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞
𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫

-𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐭

You know I always knew he wouldn't last

And you didn't think to tell me?!?

What, you were enjoying the free credit card and cookiee, I couldn't ruin that for you.

It's been 3 weeks, 5 days 16 hours 45mins, and 20 seconds since I last saw or spoke to my dear Oli boo. I know right, it's like he disappeared out of my life the same way he appeared. Oh, you are probably wondering who "Oli boo" is well that's the name of my soo call boyfriend or should I say Ex-boyfriend OliseEmeka. I should have known he was a total rip-off.

I mean hello what part of him didn't scream rip-off to you. Is it the cookie? Credit card? The surprise lunch? boy, it was all in there. Dude was spitting pick-up like it was his second language.

{Pick up line: they are like short phrases or sentence boys use on girls to charm, sway or woe them.
Eg are you a damsel in distress because I would love to buy you this dress.
Is your name Google? Because you have everything I've been searching for
Now that is a pick-up line}

I know I just, I didn't see past all of that. He was super sweet and super gentle--

And super not your boyfriend anymore, the relationship didn't even last 3 weeks. So, move on like you've always have. I'm sure you'll find someone much soothing and not a player.

I guess you're right

Oh, sweetheart you know I'm right.

Whatever, let's just go home, I have another missing X to find

X?? Who's X.. Oh you mean you have a new maths homework

Yeap and apparently this X is a lot harder to find, babe you need to see the equation. Hmmm, it wee shock you.

I can imagine how hard it is from your trembling voice. Don't worry, I'm no guru in Maths but I got you. We die here.

Hmm before inko, we die here together ni oo.

I just like that I had totally forgotten about OliseEmeka. I still can't believe I fell for him, I mean I knew he was a player right from scratch especially with that silly pick up lines he kept throwing my way. Oh well, we move, I got a missing X to find in my Maths homework. Oh and let to forget I there is this certain damsel in distress I'm to help in my literature assignment.

Gosh, there is just so much to do in just a little time, if only I have like two of me it would be so much better. You know, one will be academically oriented and the other would be handling my social life. How great would that be?

Girl that is a horrible idea do not even think it let alone say of out loud.

What?? I'm not that bad, right?

Oh no, you're not, youuu are so wonderful at creating and getting into trouble.

Yea thanks for the compliment chicken

You are welcome chick. Besides being the subconsciousness of two of you is a handful. I mean I already have my hands full having to deal with just one of you not to talk of two. Hell no sis NO thank you.

Well I think It's a great idea at least the extra me could you know do other things like --

Get you a social life?? Yeah right, girl you do not buy a social life at the mall, if you could I would have personally drag you to the mall to get one, cuz girl, you desperately needed it.

I was gonna say house chores but umm... Hey! I have a social life, and real friends and--

And a world that revolves around your mom, family friend, and her childhood friends... Yea you definitely have a social life.

I hate you and get out of my head

You know I can't baby, and even if I can, I wouldn't, so you're stuck with me.

Urgh, go away.

With that I shut my subconsciousness out, making my way on the street to where my house is located. I got home not long after four in the evening and all want to do was eat and get some good solid 3 hours nap. Sadly my older brother who unfortunately for me was home early didn't have any of that. The minute I set my foot into the house, he instructed me to go and shower then get  something to eat because we were going out.

This is it babe, your chance to get a normal social life!! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I am---

Shut up

Oh c'mon are you still mad at me

Oh no, I'm not I am too exhausted from all the learning I did in one sitting... OF CAUSE IM STILL UPSET, WHY WOULD YOU THINK I DONT HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE!!??!!

Okay, I am sorry I just meant that...


That you, you don't really have friends your age, and if possible we can fix that.

Whatever men I just need some sleep.

Sleep later, party now! C'mon girl let's hit the showerrrrr!!!!

Urgh, I soooo hate you right not!!! Can't someone get a decent sleep after a whole day of learning in school !?!!!!!

Of cause, you can, but hell no, not today.


This has got to be the worst day ever! I am just glad tomorrow is Saturday, which means I could totally sleep in and recover all my lost sleep from today. With that as a need motivation, I get out of my school uniform to hit the shower. While I was at it, I couldnt help as my mind wandered to my now Ex-boyfriend. I still couldn't place a finger on the reason why we broke up. Heck, I still wonder how we even got into a relationship in the first place.

Um your cousin

Gosh!! That girl is unbelievable, I am just glad she out of my hair for another month or two.

I couldn't agree more.

I was about to reply to my subconscious but brother interrupted me saying

"Oga are you scrubbing your destiny ni?? Come out Nah you've been in there for over an hour now!?!



Lol, so first things first,
This chapter is dedicated to Iremiide
the Author of WITH LOVE, DAD
trust me you would probably want to kill her once you are done reading the book. 🤭🤭 don't ask me why oooo read the book to find out why.

I am dedicating this chapter to her cus, well she was the only one that took out time to actually ask me why I haven't updated. If she didn't ask this update would not have been made and left to me. I wasn't going to update until upper week.🤧😪😪

Any way. New chapter, the comment section is opened. What do you all think? Yea it's nothing compared to the previous updated but c'mon you've got to give me some credit. Have you seen a breakup chapter this cheerful and humorous before???

But seriously guys I just wrote this chapter in less than 24 hours so I'd really appreciate it if you

spoil this chapter and the previous chapter with

THANK YOU 😭😭😭✨✨✨😭😭😭

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