Chapter 75

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Previous trivia: Who is the strongest elite?

Answer: Jiro

Jiro's weapon of choice is a huge ass sniper. And as a weapon specialist you need to be strong, not only to carry your stacks of weapons but to craft them as well.

Ryuu has insane core strength, but much like Rei and Emi he doesn't have any particular strength in his limbs. And he shouldn't either, because his style of combat depends on him being faster than his opponents. A stonger body equals a heavier one. His body needs to be as light as a feather. That's why all his strength is gathered in his core (the lower chest, abdominal area and back)


Shadows enveloped my whole body, an eternal darkness consuming me as my shaky hand gripped the cleaver hanging from my fingers. I could feel it's weight almost sinking me to the floor, and just now I realized how long it had been since I held what had once been my weapon of choice. A stinging sensation wrapped itself from the filthy floor to my ankles, seeping up through my whole body, ending in waves of tingles at the back of my cranium.

My hand had begun to sweat. I wiped it against my clothing, gripping the cleaver once more as the speakers blared through my ears. My stomach errupted in an electrifying sensation.

They were calling my name.

A deep breath. Two. I could feel my heart bursting through my chest as the doors that spent years closed before me opened once again. The sound of my name boomed through the open gates, followed by a terrible silence.

My jaw clenched as I let my armed hand take the lead. Stepping out into the light, I was ready to reclaim the throne I had been forced to abandon. The cleaver swung before me as I walked through the open gates without an ounce of hesitation.

This is the place I had lost a long time ago. This is home.

A gasp tore from the throat of a spectator, but I remained looking ahead as I heard the same reaction all around me.

My name. Say my name. Remember me.

"Making her comeback after years of disappearing from the spotlight. The queen of all scrappers, Emi!"

I let the tingling sensation overcome me, powering a grin to my lips as my chest filled with the eruption of crazed cheers. The butcher knife suddenly felt like a feather between my fingers. I stood patiently, the stance of a hungry lion awaiting its prey.

The excitement rose up so fast I felt my insides explode, the only way to relieve it was with a light bounce of my heels. The bright lights were warm against my skin, the air filled with its characteristic scent of expensive perfume masking the splattering of blood across the walls.

The putrid scent made my nose scrunch, but the smell of blood was not so bad.

A light suddenly flashed at the distance, and I looked up just in time to see my gazelle appearing across the green, wide clearing. It had taken the form of a woman. Her mesmerizing blonde hair immediately reminded me of Jiro, but the terrorized look in her sea blue eyes gave me much more pleasure than the reminder.

A curvy, gorgeous woman with full lips and glowing skin. I couldn't wait to tear her to pieces.

"W-What's going on?" Her voice, as horrified and scared as it was, sounded entrancing. I felt myself being drawn to her and before I knew it I had begun walking.

"Everything is going to be okay, I promise." I smiled, rolling my wrist in a sublte indicator for her to see the razor sharp cleaver hanging from it.

"For me, at least."

And as soon as she took a shaky step back I had already closed our distance.

"Where are you going?" I wondered, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her forward in a split second. Her body lurched toward me, but it was not time to end just yet.

I felt the crunching of her nose against my knee and a surge of pleasure shot through my entire being. The handle of my cleaver slammed against her jaw. Blood cascaded from her nose and out her mouth, and I watched as her hand came to her face to cover the damage. My cleaver cut through the air, slicing her wrist just before it reached her face. The well manicured hand thumped to the floor.

I looked at her. The blood flowing from her face as she stared at her missing limb gave her a deranged appearance. A scream tore through her throat as she stumbled back, fresh tears mixing with the sea of crimson on her features.

She spun clumsily on her heels and took off in the opposite direction.

"You forgot your hand!" I laughed as I grabbed the limb in my hand, flinging it to the spectators as the cheers went wild.

In her dizzy, scared state, I effortlessly caught up to the woman, my foot coming down to trip her as my knee crashed against her back, knocking the wind out of her. The cleaver immediately swung forward and I felt the bones of her leg yielding to the blade.

Her scream filled my ears. She was sobbing, begging God to come save her, to wake her up from the nightmare she was having. My fingers dug into the open skin of her leg, feeling the muscle tissue twitching under my fingertips.

Another thrill-filled wave ran through my body. I glided my fingers across my tongue, the crimson dissappearing into my mouth as I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back. The knife sliced through the once beautifully styled curls hanging from the woman's head, and the sudden force made her face slam into the ground. I admired the crimson stained locks in my grasp, their softness resembling a warm light against my hand.

The strands scattered atop her own pool of blood as I forced her body to roll in order to face me. The once gorgeous face of the woman now looked horrific, her voice that sounded so melodic was now hoarse and dark from screaming until her vocal chords snapped. 

"You must have spent your entire life dedicated to maintaining such a pretty body." I whispered, the cleaver slicing through her stomach.

"Look at you now. What did being pretty get you?" I sighed, my hand slipping inside the open tear of her stomach. The warmness of her internal organs greeted my hand as they slushed together, allowing me further entrance.

"Did you live a happy life? I really hope you didn't spend your entire time in front of a mirror. I hope you had fun with your family, traveled the world, explored every little thing life offered."

My nails began tearing and pulling apart her organs, breaking entrance into her diaphragm that shook like an earthquake under my touch.

"If it makes you feel better, even now you still look beautiful to me."

And with that, my fingers circled around her lung, pulling it from its branch as a gurgle of blood sputtered from her open lips. Her eyeballs shook, her entire body following the movement as I let my fingers make their way to the opposite lung.

"Just like a rainbow. A beautiful mistake."

A frail sigh escaped her mouth, her very last breath before I ripped her remaining lung from it's resting place.

