Ch.1.To Be A Bunny.

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{ I don't own Seven Deadly Sins or Reader }

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It was cold for the small little puffball with floppy ears, her {E/C} eyes scanned the area, her coat didn't quite match the winter snow, she looked like a fluffy ball of coal in the snow pile she was shivering in, but that wasn't bothered her what did was she clearly remembered dying, she remembered not having floppy ears.

Ears like a bunny, and the world being bigger than she was neither was it winter back where she was, her body refused to move trying to keep itself warm, her fluffy fur should be keeping her warm but no this small body of hers refused to get warm when in the snow.

Small hands picked her up as red eyes stared at her {E/C} ones, the boys hair was pale blue almost white or silver, it could be mistaken as such if someone was colorblind, "I thought bunnies stuck with their parents" the boy mumbled "Aw well your mine now little coal ball, we can keep each other company" 

She saw no fault in that she was lonely, and this was a second chance to better herself, she was placed on the boy's shoulder, he was quite young and reminded her of a human, hopefully he was human, but whatever he was he was warm, the two made their way towards the boys home though he seemed like he didn't wish to return, and she saw why as the small hut had two parents, abusive by the looks of it for the father smelled terrible and the mother looked annoyed both annoyed he brought her home instead of something to help them live.

"Brat I told you to steal us something valuable why are you bringing home a rat instead?" the man scowled as the small bunny glared at him, picturing him on fire, to bad she didn't have her elf magic at the moment, well maybe she was wrong because the mans bottle burst into shards before he could hit the young child, it wasn't flames but it would do.

The man flinched at the glass in his hand, his blood dripping on the ground, her nose twitched as she smelled it, {E/C} eyes almost glowing, if only she was in her other form he would make a great meal for her, she wasn't full elf in her last life, and that other side craved flesh, she wondered if she could be a cannibal bunny in this life?

"She's not a rat she's my friend, damn old man" The boy hissed hatting his parents more than usual, his sister had died a week ago and they acted like they didn't care, they never did, all they wanted were little bandits he wasn't their son just a tool for their damn desire, and today he met this bunny and things are already turning around.

And indeed it was slowly, for from that day on the rabbit stuck by his side, stopping his parents at each turn with small bursts of magic, and still no one had yet to realize it was her doing, not even the animal smelling man they came across that was more of a father than the pale blue haired boys actual father.

And the boy and bunny actually got food from this man! the animal like man was on her not to eat list if she ever found out if she was a cannibal bunny or not, or well human eating bunny she'd never eat her own kind, she was now a rabbit and eating other rabbits would make her a bad person.

But eating the face off abusive parents probably made her a bad person to, but not as bad as who she once was, but she would get better and with the boy by her side, they were a duo, a duo that would one day become known to the world.

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{So I checked the Wiki and apparently Ban has pale blue hair, so anyone wanting to call me on the fact I didn't put white nor silver go look at the Wiki for him, it clearly says Pale blue for his hair}

{Immortal Bunny? Yay or Nae ? }   

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