Chapter 57

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PREVIOUS TRIVIA: Who's most likely to hold their ground in a fight against Rei?

Answer: Ryuu

Everyone could hold their ground against Rei, provided the setting is adequate for them. Of course it is impossible for Jiro and Shin to win in hand to hand against Rei, just like it's impossible for Rei to win in a gun fight or a strategy fight.

The one who has the most chances of beating him is Ryuu, as they both have a similar fighting style. The only difference being that Ryuu uses his head in a fight, while Rei acts purely on instinct (which makes it significantly harder for Ryuu to find a fighting pattern)


The three remaining elites made their way down countless hallways, twisting and turning as fast as they could. Shin walked in front, his piercing blue gaze memorizing every single crack and crevice he came across, every stain, every indicator of an escape route for them to take once they finished off Tenri Hiiragi.

Gripped tightly in his rough hands was one of the sleeves of Ryuu's black shirt. The annoying purple haired one had complained the whole way but Shin was definitely not taking any chances. There was no way he would let Ryuu slip away from him again.

"How much longer?" A delicate voice beamed and he looked back at Emi's bright eyes.

His reply came in the form of an almost invisible smile, but just enough for her to understand that they were close.

"Shin, I can walk by myself!" Ryuu complained again, making a vein bulge in the older male's forehead.

"That's what you said last time. Now shut up and let me concentrate."

"God, you're so aggressive." The lilac haired boy sighed annoyedly. "Its cute when you act all tough, but now's not the time for role play Shin~" he finished with a cheshire smirk. 

At this the coal haired boy sharply turned around, shooting a death glare at the unwavering boy's mischievous aura.

"Don't try me Ryuu, I swear."

Emi watched the whole exchange from the sidelines, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the tension between the two.

"Shin, I don't like seeing you mad." She whispered, tugging lightly at his hand. The coal haired boy, who was previously shooting daggers at Ryuu, snapped his head toward her as if he just woke up.

"Why are you mad?"

Shin sighed, crouching down so he could be at her eye level. With extreme caution he brought his free hand up to pat the girl's head gingerly.

"I'm not mad, I'm just a bit stressed. Now let's get this mission over with so I can go back to sleep, alright?" He finished, making Emi smile wide.

"There's nothing you love more than sleeping." She laughed, making Shin smile. Before he could agree, however, Ryuu interrupted.

"Really now? I beg to diff-"

"No one was talking to you. Shut up." The coal haired boy bit back, not wanting to deal with the rain of trouble that always seemed to follow the lilac haired boy.

"You should really just keep to yourself." Emi added with a defeated sigh. "Its getting annoying."

Ryuu's eyes widened, hurt washing over him for less than a split second before the feeling was entirely replaced by his usual playful demeanor.

"Do I bother you, princess?" He winked, making Emi bare her teeth.

"I'm not a princess. Don't make me rip your eyes out."

"I'd like to see you-"

"Guys." Shin interrupted, his eyes trained at something very far away.

He stood up from his crouching position, looking back at his two partners before slowly walking down the hallway. The other two followed silently, all previous bickering forgotten.

"There was supposed to be another room here, but this is a dead end." He whispered.

"Are you sure? Did you read the map right?" Emi asked and he nodded.

"There was definitely a room here."

"You mean Tenri's office? Why would it be out in the open?" Ryuu hummed, making Shin turn to the walls.


With careful strokes he started knocking over the length of the walls. His ear was close to them, paying attention to the even sounds it emitted. After about three minutes of knocking, he pushed away.

"Its definitely here."

Ryuu couldn't help laughing at his statement. "The wall whisperer." He teased, although there was absolutely no doubt in his mind Shin was correct. He had witnessed the power of the coal haired boy's skills too many times to doubt him.

"Alright Shinnie, what do I have to break?"

Shin walked over the length of the wall. "The whole wall is hollowed from here to there." He instructed. "However, it's even more hollowed right here." He signaled to a small spot just at the corner.

"That means they have a hand scanner connected to the wall. Break the wood, don't break the panel."

Ryuu nodded, smirking as he pulled out a long knife from his hip. "Copy that."

"Right over here." Shin traced a line over a portion of the wall. "About half an inch deep. No more, no less."

With a swift slice Ryuu's knife smashed through the imaginary line, the Quinque metal digging inside the wood right before tearing it open. Just as Shin said, a live hand scanner shone under the wall.

"You should know how to disable them already." Shin's gaze flickered to Emi who was bouncing in her place, almost unable to contain her excitement.

Years back she would've never thought she could follow orders from none other than Big Madam, but now she had a team. Now she had to worry about every move she made, because opposite to Rei, her teammates did care for living.

"Leave it to me." She beamed, walking over to the glowing panel in front of her. Fingers slightly twitching, she pulled at her sleeve, revealing a line of different tools taped to her forearm.

Picking a small screwdriver, she slowly hovered it above the panel before chipping away at its sides, pulling it out after a few strokes. A massive amount of cables were revealed under it, making Emi switch to a small pair of scissors. 

