Chapter Three- Love

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I slipped out into the dark night, wondering where to go. I really hadn't thought this through, so I simply went back to Candleshade to wipe away my dad's memories.

After sifting through all his memories of me, most of them bad reminders of what I loser I was, I shakily went to my room and dropped down, exhausted, onto my bed. Restless sleep and nightmares overtook me immediately.

I had meant to wake early and run of somewhere, probably to kill myself. But when I did awake, it was later then I thought and my dad was probably awake. I slumped down on my bed, ready to lay low for a while.

But then, at that moment, my bedroom door opened. There in all her beauty was Sophie.

A million thoughts raced through my head. What was she doing here? Sophie shouldn't have remembered me, but from the emotions of confusion and worry coming off her, she clearly did!

"Keefe! What have you done?" She asked frantically. "No one remembers your but me! And," she said accusingly, "the Wiper is missing." I sighed.

"You shouldn't remember me," I replied helplessly.

"But I do. Dex programmed the Wiper not to wipe my memories, but to make it look like it did. He was going to do that for each of us, but didn't have time."

Drat, I thought to myself.

"Sophie. Just... I'm not worth it. Go away, please?" I said. She merely glared me down.

"Keefe, you did this because you thought you made mistakes. But this was your biggest. I don't understand... why are you so depressed? Your mind's going break soon enough, Keefe." Sophie sat down on the edge of my bed.

"I want it too." I said simply.

"Keefe. Look... you are worth it. More then anyone. And, Keefe..." she looked at me, big, beautiful brown eyes filling with tears. I wanted to hold her, to make her happy. To make her a queen. She deserved that. I didn't.

And then, some impulse over came me and I kissed her. Even though she had a boyfriend, even though I didn't deserve that, even though I was supposed to be wiped from her mind.

And miraculously, she kissed me back. It was a short kiss, but a passionate one. And something... wonderful was coming from her emotions that radiated off her more fiercely then ever.


"I... I thought you and Fitz were a thing," I said. A smile crept treacherously across my face, the first real one in weeks.

"Well... he wouldn't believe you were real. I mean, I get it. His mind was wiped. But he refused to believe me. Biana and Tam were skeptical, and Dex and Linh were all in. But Fitz refused to believe. He was nice about it, but I couldn't keep loving him if we didn't have trust that flowed willingly."

I doubted Sophie would realize her true feelings for me anytime soon, but I was willing to wait. Even if she and Fitz got together again, and all my waiting came to nothing, I was here for her.

Never would I let myself break down like that again. Never would I let myself be so impulsive, wiping away the memories of the only ones who cared. 

I was shaky. Worried. Still felt worthless.

But I was happy.

Except for one thing. What had happened to my hair? I raced to a mirror, Sophie laughing as I tried to fix it.

Yep, everything was right in the world.

Well, that's the end! Hope it wasn't too cliche and boring. Please critique, because it's definately not my best work and I'd like to know if it's believable.

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