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Chapter 4

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I YAWNED, gazing at the scenery outside my window. My room overlooked the expansive grounds of the Ducal Palace. Below, a bustling crowd of servants hurried about, tending to their chores. Some were sweeping the pathways, while others were polishing the grand statues that lined the garden. The meticulous care they took was evident in every stroke and polish.

Beyond the busy crowd, the view was breathtaking. The palace grounds stretched out into lush, manicured gardens adorned with vibrant flowers in full bloom. Majestic trees swayed gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling softly. In the distance, a crystal-clear lake shimmered under the golden rays of the sun, creating a picturesque scene that seemed almost surreal. It was beautiful at night, but it became even more attractive during the day, with the sunlight bringing everything to life.

Here I was, sitting at the table in my room, sipping a cup of tea. It had been ten hours since I reincarnated here. I couldn’t believe this wasn’t a dream.

“My lady, the Grand Duke requests your presence. May you come to his office now?” asked the maid with pink hair. To my surprise, she was my personal maid. No wonder she was the only one speaking when I woke up from my fainting.

The infuriating spotlight emerged again before us.

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Choose your answer.

I’m quite busy.

Just tell the Duke I am still not feeling well.


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I needed to choose the best option. Quickly, I pressed the one I preferred.

“Okay,” I replied suddenly. It was tiring, but I had to go. If I wanted to create a good image, I had to start now before it was too late.

“Then, lead the way, Lady Loughsin,” the maid responded, bowing beside me.

I stood up and placed my tea on the table. I was about to walk when I remembered I was unfamiliar with this house. If I was in the Ducal Palace, this place must be enormous.

Akmang magsasalita na sana ako ngunit naalala ko na hindi pala ako makakapagsalita kapag walang choices. Now, how could I possibly tell this maid that she needed to lead the way?

I heaved a sigh. I couldn’t do anything, right? So, let me just walk and pretend I know where the Grand Duke’s office is.

As I opened the door of my room, I immediately messed up my hair out of frustration, which was a mistake. I noticed the maid beside me silently scoffing. Was she really a maid? Why was she acting like the noble here?

“Are you okay, Lady Loughsin?” the maid asked, feigning concern.

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Answer your personal maid wisely!

I’m okay, let’s proceed.

Of course not, in what way do I look okay?!

Stop pretending you’re worried about me, Stella. You wouldn’t care if I died right here, would you?

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Oh, I can finally see the right answer in this situation. This game system’s choices are starting to amuse me.

“Stop pretending you’re worried about me, Stella. You wouldn’t care if I died right here, would you?” I muttered, looking at her coldly. It worked perfectly, as her expression turned horrified.

“I-I,” she stammered, unable to answer. The way her eyes darted around for an excuse was amusing to watch.

“What’s the matter, Stella? Is Lady Loughsin not feeling well?” I heard footsteps approaching. I recognized that voice.

“Can you escort her to His Grace’s office?” Stella muttered, her voice trembling. Oh, she’s leaving me already? How sad.

I turned to see a figure approaching us, the familiar voice belonging to someone I knew all too well. Stella’s face, trying to maintain a facade of kindness, was now a picture of panic and fear. Her eyes darted nervously, her lips twitching as she struggled to keep her composure. It was almost satisfying to see her mask slip.

I stared at the man approaching us. Was she afraid this man might report her for being a bad maid? I chuckled to myself. They’re both the same, aren’t they?

“Of course, no problem. I am her knight for a reason!” Sebastian, or should I say, ‘Kyle’ in his undercover guise, declared with a confident smile.

“Thank you,” the maid replied. She bid me farewell formally, as well as to Sebastian.

Well, didn’t I tell you that this man beside me is the one who will assassinate me? Before Arthemice was cast into the slums, she had been assassinated by this very man. Yet, against all odds, she had been revived by an unknown force or person. The mystery of her revival was as perplexing as it was intriguing. Why had she been brought back? And who had the power to do so? These questions haunted me, pushing me to uncover the truth behind the inexplicable event.

I needed answers, and I would get them, even if it meant playing along with this deadly game a little longer.

Nagising naman ako sa realidad nang magsalita ito.

“My lady, may I take you to your father’s office?” he suddenly muttered, offering his hand to me. I merely glanced at it and started walking without holding his hand.

‘Hypocrite,’ I thought. He really is. If it weren’t for the Emperor’s order, he wouldn’t be my personal royal knight.

Sebastian, or Kyle, was a perfect example of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. His expression was carefully controlled, displaying the perfect blend of concern and duty. However, I knew better. The same hands that offered to escort me were the ones that had once ended Arthemice’s life.

“That’s not the way to the office, Lady Loughsin,” he approached me politely, then offered his hand again. Where the hell are the choices?! I want to reply to him, for goodness’ sake! Is the system broken?!

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Accept him as your escort, and choose your answer.

I know, I was just pretending.

Take me to His Grace now.


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What the heck is wrong with these choices? Are you mocking me, system?!

I stomped my feet angrily and looked up. I even clenched my fists in frustration. Sebastian probably thought I looked like an idiot, but I didn’t care.

“Take me to His Grace now,” I said as I pressed the second choice. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and walked elegantly down the long hallway.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sebastian looking shocked as he glanced at the holograph. For a moment, I thought he could see it too, but then I realized he was just staring at my bare feet. How disheartening.

