Chapter 51

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"Should I continue down the hallway?" Emi's voice rang through the desolate area, echoing a few times before disintegrating into nothingness.

"Yeah. You're doing a good job, just go all the way down." She heard from the earpiece, oblivious to the fact that it wasn't the blond she knew, but a distorted version of his voice replicated by a computer.

"Where are the others? Am I meeting up with them?"

There was a long pause before the earpiece boomed to life. "Yeah, something like that. They're a bit farther up ahead."

"But what about you?" Emi sighed. "Jiro, you're not a good hand to hand fighter, and those bullets won't last forever!"

The line was once again silent and a heavy feeling invaded Emi, like she just said something she shouldn't have. Biting her lip, she was ready to apologize to the blond for speaking that way. Even she knew that Jiro didn't particularly suck at hand to hand, considering he's an elite.

His voice, however, reached her before Emi could utter an apology.

"You're right." He said, accompanied by a cheap laugh.

Emi froze on her spot, her eyes widening as a needle-like feeling pinched her brain.

The Jiro she knew would never admit defeat. Ever.

Meanwhile, the fierce clicking of keys slamming against the board rang through the otherwise quiet area where Jiro was stationed at. His gaze was locked on the screen, a layer of sweat covering his forehead and making some of the blond strands stick to it like glue.

He was almost done with the process of regaining control of the map and earpieces, but that only upsetted him more.

The Hiiragi know we're here, he thought.

If he wanted to somehow turn the events around he would have to warn everyone in the team, but without the earpieces he could only be a spectator.

His hazel eyes flickered up for half a second, realizing the night sky was already upon him. A new wave of tension washed over his body but he didn't allow it to reach his fingers, which were stealthily flying around the keyboard. Time went by quicker than he had expected. He'd been alone for fifteen minutes already.

For the first time in his life he was growing sick of the smell of fresh grass and the cold night air. All he wanted was to be with his team, even if that meant facing a group of ghouls, and maybe his death.

Suddenly a sinking feeling overtook his stomach as his inhuman hearing capacity caught the sound of multiple steps slapping against the floor not too far from him. He immediately bolted up, throwing the backpack against the open computer as a barrier before grabbing the sniper off the floor. His actions were just in time, as once he straightened up he caught sight of the fairly large group hurling toward him.

"Fuck." He whispered. His teeth were gritted beyond human comprehension as his eyes locked on the group, a deadly aura eminating from him.

Because of these people he had to pause his work, which meant Emi, Shin and Ryuu could be in potential danger. An uncomfortable feeling flowed through every vein in his body. Jiro was annoyed.

And boy, how annoyed he was.

The group closed in on him, all pointing guns at the blond's body as he remained immobile, trying to contain the sudden urge to decapitate every single one of them.

But suddenly he realized, like a lightbulb going off, that his self restraint wasn't needed at this particular moment.

A new feeling emanated from his body in waves, overcoming his frustration as the indicators of a small, sinister smirk began appearing on his face.

Time to vent.


"You know, people will get tired of you if you're so serious all the time..." The lilac haired boy yawned as he followed in suit of the boy in front of him.

"Good thing I don't care." Shin muttered abesntmindedly as his eyes roamed through the new room Jiro had guided him to.

It was fairly small and looked more like an unused reading room, considering the rows of empty shelves and the lone table at the corner of the room.

"I'll bet you a throwing knife I can fit inside that." Ryuu smirked, pointing at a medium sized chest backed up against a wall.

"Stop fooling around, we're on a mission." Shin sighed, but Ryuu had already made his way toward the object.

"I'm just trying to lighten up the mood, grumpy pants." He grumbled as he opened the chest.

Seconds later a low whistle expelled from his mouth at the sight of its contents.

"Yo Shin, check this out."

The coal haired boy reluctantly made his way toward his partner's side, stopping to inspect the chest. He was surprised to see clear bags of every apparent size lining the interior, blood red liquid oozing out of the edges of what looked like meat filling. Shin resisted the urge to look away as he connected the dots.

The Hiiragi were ghouls, after all...

"Wh-Ryuu what the hell are you doing?" The older boy asked in a scolding manner as the lilac haired one started dropping the bags to the ground outside of the box.

"What? Didn't I tell you I could fit inside?" Ryuu smirked as he proceeded to empty the wooden chest.

"Dude, there's blood everywhere. We shouldn't even be touching these things." Shin sighed in exasperation.

"Relax, I got this." Ryuu proceeded to say, but proved the exact opposite a few seconds later when he accidentally dropped a bag too hard and it ripped open, blood and guts splattering everywhere.

Ryuu turned to the electric-blue eyed male with a cheap smile. "Oops?"

"I don't even know why I try." Shin muttered through gritted teeth, wiping his now stained face as he walked away from the other boy.

"I wonder who's spleen I have in my hand... Oh look! It's squishy!" He heard a way too excited laugh coming from the younger boy, only feeding his desire to shove him inside the damn chest until the end of the mission.

"Ryuu, could you concentrate on the mission for a few seconds?"

The lilac haired boy turned to Shin, a wide smirk spreading on his face as he saw the older male cross to another room.

"Weren't you the one saying we should stay close to each other?"

Shin was about to retort with an exasperated, cold comment, until a loud slamming sound beat him to it. The coal haired boy turned around, his eyes immediately widening as he caught sight of the metal door standing in between him and Ryuu.

"Ryuu, this isn't funny. Open up." He growled.

"Huh? I didn't do anything!" A faint, distorted response was heard from the other side.

Ryuu was telling the truth. He hadn't done anything this time. The lilac boy limited mylsef to walk over to the metal door that had fallen from above, sealing the entrance against the floor.


"Dammit!" He heard a growl from the other side. "Don't move. I'm going to figure out a way to open this."

"You can't." An overly cheerful voice rang through both earpieces as Shin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What the hell Jiro?"

"Don't worry," the earpiece transmitted. "Everything's going according to plan."


WOOH! Jiro turned to the dark side!

Jke jke. Jiro is my baby.

So here's a new update! I wrote it in third POV because everyone is going through their own shit, and it's less difficult to follow them this way.

Shinyuu is separated >:) who do you think will go crazier? Ryuu killing everything in sight now that he's not on a leash, or Shin destroying everything in an attempt to find Ryuu? ;)

Thank you all so much for supporting this story! It means the world to me :D

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