Chapter 15

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"You could've done better. So much better than that," Mama shook her head as she towered above me, my figure slowly shrinking under her glare.

My breathing was erratic as I tried to regain it, my head spinning and vision blurring. I clutched my wounded shoulder, blood seeping from between my fingers and gathering in a pool on the floor. My heart was beating so fast it hurt every time it crashed against my chest. I took a shaky breath before opening my mouth.

"T-They were... just too many," I said between pants, my voice hoarse.

"Does it look like I care?"

"B-But Mama, I... I killed them all!"

"Yes you did. But your work was sloppy. It was almost disturbing to watch."

I let my eyes scan through the open field of Mama's training grounds, looking over bodies and bodies of bloody corpses that littered the floor.

"I don't... I-I don't understand, I-"

I finally felt my knees giving out as I crashed to the ground on all fours, the pool of blood staining my hands and legs. I closed my eyes tightly as my expression morphed into one of pure agony.

"I-I thought... B-But you were smiling... There w-were fifty of them!" I gasped, clenching my fists and digging my nails into the earth under me. My breathing became even more unstable as my chest started to jump.

I suddenly felt the air inside me leaving my body all at once as something crashed against my ribcage. I was flung mercilessly through the air and crashed a few feet away. My eyes slowly cracked open and I caught sight of the familiar figure that stood with his leg still in the air. His piercing red eyes bore no emotion as he looked down at me.

"By the time Rei was eleven he could do seventy without a scratch on him," Mama answered, a smirk adorning her features.

"B-But I'm... I'm not Rei," I whispered.

"I don't like it when you're on the ground. Get up, you look pitiful, " this time the words came from Rei's mouth. I looked up at him. Despite his emotionless stare, I knew he was saying it for the better.

I took a deep breath before letting a small, barely there smirk appear on my lips.

Only you, Rei.

I shakily brought my weight to my knees, pushing myself up into a crouching position. Only then did I feel my smirk dropping at the sight of the two people standing before me. Mama's intense glare was enough to make me feel ten times smaller, adding Rei's monotone one, I felt like an ant in a valley of giants.

The leaves crunching under Mama's feet were the only thing I focused on as she made her way towards me, an indecipherable look on her face. My gaze dropped to the ground as I stood up.

"How well do you think you did today?"

"I don't know."

"Don't make me repeat myself," she growled, inching closer to me and grabbing my chin, raising my head up to look at her.

"I-It doesn't really matter, does it? In the end, I-I'll still get my surprise..." I said, a small laugh escaping my throat as a burning feeling invaded my body. My fingers shook at my sides as the blood from my shoulder trickled down them.

"You're very smart, my little doll," she smirked wide. "It's a real shame you can't get your work done right."

"I-I'm sorry Mama. I promise next time I'll do better," I whispered.

I felt her hands leaving my head as she pushed me back. I didn't have the energy to regain my balance, so I just tumbled to the ground.

"I guarantee you'll do so much better. If you value your life, that is," she said before crouching and throwing a hard punch at my stomach. I coughed in pain as the air left my lungs once again, clenching my eyes shut.

Blow after blow, Mama's punches connected with my body, every hit leaving new bruises and new waves of pain rushing through me.

Just when I finally felt my consciousness slipping away from the pain, the punches stopped all of a sudden. I slowly cracked one eye open, almost surprised to see Mama's fist in mid air, but even more astonished when I saw Rei's hand wrapped around her wrist, keeping her arm immobilized.

"That's enough," his soft, soothing voice rang through my ears and my eyes widened.

"Rei?" I whispered, he glanced at me before dropping Mama's hand.

Mama shook herself from her momentary shock and gritted her teeth, clenching her fists as she stood up.

"You little brat! Who do you think you are?" she growled, but Rei stood silent.

"Looks like you've forgotten who's in charge. A punishment will do very good to you," she said darkly.

She used the word 'punishment' this time. This can't be good.

"Yes Mama."

She huffed, grabbing mine and Rei's arm before janking us across the field, over the dead bodies and back inside. We passed through the grimy halls of the decaying building until we finally reached both our cells. She pushed me inside mine before locking it and pushing Rei into his.

"I'll be back," she seethed before I heard her loud footsteps get farther and farther until the only thing I could hear was my own labored breathing.

"You didn't need to do that," my voice came out surprisingly cold. I slid my back against the dirty wall until I was on the floor with my knees against my chest.

