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𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞



Can you like hurry up! We are running late!!
Can you like hurry up! We are running late!!

My subconscious and inner mind chided me like a 3 year old, we'll I deserved that I've been acting like one this day.

"Anu will you hurry up!, you've been painting this face with powder since, you'll tell me if  it is beauty pageant that you're going to go and learn at the GCE Lessons."

My elder brother scolded further and I mentally groaned. Putting away my supposed make up material which by the way we're just brown powder and a strawberry lipgloss. I picked up my bag and stepped out of my room heading to my mom's room to collect transport fare.

"Iwo omo yii kini isoro e,o ko nife si ko ma no owo mi danu,wo akoko ti o nlo eko?!"
Translation: you this child what is your problem eh, you just like wasting money for me, look at the time you are going to lesson?!

My mother scolded before pushing the transport fare into my hands forcefully. I left her room grumbling withing my self she never seems to understand me these days

Actually, she has always never understood you so

Urgh you didn't have to be mean about it or say it at all

"Oh no it's okay I'm used to her not understanding"

"Who are you talking to?"

My elder brother asked when I unconscious voice my thoughts. I just start at him blankly which made the moments all the more awkward. After a while, my brothers left for his room but not without saying.

"If you like stand there and be having a dialogue with yourself like someone who has lost it"

With that, I snapped out of my shocked state and rushed out of the house. Taking the next bus that leads to the location of my lessons, I got there 10:45 am on dot and they were already treating English past questions for JAMB (joint administration and matriculation board). I quickly joint the learning Train before anyone noticed I'm was just coming.


"Okay, guys that is how we solve a mathematical probability. How you all under?"

"Yes sir!"

We all chorused. We were all tired and hungry from the excessive learning and we all just want to go home. Mr. Dabiu notices this and he decided to call it a day instructing us to practice further when we return to our various homes. I was more than delighted I was going home and just as I picked my bag to rush out the door l head Mr. Dabiu saying

"oh and Anu, try not to come at to eleven again, yea I noticed the time you came in I just didn't want to distract the others with your lateness"

He cautioned me and I just nodded and gave him tight lips smile before rushing out with the others. It's been 3 weeks since I started this GCE lesson, ( general certificate education) and I was tired of it already. I just want to do the exam and have peace of mind. In case you haven't noticed I hate being academically tested it puts me under on a lot of pressure because I always  want to come out better than the rest of my pairs.

We were just starting our third and final term that would conclude my S.S.2 and I  was so happy S.S.3 was around the corner. I smiled to my self as I thought of the victory dance I would perform once I doped my pen for my last paper. I sighed in content as I unconsciously voiced my thoughts forgetting I wasn't the only one walking alone on the road.

"That will be one hell of a dance move"

I said when out of the blues someone  on I didn't notice was walking closely behind responded to my statement. This automatically startled me causing me to almost jump out of my skin, I did not expect a response neither did I think anyone was close enough to hear me.

"Most definitely."

"Oh hi I didn't..."

I stuttered still trying to figure out what to say, but he replied before I could complete my sentence

"It's alright I talk to myself all the time too."

Hmm this one that you both are talking to yourselves small small, I hope you both are not going crazy oo

Oh give them a break will you, she has had to write school exams and two external (GCE and JAMB ) exams within the space of two month

"Umm... I wasn't..."

"I am pretty sure you were cus it kinda looks like it."

"I was thinking out loud."

After a while of walking together in a comfortable silence, we were both heading  toward the direction of the bus stop that would lead to my house, I asked

"Aren't you in that GCE lesson"

"Yea I am I--"

"How come I've never seen you there"

I asked  with an eyebrow raised looking at him skeptically, he just chuckled at me  before responding

"Well it's because you never stop to notice the people around you"

"That is so not true "

Abi oo who does he think he is.

"Hmm help me ask him?"

"What did you said"

He asked and I had to cover up by asking for his name. By this time we were already at my last bus stop and I was waiting for the next bus to take me home.

"So what's your name?"

"Michael, Michael Taiwo. What's your, your full name actually "

"Anuoluwapo Ogunmoroti, but you can stick with Anu"

Immediately after the Introduction, a bus arrived. I bade him goodbye with a short smile before boarding the bus. In less than 30mins, I was a back home like the short awkward conversations didn't just happen. I entered the house and without even checking if anyone was home I went straight to the kitchen to get something to eat.