The true meaning of life. Fleeting, just a burst of flames that dims into eternal darkness. As uncertain as the universe, yet as predictable as a board game.

And it ends, not with a bang but a whimper.

My blood stained fingers rested against her eyes, closing her eyelids as I let my hand trail across her broken nose. The blonde strands of hair circled me, blaming me for stripping them from their lifesource. I couldn't help looking away.

The cleaver was heavy once again, perhaps now carrying a burden I had forced upon it. I stood up, leaving the mess of limbs behind as I walked to the open gates, the deafening cheers painting a golden road before me. And just like that, the door closed behind me once again.

The walk back to the training rooms was silent, no matter how many voices intercepted my ears. I left the cleaver atop one of the countless weapon tables lining the halls, not bothering to worry if someone were to take it. It already had my mark.

"Emi." I was greeted once the door to the training room opened.

Shin was leaning right next to the door, his arms crossed above his chest as his bright eyes flickered to mine.

"What's going on?" I asked.

The three remaining presences did not take the slightest notice of my arrival. They were gathered at the very end of the room, all standing before a makeshift target board that was scattered with knives of different shapes and sizes.

"They've been at it for a while now." Shin sighed.

"Why aren't you playing?"

"I'd rather not lose my head, thank you." An almost humorous smile appeared on Shin's features for a fraction of a second. "You'd be surprised to see who hasn't won even once."

My gaze traveled toward the group, taking notice of Jiro's confident smile and relaxed features as he flung a set of three knives. One after the other, they all hit the bullseye without as much as a millimeter of space to waste. He shrugged nonchalantly, stepping aside to allow Ryuu a position in his previous spot.

The latter had glimacing beads of sweat scattered across his forehead, making his hair stick to the skin and take on a slightly darker shade as he lined a set of knives between his fingers and aimed down the target. With three separate motions the knives cut through the air, engraving themselves just a centimeter away from the blond's, one even knocking Jiro's knife out of place and taking it's space.

"You okay, Barbie?" He teased, knocking his shoulder against Jiro's in a playful manner.

"Lucky shot." Jiro grinned, ruffling the lilac, fluffy hair on his head. Ryuu growled in annoyance, smacking his hands away and patting the stray locks in place. 

A few feet away a piercing red gaze watched them with a scowl set deep on his face. He watched unamused as the two bickered lightly, a salty feeling burning inside his stomach.

"What's wrong? Aren't you taking your turn?" Ryuu asked, the smirk on his face only serving to fuel the unsettling feeling inside him. The older boy was teasing him.

Rei wanted nothing more than to fling those three knives at the boy's pulsating neck.

"Yo, he's looking at you weird." Jiro whispered, his lips pulled into a tight line to hide the approaching smile. The blond, although he wouldn't admit it, was also getting a kick out of annoying the youngest boy.

Shin, who was watching the whole exchange from beside me, slapped a hand against his face. "These two have a death wish."

It seemed those words caught the attention of the snow haired boy. He snapped his head to him, ready to argue that he was more than capable of keeping his promise of peace.

His eyes, however, widened in innocent surprise, any type of vile feeling coursing through them seeping away as he saw me standing right beside him.


In a matter of seconds he raced toward me, a grin settling into his delicate features. The remaining two elites heard the commotion, also making their way towards our place.

"Nice makeover, princess." Ryuu snorted, referring to my nice little attire bathed in the blood of my recent victim.

"You're next, idiot." I mumbled, leaning on my toes to flick his forehead.

"You're threatening me again?" The lilac boy dramatized, bringing a hand to his chest. "Dang, I thought we were already past the hate stage."

"No." I couldn't help laughing at Ryuu's typical teasing behavior. "You're scrapping next, dummy. Go get ready!"

Ryuu 'ah'ed, excessively nodding as he showed signs of comprehending my words.

"I guess this is my time to shine." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Any tips?"

"Anyone inside that room with you is your enemy." I spoke, staring into a pair of bright eyes that seemed to lighten even more with each word. "No survivors. The flashier, the better."

The excited look on Ryuu's face made my stomach churn. Was that the same look I portrayed? Did I look that unsettling, that desperate for blood?

"Shin, I'm going!" Ryuu's own loudness cut through my train of thoughts. The younger boy had thrown himself into Shin's strong arms, faking a sob as he gripped the other's shirt.

"Never forget me. When spring returns, so will I."

Shin sighed, peeling the boy off him by the collar of his shirt and watching him wiggle in his grasp.

"You sure are annoying today." He grumbled.

"Shut up. You love me anyway." The other sang in a teasing voice, making Shin drop him to the floor.



"Anyway!" I sighed, preventing the two from bickering any further. "Ryuu, you're up soon. Get going and do your best, alright?"

"Always." He winked, but seemed to sober up with the realization that it was his turn.

"Well guys, I'm off." He sighed, not even bothering to wave goodbye as he stepped out the door.

"I'll make sure he actually makes it there." Shin mumbled, soon taking off after the younger one.

Jiro let out a knowing whistle. There was no way of stopping Shin from following the younger like a lost puppy.

"So what have you guys been up to?" I wondered, leaning toward Jiro's side. Upon realizing my motion he quickly jumped up, a high-pitched squeak leaving his throat as his wide eyes trained on me like a feral animal. Putting as much space between us as possible, he rubbed his arms up and down as if cleansing himself for breathing the same air as me.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands, you heathen!"

And I guess it was my turn to facepalm.


Disclaimer: The quote in italics is from T. S. Eliot!

Hello guys! Here's another chapter! I started school today, hopefully the updates don't get any slower <3

Trivia: Who hates hot weather the most?

A. Ryuu
B. Jiro
C. Shin

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