Chapter 10

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"We're going to the circus again?" I asked, feeling my blood turn cold. I gripped the cold cell bars and my body shook with fear. Mama gave me a lopsided smile, making my stomach churn.

"Yes we are, but this time it's different. You're not using a tightrope." Mama answered as she opened the gate of the cell. I shakily walked behind her in the dark hallway until I reached the same area where I trained for the previous circus. I was tempted to ask what I was going to do this time, but I didn't want to upset Mama and I definitely didn't want a punishment. Once we got there I saw Rei who was sitting quietly on the ground, picking blades of grass and making shapes with them. He noticed our presence and turned to me with a small smile. I returned it and went to stand beside him.

"Alright, You both know why you're here. I've entered both of you in the next circus event." she said.

"What will we be doing?" Rei spoke quietly, but there was a hint of excitement in his voice.

"You're going inside a lion's cage. To win you have to kill the lion before it kills you. I think it's best for both of you to win, right?"

We nodded immediately.

"Good. Now my pretty dolls, let's get training!" She said and clapped her hands. I remained motionless, waiting for Mama's next orders. When she did speak, I froze.

"Who wants to be the lion?" Mama said with a smirk.

"What?" I asked, even though I'd heard her clearly.

"One of you will be the lion, and the one who loses," she thought for a while. "Will get a special surprise!" she decided and we both shuddered, knowing what 'surprise' she was referring to.

"So? Who'll it be?" she asked again, a bit lower this time and I tensed. Her glare had me pinned down, unable to move or utter a single word.

"I'll be the lion" Rei spoke and Mama's expression changed like seconds on a clock.

"That's mi pretty Rei! Here." she said and walked over to him, putting something in his hands.

Although I couldn't see the object, I knew something was wrong. Rei's body was unresponsive as he held the object. His wide eyes stared at his hands and I could sense his breathing becoming shallower. He slowly craned his head towards me, dropping his hand at his side. It was then when I could see what he had in his hand.

Gripped tightly between his fingers was a knife. My eyes widened as big as his and I turned to Mama quickly.

"M-Mama?" I asked, my voice already shaking.

"Don't worry dear," she laughed and walked over to me, placing an identical knife in my hands.

"The first one stabbed is the loser!" she said and turned around, sitting in a chair far away from us. Now it was just me and Rei.

We didn't move. His knife was firmly held in his hand, while mine was about to slip from my shaky grasp. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I didn't want to hurt Rei, Mama had done enough to him already. I didn't want to make him suffer even more.

But if I didn't do anything, I could die. It wasn't a fake knife like mom used to give me when we played in the mini kitchen she bought for me, this one was authentic, made of metal and sharp edges. I had only two options; fight or flight.

All eyes were trained on me as I dropped the knife to the floor, closing my hands in tight fists. I wasn't going to hurt Rei, I could make my own decisions. I didn't choose flight, I was fighting passively.

"I don't want to do this" I said, a hint of anger in my tone.

"Suit yourself" I heard Mama chuckle from far away. Immediately Rei started moving slowly, circling me. He swiftly twirled the knife in his hand.

I was shocked, but I didn't show it. If Rei wanted to hurt me, he could do it. But I wasn't going to do that to him. I'd try to defend myself the best I can without that knife on the floor.

Rei's pace quickened as he sprinted towards me. I watched his movements and managed to dodge a punch he threw. He retreated and went back to circling me.

He was going in and out, testing my response to every attack he did. I couldn't tell if he was trying to read me or just buy time so Mama would be pleased. He always wanted to please Mama, he didn't see how horrible she truly was.

I felt my skin collide with something cold. I looked down and saw the knife passing across arm, but it didn't hurt. He was using the back of the blade. I didn't have time to step back because too soon I felt Rei's elbow against my stomach. I coughed as I stumbled back, trying to regain my balance.

"There's no way you can win without the knife" he said in a strange voice which I couldn't read.

Rei, I've noticed, behaves differently when preparing for a circus. It's like he's a different person. His eyes become a darker shade, his facial expressions change too. Most of the time his expression is blank, sometimes sad, and on rare occasions you could see a smile forming on his lips. But when he's preparing for a circus his expression is a mix of things which I can't decipher; excitement, happiness, boredom, madness... He seems very competitive, which is logical since if we lose we're as good as dead, but he strives for something more than just surviving. He likes to put on a show.

A burning sensation on my left cheek snapped me out of my thoughts just in time to push Rei away, but I could feel the stream of blood sliding down my cheek from the small opening he created.

"Don't let your guard down..." he smirked, his eyes covered by his long bangs as he circled me again. My eyes followed his every move. Right now I really did feel like he was a lion and I was his prey. My hands urged to reach for the knife, but my brain refused.

I was glad that I still had the liberty to make my own choices, even if I drove myself to the ground. Becaue being locked up in a cell every day can make you feel like you really are just a doll; a play toy for Mama. But right now, while I felt my heart beating out of my chest, while I saw the blood when I wiped my cheek with my hand, while I felt fear for the unpredictable boy in front of me, I knew I was alive. Because it would be impossible for a doll to feel and see all this. It would be impossible for a doll to make decisions. I wasn't a doll, and I certainly wasn't Mama's toy.

Rei charged in and in one swift motion I was knocked down on my back with his knee pressed on my stomach. I gasped as I searched for the air that had left my body. I could see Rei's knife coming down towards me.

What happened next surprised everyone.

The knife entered the skin, the fight was over. I my eyes widened at the sight of blood on my hands. Rei's eyes were as wide as mine.

I looked down at the knife stuck on Rei's leg and a tear escaped my eye.

I had unconsciously grabbed the knife from the floor. I hurt Rei. This time it wasn't Mama, it was me.

My sight slowly traveled up to where Rei's arms ended at my shoulder, where his knife was stuck.

I glanced at Mama who stared back at us, and unreadable expression on her face.

We both got stabbed. We both won.

Or did we both lose?...

Hi, Hey, Hello! Another update for you guys! And I seriously wanted to say I'm so thankful for all the love I received in the past chapter. It made me feel extremely happy!!!

Goals: 4 V/ 4 C!

You can do it!! :D

-Yolo xx

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