And don't, I mean don't even give me that look. Yes, I am a foodie soo sue me. I was cooking white rice so I could have it with the stew my mom and I cook last night. The minute I finish rinsing the rice I heard my phone ringing so I rushed to the parlor to get my phone. Picking the call I heard my mom's voice from the other side as she said.

Mom: hello Anu! Kilode,Kiló sèlè,mó tìn gbin yònjù atì kò sí yin,Ibó wa, Sè ò ti délé
TranslationWhat happened I've been trying to reach you since where are you have you gotten home

Me: yes, beeni ma

Mom: oga for you oo, any way how was the lesson today? Hope you were able to learn something tangible today.

Me: yes ma, what of my brother?

Mom: is he not at home ni? Iwò nàà wo na bi min ibéré agó,ti ba sinlé bóya o ti jadélò
Translation: is he not at home ni?  You to check now stop asking me stupid question. if he's not at home maybe he has gone out.

Me: oh...okay ma.

Mom:  alright take care is there light?

Me: Noo... I mean Yes there is

Mom: Éwó ni rara,óó ya bami sòrò kin gbò èè
Translation: Which one is No.. Yes talk let me hear you jare

Me: yes there is light.

Mom: Óda óó tòjù àrà èè ooo,tóba wun è malò wo tẹlifisiọnu óun ara èè. You know you have exams to write.
Translation:  Alright take care, and if you like go and be watching TV just know you are doing yourself

Me: okay ma.

I replied before the line went dead. Urgh, I sigh before grumbling back to the kitchen to put the rice on fire. Shortly after the rice started boiling my phone starter ringing and I groaned out loud wondering what my mom wanted to say again. Hasn't she tortured me enough by remaining not to go and sit in front of Television because of the exams ill be starting soon.

I just can't wait for this phase of Secondary school to be over the thought that I'd have to go thought this for next year as an SS3 student was just disheartening. I picked up the call on the third ring and without looking at the caller ID I responded saying

Me: hello ma

...: aww is your mom getting on your nerves again? Cus you sound like she is.

Okay, hold up.

Mama don't sound like that

Mama don't sound like that

Check the caller ID.

Following the advice my inner mind gave me, I move the phone away from my ear only to realize it's an unknown number I couldn't help as I voice out my observation

"The Fuck, it's an unknown number!?"

...: yea, I heard that.

Me: it wasn't... I mean I didn't... Urgh, who are you???"

...: okay let me save you from your distress... Princess, it's Michael

Me: wait Michael? As in the Michael? As the Michael from GCE lesson

Michael: umm yeah, got any other Michael at GCE Lesson that I don't know of?

Me: umm No but I.. Wait a minute how did you get my number?"

Michael: see life is not about how we get people's caller ID number, it's about what we do when we get them.

Shoot me. No, no, no, just me

This Michael boy is funny sha oo

Me: guy you are funny, better talk now before I block you

I said while staring the rice I put on fire the moment I took out of the rice to see if it was done, he said something that really shock me.

Michael: ahan we both know you can't. And that is because you are already mesmerized by my Michael charm.

I was too speechless by the response to think of an appropriate answer all I, my subconscious and inner mind could  say was

Me: mazel tov

sub-conscience: mazel tov

Inner mind: mazel tov



Hey yo how are you all doing, I hope you did not miss me too much.

And yeah I know I have been a terrible author and i practically disappeared after chapter 3 for like a very long ass time.

So this  is one hell of a chapter and I apologize  for ghosting you all. I just, I just had a lot on my plate okay, anyway I wouldn't say I'm back but I will try and update before this new week runs out.

I'm not promising but I'll try. So guys tell me, how do you like this chapter? was it too corny cuz I feel like it was too corny.

anyway it's all up to you guys to decide just let me know, the comment section is wide open ok you should hit me up, what do you think of this chapter because I currently can't think of anything about this chapter right now. Any ways pls give me the usuals


spoil this chapter and the previous chapter with

THANK YOU 😭😭😭✨✨✨😭😭

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