Shin was right behind her, watching intently as she fumbled with the blue wire.

Its not that one.

He waited patiently for the girl to inspect the wire before she dropped it completely, making Shin nod. Her fingers slid over to the green one.

"Bingo." She whispered, holding it between her fingers as she grabbed the yellow wire. In a quick motion she sliced through both cables, immediately twisting them together so they touched.

"Good." Shin whispered, softly encouraging the girl.

Emi then took the red cable and yanked on it completely, replacing it with the blue wire.

"Almost." She whispered, licking her lips as she toyed with the red cable in her hands. With a gentle move she brushed it against the tangled yellow and green wires, a soft buzz emitting from the box seconds after.

"Jiro, are you with us?" Shin asked, waiting for the blond's reply.

The earpiece zoomed to life. "Yeah, right here. I just had a minor setback. Are you ready to go in?" He asked, his voice a bit strained.

"Yep." Ryuu beamed. "All we need is your cue."

Emi's eyes widened at Ryuu's words, vaguely remembering the moment inside the truck when Shin was giving out the instructions. A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of her lips, almost mimicking Ryuu's as she awaited for the blond's signal.

According to Jiro, it was something they always did before getting ready, in the blond's words, to kick some ass. Now Emi was part of the team, and not only was she encouraged to do it, it was an absolute requirement.

A laugh escaped the blond's lips, reaching everyone's ears before he spoke.

"Elites..." that was the cue.

And just as he said that, the rest of the group joined in.

"Let's do this shit."

Emi stepped away, smiling proudly as the wall opened up, revealing a crystal barrier otherwise known as Tenri Hiiragi's office.

With absolutely no time to waste Ryuu smashed his knife against the lock of the crystal door, flinging it open for the three elites to rush inside.

A figure stood at the far corner of the room staring out into what appeared to be a view of a garden. Upon closer inspection Emi realized the hill where she had been previously stationed at was completely visible.

Nobody moved, not a single word was uttered as the tension zoomed over the place. Suddenly Tenri Hiiragi's voice resonated through their ears.

It was dark, deep, and capable of sending shivers down anyone's spines. Well, anyone except for the elites who stood unwavering at his presence.

"Ah, Elites. Welcome to the Hiiragi mansion." The man greeted in a cold tone, slowly turning around to face the intruders.

Shin hunched in a defensive stance, Emi quickly mimicking his actions as Ryuu took offensive right in front of them.

"Tenri Hiiragi." Ryuu was the first who spoke, a signature smirk adorning his features as his lilac eyes trained on the older man. "We've come for your head."

A bloody gaze locked itself on its target: the lightbulb just at the end of the long hallway. Rei had been gazing at it all day, waiting for the moment where the yellow lightsource died out from inside it. Only then could he make his move.

And so he waited. He waited until his bottom lip was already chewed beyond compare and his fingers bloody from fumbling with the blade of Emi's knife. But compared to the feelings eating away at his heart, the physical pain was nowhere to be seen or felt.

Finally the lightbulb at the end of the hall flickered off and Rei jumped toward the gate of his cell at light speed. There was no need to strain his eyesight, years of being inside that cell trained him to see just as clearly in the dark as he did in the day.

His fingers flew toward the lock on the gate, gripping it tightly as he fished a pin out of his hair.

Ayato had given him three pins, all of them hidden inside his snow white hair up until the moment of their escape. The fourth one remained with the redhead, just in case Rei lost one.

The first pin flew inside the lock, jiggling around for a few seconds before Rei applied a bit more force to it.

Not budging...

He inserted a second pin inside the lock, fitting it right above the first one. Only after a few seconds of trying did the lock give in, but only a split inch.

Almost there...

The third pin slipped inside the lock, and after a few more seconds of trying, a soft clicking sound rang though the boy's ears as the lock turned all the way around.

He flung the cell door open, rushing outside like a bat out of hell before clinging to Emi's cell where a pair of green eyes studied him as he inserted the pins one by one inside the remaining lock.

"Hurry up." Ayato whispered.

"Don't rush me or I'll leave you here." Rei grumbled, obviously knowing he couldn't do that. As much as it pained him, this time he needed someone's help. It burned at his stomach like acid, not at all sitting well with him.

"Out." Rei instructed once the lock popped open and the gate was pushed aside. Ayato stood up from against the wall, his fingers circling around the piece of cheap plastic Rei insisted on taking and handed it over to him.

Rei stopped completely in his tracks. After long years he finally had it in his hands. The broken, worn out windmill clouded by a blanket of dust and dressed in spider webs. His heart skipped a beat as his mind wandered over to his Emi for a split second.

Soon. I'll get to you soon Emi, I swear on it.

And with that he took off down the hallway with the redhead following close behind.



Yo guys, I know I said this would be the last chapter of their mission but it took a bit longer, so it'll be the next one.

The end of this fic is near.

Thank you guys so much for the support this story receives! It makes me beyond happy :)

TRIVIA: Which of the elites would probably kill for a cup of strawberry ice cream?

A. Shin
B. Jiro

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