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Toshinori had made it home from work with him parking his car. As he got out of his car and locked the door, he looked to see the window that led to his son's room was open.

Toshinori: What? Oh shit, Y/N!

He ran inside with him, grabbing a bat. As he ran upstairs, he forced his son's door open, and as he looked inside, he saw what looked like a Lunala floating over his son as he slept

Toshinori: What in the world?

As She floated over his she tapped his head with her giant claw like hands she than flew off into the skies at light speed with a shower of stars filling the sky.

Toshinori: What just happened?

He went over to his son to see he was sleepy peacefully as he smiled in his sleep.

Toshinori: Maybe it's time, for him to start his journey.


I woke up stretching with me looking at the sunny sky.

Y/N: Man that was amazing, I wonder what today holds.

As he sat on his bed he smelt something cooking in the kitchen.

Y/N: With that first thing being in the kitchen.

I than got up and made my way down stairs where I saw my dad cooking breakfast.

Y/N: Morning dad, I didn't know you could cook.

Dad: Hey your old man isn't just good looking and great voice actor you know, come on I made us some eggs and bacon.

I sat down with Dad putting our breakfast on our plates. As we ate Dad was reading the paper as usual.

Y/N: So dad what should we do today?

Dad: Actually Y/N there's something I want to talk to you about.

Y/N: What is it?

Dad: I think it's time.

Y/N: We have the talk?

He than spat his coffee out

( Replace the blood with coffee )

Dad: What no?! Where you learn that?

Y/N: Our teacher told us about something called 'the talk'

Dad: You know what don't finish, I was thinking something else.

Y/N: What is it?

Dad: Wait here.

He than got up and left before coming back with a box in his hands and putting it down Infront of me.

Dad: Open it.

I opened it and inside was a pokeball

Y/N: Wait is it?

Dad: Yes, it is time for you to start your Pokemon journey.

I smiled as I reached into the box and held the poke ball where I saw my mom's name on it.

Y/N: Nana, that's.

Dad: Your mom's name, she wanted you to have that when you were ready. I didn't know when that time would be but last night a pokemon was in your room and it seemed to be found of you, I'm not sure why it was but I think it meant it was time for your journey to begin.

Y/N: Wow. So what Pokemon is it?

Dad: Not sure it was nothing I seen-

Y/N: I mean in the ball.

Dad: Oh right, well I don't know either, so why don't you open it and find out.

I pressed the button and it soon opened with a bright light coming out and it landed the chandelier.

???: Chimchar!

Dad: Hey get down from there, I just had the cleaner last week!

It then jumped down with me catching it in my arms.

Y/N: Wow, this is amazing!

As I held him he looked up at me while I looked at him.

Y/N: Hi I'm Y/N nice to meet you.

He then seemed to smile.

Chimchar: Chimchar!

I then rested him on the ground with him looking at me.

Y/N: So do you have a name.

Chimchar: Chimchar.

Dad: Well, it's a Chimchar so that's its name. But you can give it a nickname if you like.

Y/N: A nickname.

I looked at Chimchar with him full of life.

Y/N: I got it, how about Goku.

Chimchar: Chimchar!

Y/N: I guess you like it, Goku it is!

He than jumped onto my head with him resting comfortably.

Dad: Before you go there's something I wanted to give you too.

He than showed me what looked like a costume

Y/N: Woah.

Dad: I thought you would like something that would make you stand out, so when people see you battle they can spit you out of the crowd but if you don't want it.

Y/N: No I love it, I'm going to put it on now.

I took it and went to the bathroom and changed into my suit with me adjusting the gloves so they fit like well a glove.

Y/N: How I look?

Dad: Amazing.

Chimchar: Chimchar!


I was outside with my suit on and Chimchar with me and Dad looking at each other.

Dad: Well son this is it. You are finally going out there on your big journey, how you fell.

Y/N: I'm both excited and nervous but mostly excited.

Dad: That's great, now you already have stuff like your pokeballs and Pokedex and your already registered as a trainer.

Y/N: Ok, well thanks Dad well so long.

I was about to leave but he put a hand on my shoulder.

Dad: Listen there's one more thing you should know, there are two types of people out there, the one's that only do good enough and the ones that always go all out, you need to be one of those people who go all out. And that doesn't just retain to Pokemon but also life in general, if you truly wish to make something of yourself always shoot for the stars and give it your all. Go beyond you're and you're Pokemons limits son.

Y/N: I will, well goodbye.

I hugged him and letting go before looking at Goku.

Y/N: Alright buddy, let's go!

Goku: Chimchar!

He hopped onto my shoulder as we adventured out into the amazing world of Pokemon.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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