Chapter 85

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Previous trivia: In an AU, who would most likely play soccer?

Answer: Ryuu

Our, dead, little bean is extremely fast and relatively short. His low center of gravity would allow him to easily slip past any opponent while maintaining control of the ball. Ryuu is amazing :")



Gathering every last bit of anything Ryuu had left, he sped his way towards the door, yanking it open only to reveal two worried gazes that immediately fell on him.

On his blood-drenched body. On his tear-stained cheeks. On his bloodshot eyes. On the pathetic, desperate look that clung to his wild features.

Without a single word he slammed his knee into Jiro's stomach, creating a momentary slip in his guard in order to knock the handgun out of his grip and disorient him long enough to slam the door between them once again.

Using his only remaining needle, he wrenched it across the lock, making sure to jam the knob. Only then did an exhausted sigh escape his lips, and the smile that graced his features as his eyes slid shut was the purest image of relief and accomplishment the world had ever known.

The sound of madness running up the stairs was deafening, and once his eyes opened he was met with a horrified golden gaze staring at him through the small glass opening.

Jiro's mouth moved, although Ryuu couldn't quite hear it over the ringing of his ears. He thought he felt fists slamming desperately against the door, or maybe it was his heart against his ribcage.

Jiro was screaming his name, Ryuu could read it on the horrified expression of his face. The lilac haired boy's lips eased into a smile once again, mouthing words he was sure his friend would understand.

Take care, Barbie. Get her out.

And he turned around, only for the waterfall to rain all over his cheeks once again, curling his fingers in a peace sign before heading toward the stairs. His hands circled around the handgun, the foreign object feeling uncomfortable in his grip.

Only Jiro had the power to look like an angel while delivering the bullet of death, Ryuu could only hope to buy enough time.


"Jiro! Jiro, what's wrong?!" Emi's voice sounded distant, mythical even, as the blond desperately tried to break the door that separated him from the one he considered his younger brother, the one who had said his bitter goodbyes with not as much as a millisecond of hesitation.


But to no avail. Driven by the last instances of Ryuu's smile flashing across his memory, Jiro attempted to force the impenetrable door open. He couldn't let him. Ryuu couldn't go out, not like this.

"Jiro, please stop and tell me what's wrong!"

The familiar whisper of his handgun reached his ears. Jiro already knew the sigh of his silencer by heart, and his heart rammed against his chest as it reached his ears on loop.

"R-Ryuu, he's..."

Take care, Blondie. Get her out.

"Fuck!" Jiro slammed his fist against the door, only managing to make a dent in the strong steel before turning and grabbing Emi's hand.

The girl slipped into a momentary shock as Jiro wrenched her toward the next door, getting them both inside before locking the door behind him.

"W-Wait, what about Ryuu?"

Jiro couldn't take it. The incredulous expression on Emi's face, the hope for him to laugh and say he was just joking. Surely, they would not leave the boy behind.


"Listen to me." Jiro's voice sounded painfully hoarse, just on the edge of breaking all together as his hands came to grip Emi's shoulders. The girl shrunk under his intenste stare. His touch was not warm and tender as it was before.

Emi could only see a shell of her friend trying to piece himself together and ultimately failing, right before her eyes.

"We need to keep moving."

"But Ryuu-"

"Keep moving." He growled, yet the aggressive action sounded more like a plea.

She looked back at those golden eyes that pinned her down, silently begging her to listen. Those grief-striken eyes that made realization dawn on her like a sun that sets into the horizon with a beautiful explosion of color.

Ryuu was not coming back.

And they had to keep moving.

The initial shock dissolved into a heavy weight pressed against her heart, almost impeding it's pained beating as she quietly nodded. Her glazed gaze now mimicked that of Jiro's as the blond nodded to himself, shaking the momentary fog clouding his mind.

The pair raced up the stairs, their muscles protesting with each step they took. Their hearts writhed in their place, clinging to the last strings that connected them to Ryuu's, refusing to let go.

It was as if the farther they moved from the door, the faster their seams came undone. And each step they took made an agonizing memory of the bright lilac haired boy latch on to their minds, torturing them in the most excruciating way possible. Their hearts wanted nothing more than to rip out of their chests and chase after Ryuu.

It was this uncooperation from their part that caused both Jiro and Emi to forsake any type of safety measures. The pair could only focus on running as fast as they could, up the stairs and away from the truth that was gaining on them like a lion on a fragile gazelle. They burst through the next door in a heap of ragged breathing and shaking limbs, only stopping to consider their reckless actions when the floor shook underneath them.

The familiar, horrifying sound of an explosion ripped through their ears and Jiro pushed the girl against the wall, using his body as a shield against the bursts of concrete that flew across the air.

Without wasting a second and taking advantage of the momentary distortion of the air created by the cloud of dust, Jiro pulled Emi through the entrance. Heading in the opposite direction to the explosion, he only managed to hear the distant melody of war before he found himself in yet another absurdly long hallway.

He was not sure if the shaking of his hand was product of exhaustion or fear. No, he was almost certain it was his body screaming at him to keep moving, despite him desperately wanting nothing more than to break down. Emi's hand also quaked between his fingers, her bright eyes scanning every direction as pools of water built up around her dilatated pupils.

Jiro had to look away.

Each second he spent staring at her delicate features, now whitewashed from the smoke, reminded him that it was his weakness that got them into this situation.

And how could he ever imagine looking into her eyes, those same eyes that had stared at him with utmost curiosity at the very beginning, with compassion and sincerity through the years, and unaltered horror as he pulled her towards the stairs and away from their friend.

He failed to save Ryuu. He couldn't protect Emi.

How in the world was he going to look at Shin now?

How would Shin look at him, after knowing how much of a faliure he was?

After knowing Ryuu was gone because of him...


Ryuu was gone.

The blond clutched his chest, his eyesight suddenly blacking out on him as he lost all the air in his lungs. No pain could ever compare to the way his heart shattered into a million pieces as images of a grinning Ryuu ran across his mind.

All he could see was him. All he could hear was Ryuu's melodic laughter thrashing across his ears. All he could feel was the throbbing of his stomach, where the boy had given Jiro his last blow as a means to distract him and take his gun, running out to save them immediately after.

His throat burned like a raging sun and a fire errupted inside his chest, product of oxygen failing to reach his lungs.


It was Emi's distant voice that called out to him, and he searched in the pitch black of his surroundings for the little girl.


His chest jumped, and kicked and writhed as if it was channeling a demon, and suddenly a wave of bile came rushing up his throat and onto the ground below his feet.

"Please, you need to breathe, Jiro. Focus on my voice and breathe." He felt gentle hands brushing across his back, and a gush of oxygen flooded his lungs, sending him into a coughing fit.

"Its going to be okay."

Cracks of light finally reached his vision, and he suddenly found himself pressed against the wall, his body almost giving out on him as Emi used all her remaining strength on keeping the blond from falling.

Jiro shook his head in a daze, looking down at the vomit-stained floor before locking his golden gaze on Emi's.

The voices were coming closer and closer by the second, and there was no doubt a ghoul would find them sooner than later.

Footsteps could be heard at the distance. Heavy. Rigid. Synchronized almost to the point where it seemed rehearsed.

The CCG was climbing up the stairs.

They had to keep moving.

Hey guys! Here's another update! Sorry it took so long, I've been really busy these days <3

Thank you for all the lovely messages in the last post! I'll be sure to send them to my friend! Thank you all!!!!

Trivia: Who would most likely play chess?

A. Shin
B. Ryuu
C. Jiro

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