I looked around the hallway. The Ducal Palace was a grand and imposing structure. The hallway we walked through was adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the history of the Loughsin family. Tall windows let in streams of sunlight, illuminating the marble floors and the ornate chandeliers that hung from the ceiling. The air smelled faintly of lavender, likely from the freshly polished floors.

“Here we go, my lady,” he declared, stopping and opening a grand door for me. Inside, Duke Daryl Loughsin sat at his desk, looking as stern as ever.

I stepped inside and left Sebastian at the door. I bowed as I stopped in front of the Duke.

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Greet your father!

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Now there are no choices. Should I mock the system too? Tsk.

“Greetings, Your Grace,” I greeted him, standing firmly. I needed to maintain a good image if I wanted to survive in this world.

I roamed my eyes around. The walls were lined with shelves filled with books and documents, each meticulously organized. The polished mahogany desk was adorned with various letters and decrees, all awaiting his attention. Even as he read, his posture remained upright, exuding a commanding presence.

“Your coming of age ceremony is in a week. Have the servants prepared your dress and other necessities?” he inquired, folding the paper he had been reading and looking directly at me.

Duke Daryl Loughsin sat with an air of regal elegance, his posture impeccable. His hands moved with measured precision as he folded the letter, and his sharp eyes seemed to pierce right through me. The golden light from the chandelier above cast a warm glow on his stern features, highlighting the silver streaks in his blonde hair.

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Answer his question!

Yes, Your Grace.

Yes, Your Grace, I’m really excited to meet the Crown Prince! You did invite him, didn’t you?

Yes, Father.

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Wow, the enthusiasm of the second choice. Maybe this would make the Duke mad if I chose this. Pfft...

“Yes, Your Grace,” I replied after pressing the first choice.

Honestly, I had no idea if those servants had prepared everything for my coming of age ceremony. This body may look mature, but it’s only 17? Why does it seem so much older?

“After your coming of age ceremony, you will enter the academy. Do you have any objections?” he continued, his voice steady and authoritative. Academy? Oh, right. I need to learn some magic.

“Dismissed,” he concluded, returning his attention to the papers on his desk.

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Choose a response to him.

Thank you, Father.

Then, I’ll take my leave now, Your Grace.


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“Then, I’ll take my leave now, Your Grace,” I said, pressing the button and bowing. As I exited his office, I saw Sebastian waiting outside.

I heaved a sigh. The coming of age ceremony and the academy were just the beginning. I had much to learn and even more to uncover about this world.

“Tapos na po ba, Lady Loughsin?” Sebastian asked, offering his hand to me once again. I just looked at it, wondering if he was trying to escort me again. I heaved a sigh and reluctantly took his hand.

Wala akong magagawa, ang system na naman ang dedesisiyon e. If only I could speak for myself, I would. May ibang paraan pa kaya para makapagsalita ako?

“You seem so down lately, my lady. Do you have any problems?” Sebastian broke the silence, looking at me with knitted brows. He tried to sound sincere and convincing, but his acting skills weren’t fooling me. If I were Arthemice, I might have been deceived by this hypocrite.

No choices appeared, so I ignored him and continued walking down the hallway with Sebastian escorting me. He must have read my expression, as he didn’t bother me anymore.

‘Coming of age ceremony, huh?’ I thought. I remembered that Cecelia and her friend Athena would attend, and this chapter marked the beginning of the story. Here, the Crown Prince and Cecelia would meet again. Despite being engaged, they hadn’t seen each other for a while due to the Crown Prince’s busy schedule at the Imperial Palace. Cecelia was known as an elegant, beautiful, kind, and intelligent woman, always busy with her life.

I stopped when something hit me. I just remembered that day. Arthemice would be humiliated by her own brother, who would throw incredibly hurtful words at her about being a child of a prostitute and not knowing the basic etiquettes of a noble. Napahiya si Arthemice doon, making her guests hate her even more. Being a lady without good manners and proper conduct was a disgrace to them. However, in that moment, Cecelia helped her, and Arthemice, as the villainess, instead of being thankful, pushed Cecelia down and mocked her entire existence.

I stomped my feet and stopped walking. ‘That’s right! I will change that chapter and make a reputation for myself!’ I smiled at the thought, clenching my fist in front of me.

“A-Are you okay, my lady?” Sebastian asked, startled by my sudden action. Oh, I almost forgot he was beside me. He must think I’m crazy right now.

I simply ignored him and kept walking. My mind was fixated on the coming of age ceremony. It was a pivotal moment in the story. I recalled how Cecelia’s kindness contrasted sharply with Arthemice’s cruel actions. This time, I would ensure things played out differently. I would not let Arthemice be humiliated. Instead, I would turn the tables and build a new reputation.

I felt a renewed sense of determination. I would navigate this treacherous path, rewrite the narrative, and emerge victorious. This was my story now, and I intended to make the most of it.

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You can’t change the future of the Villainess. Don’t intervene with the system, dear player.

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I raised my eyebrows at that. Did the system just read my thoughts?! How? Have they been monitoring me since I got into this freaking world?!

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When you set foot here, you became part of the system...

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I stopped walking, stunned by what I had just read. What the heck? Is the system talking to me?

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Everything you possess here is not yours.

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‘What?!’ This is my freaking soul, you damn system! Do you think you can own me just because I’m here in this freaking game?!

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Every part of you is ours. You can’t change your fate now, Faerie.

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I was stunned when I read my real name in the holograph. My eyes widened, and my brows knitted in disbelief. The system knew me all along...


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