Chapter 30

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"Let me go." I mumbled, absentmindedly pulling at the makeshift restraints as my gaze locked on the floor.

I was tied up against the bed, thin bedsheets wrapped around my wrists. Thankfully my feet were free which gave me at least some sense of liberty. I'd just woken up a few minutes ago only to find my upper body unable to move.

"No." Ryuu responded.

I pulled harder against the bedsheets, trying to get them to loosten up a bit at least. While I did that, my eyes traveled towards his lilac ones.

Shin and Jiro had left the room at some point of my unconscious state, leaving me to wake up with Ryuu alone which indeed freaked me out as he was casually sprawled on the floor, his bored expression contrasting with my angry one.

"I don't like this. Let me go." I repeated slowly, a hard stare directed at him.

He simply shrugged. "Too bad. I can't have little Emi hurting the others."

"I don't care about the others." I growled. "Let me go!"

"Listen, the only thing keeping me from snapping your neck are those two idiots. For some reason they seem to be quite fond of you." Ryuu said through squinted eyes. "So, if anything, you should be thanking them."

"For what?" I chuckled humorlessly, my head shaking in disbelief. "Throwing me inside the labyrinth? Mentioning Rei even though they know nothing about him?"

"It's just a damn name-"

"It's not!" I seethed, cutting him off. "It's his."

"Right right. My bad." Ryuu rolled his eyes as he picked on one of the bandages around his arm. His unamused expression only made anger boil further inside me.

"I mean it Ryuu. Let me go-"

"Just let her." A voice I soon recognized as Shin's interrupted. My gaze traveled to the door, seeing him walk inside the room with a quiet Jiro behind. The latter avoided my gaze as he went directly toward his mattress, immediately beggining to pick at its seams.

"Seriously?" The purple haired boy groaned.

"I told you to untie her a while ago." Shin shook his head as he walked over to me, fumbling with the tight knots around my wrists as his eyes scanned me for any sudden moves.

Just as he was about to untie the knots, his movements halted entirely. He glanced towards Jiro, a sigh escaping his lips before turning to me.

"We want to talk about what happened earlier."

I visibly cringed at the topic, shaking my head as I looked at him through pleading eyes.

"If you want me to untie you, you'll have to talk."

I looked at my bounded hands, pulling at them in a last attempt before speaking.

"Do I have to?"

Shin nodded, making me sigh in defeat.

"Story time?" Ryuu smirked as he propped himself up on his elbows to look at me. I gave him my best glare before turning to Shin.

"Ask away, but make it quick."

"Uh, alright." He responded, glancing between the boys with an unreadable expression. Jiro only averted his gaze from us, leaving Ryuu to let out a small chuckle.

"You should really polish your social skills dude." He shook his head in amusement before turning to me.

"Well Emi, since Jiro is crying at the corner and Shin sucks at being human, I'll be the host of this gameshow." He announced, tongue darting out to lick his lips.

"First question. Who's Rei?"

I gritted my teeth as Shin's hand flew to smack Ryuu upside the head for his bluntness. Of all the questions he could've asked, he chose that one. But this is Ryuu we're talking about, surely his purpose is to make my life a living hell, more than it already is.

"Well? The clock is ticking little Emi."

A groan left my lips as I glared at the boy before opening my mouth.

"Rei is..." I looked for the right words to say. My mind raced with so many images of him, his smile, his tears, his blood, his words. Everything came crashing down on me as the fresh reminder of him ran through my veins.

"He's Big Madam's favorite scrapper. We were both the only children Mama- I mean, Big Madam, had. We grew up together, it's only been us since the day I arrived." I smiled weakly. "He's like my big brother."

"You were scrappers?" Shin rose his eyebrows slightly surprise. I slowly nodded, my lips pursing as an indicator that I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Next question." Ryuu continued. "What the hell happened yesterday?"

"Madam A called me to her office and gave me the choker you saw. It belonged to Rei, and seeing it all torn and bloody just set me off, I guess." I answered with as little information as possible. Hopefully he'd let it slide.

"Incomplete answer. Minus ten points." Ryuu tutted. My eyes went wide in surprise as the gears shifted in my brain.

No, not the points. Anything but my points.

"No!" I immediately called out, my body going rigid. "I can do better! I promise. Please just give me another chance!" I pleaded, fear flashing through my eyes making everyone's gazes lock on me.

"I-I can't lose my good girl points, please." My voice weakened, my bottom lip lightly trembling. 

"Your what?"

Flashbacks invaded my memory as my face contorted in pain. I had to go through years and years of torture just for those points, I couldn't lose them now. Not when I had to go through so much to earn them.

"That's not important." Jiro's voice rang through my ears, making my eyes widen at him. "If she doesn't want to talk about it, we shouldn't pry for it. Don't worry Emi, you won't lose any good girl points."

A sigh in relief escaped my mouth as the other two boys eyed me curiously. I averted my gaze, unconsciously pulling once again at the bedsheets that bound me to the bed. It was obvious that Jiro didn't know what the points were for, but I was immensely thankful that he helped me get out of explaining it.

"We just want to know what got you...upset yesterday." Shin looked for the right words to say. I bit my lip before speaking.

"Mama's hurting Rei." I responded. "More than usual, I think. Madam A told me I'd get to hear a voice recording of him once I mastered all three skills." I finished in a whisper, looking at the three boys.

"Three skills?"

"Strategy, weaponry and assassination."

"So that's why Madam A wants us to train you..." Shin hummed.

"All I want is to see Rei again, which Madam A told me I'd get to eventually, but I need to learn those skills as quickly as possible."

"Wait." Ryuu's lips contorted into a sly smile. "Does that mean you need our help?"

I gritted my teeth but nodded nonetheless.

"And what makes you think we'll-" Ryuu's words got cut off by Jiro.

"Don't worry Emi, we'll help you." A light grin finally adorned his features, dissolving the gloominess around him. "You'll be the fastest to ever learn those skills ever. Count on us." He finished and Shin nodded, a barely there smile gracing his lips.

"Thank you so much guys." I smiled at them. "I promise I'll make it up to you. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"We'll definitely be cashing in those favors at some point." Jiro winked making a small smile appear on my lips.

Ryuu, however, slumped to the floor once again as he glared at the ceiling. "I have no say in this, do I?"

Shin and Jiro looked at each other for a second before answering.


Just a gif of Shin being fabulous. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did XD

Goodbye social life. I'll miss you.

So you guys reached the goal once again! Is this like the third update in a row? Jeziz guys XD.

Ok I admit I was so stumped while writing this. I know this part turned out boring as hell but please bear with me, if all goes as planned the next update will be a bit more entretaining.

OH! I ALMOST FORGOT! You guys are coming up with amazing theories on how the book will end! Although I can't spoil what I have planned next, I'll say that none of you have come to exactly pinpoint what I have planned. Your guesses are beyond amazing, though. So keep at it if you want to c:

Oh and just in case you were wondering, the three boys aren't just filler characters. They'll play an important part in Emi's life which you'll see further in the story. (Remember when I said that the story could take longer to reach its end if I got any more ideas? Well it happened XD)

I'd really like to thank all of you for giving this book so much support!! You have no idea how this brightens my day c:

And lastly I'll have to raise the goal for the next update to buy me a bit more time XD so the goal is 30 votes and 8 comments this time. Good luck >:)

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