"I know," was his simple answer.

"Then why?" I gritted my teeth. "You know what's going to happen, right?"


I sighed, rubbing my eyes with my bloody hands.

"Dammit," I growled. "Why would you do that? Are you stupid?" I clenched my jaw even tighter, my fists balling up on their own.

"Maybe. I was just fast-forwarding the inevitable."


"I almost got killed today," he answered.

My features relaxed instantly at the new information, my expression turning into an amused one as a smirk appeared on my face.

"Wow, that's surprising," I snorted. "But you're completely unharmed," I pointed out.

"Yeah, that's why I said almost," he answered, I could feel the sarcasm laced in his words.

I was about to retort with a snarky comment, when my ears picked up the sound of footsteps heading towards us. Instantly my mouth shut itself as I dipped my head down, letting my hair cover my face. I heard the sound of keys rattling followed by a gate opening and closing again, and as much as I wished the opposite, it was Rei's cell, not mine.

The oh so familiar feeling in my stomach was back, making my insides churn in anticipation. I suddenly noticed how dry my throat was, but I couldn't bring myself to gather saliva. I could already feel the need to throw up, and it got one hundred times worse after the first scream invaded my ears.

Like a switch being turned on, my eyes snapped open, my breathing stopped, my heart burst through my chest, and my whole world fell apart once again.

Rei's screams crawled up my body like poisonous spiders as I tried desperately to shake them off. A cold shudder ran through my body as the scent of burnt flesh invaded my nostrils.

Oh no.

I shook my head rapidly as I brought my hands to my arms, and without noticing I began digging my nails into my own skin. Rei's wails seeped into every brain cell in my head, into every single pore in my body.

My stomach tightened. My head spun. My vision blurred. My body started to shake.

Another desperate scream invaded my ears, and a sick smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

My fingertips were wet now, fresh crimson trailing down them as I pushed myself to dig deeper and deeper. My smile turned into a full grin as I dragged my bloodstained nails along my skin, leaving trails of red all over.

Screams, all I could hear were his screams. Each one seemed louder than the last, to the point where I felt my eardrums would explode.

Laughter bubbled inside me, escaping out my throat in small waves. Blood stained every single inch of my body. I couldn't take it anymore.

An idea flashed through my head, and maybe if I could think straight at that moment I would've never even considered it, but right now the meaning of the word 'sane' wasn't registering in my brain. So with the little energy I had left I began crawling to the darkest part of the cell, where my windmill remained hidden in the shadows.

I grinned as I grabbed it, lifting it up and revealing what was hidden underneath.

It was Mama's knife.

I grabbed it as quickly as my shaky hands could manage and crashed down on the floor, not bothering to notice this was the area of the cell where I did my business. The putrid scent didn't affect me anymore, I had gotten used to it by now.

Rapidly and unsteadily I brought the knife down against my arm, sticking it as deep as I could. Once I couldn't go any deeper, I began dragging it across my arm, following the same ragged lines I had made with my nails.

Blood rushed out the wounds and gathered on the floor, but I didn't mind. I dragged the knife again and again against my skin, biting my lip to keep from screaming out.

I needed to feel the same pain Rei was feeling.

His screaming was even stronger than before, pushing me to dig the knife deeper and deeper. The blood felt like water against my skin, so nice and soothing. My chest started heaving up and down, and I found myself losing my breath. With each scream came a new line. With each scream I lost a breath. With each scream, the word 'sanity' slowly lost its meaning.

I was on the verge of fainting when the wails finally stopped. I tried to regain my labored breathing as I slid the bloody knife under the windmill and crawled my way back to the bars of the cell. Once I finally reached them I felt my energy dropping to zero as I collapsed to the ground.

I tried to keep my eyes open as my blurry vision tried to adjust to the figure exiting Rei's cell, but soon I found even that task too hard.

My sore ears picked up the sound of a gate opening, but this time I knew it was mine, and I couldn't be happier. If it weren't for the fact that I was slowly slipping away, I would've smiled.

The last thing I managed to see was her sick smirk and a blazing lighter illuminating her face before my whole world went black.

Guys! Omg! So many people commented on the AN!! I never even imagined that so many people would give me their opinion! Thank you so much!!

Anyways I picked the cover by the number of people who commented for it. I hope you all like the result!

As always, thank you so much for reading!

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How about six votes and six comments? You can do it guys c:

-Yolo ^.^

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