Prologue: Guess I have to save myself

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Brownie's Pov

I'm a camera man but I'm a special camera man I wear a brown coat which is why I'm called brown coat camera man.

I used to simp after TV Woman but that got me with the name Simp Cameraman. After we were cornered by the infected Titan Speakerman a lot of Camera and Speaker men were destroyed or injured myself being as I currently missing my lower body. Many camera men were except for me I thought TV woman would save me but she didn't she saved Plunger man and didn't come back for me.

I used all the strength I had and pulled myself out from under the rubble and crawled away I found a camera man who was cut in half at his waist his upper body was damaged beyond repair but his legs were fine.

Brownie: I'm sorry for doing this but I need your legs please rest in peace fellow camera man.

Luckily so of the repair camera man stuff was still here so I was able to repair myself to a degree. After I buried the camera man and speaker men that weren't completely destroyed. Make my way I found an abandoned facility. It looks like a old base but for who?

I saw two tubes and it looks like something is inside them. I take a closer look and it two women.

They were wrapped in bandages enough to cover their sensitive areas. I saw their hands twitching meaning they're still alive. I walked up to a monitor and turned it on it had a file called project Delta and Epsilon.

Brownie:Is that what these two are called.

A video came on the screen.

???: To who ever who discovers this facility this is a genetic enhancement facility made to upgrade weapons and enhance one's physical powers. The two girls in the tubes are Delta and Epsilon they are volunteers who agree to this enhancement when the Skibidis first stared invading. Delta was given the abilities and instinct of a canine the side affects gave her animal traits such as the dog ears and tail. Epsilon her physical abilities were enhanced but not to such a degree as delta her side affects turn her blonde hair sky blue and gave her pointy ears like a elf. We ran many tests and they were a peak but sadly before they could be deployed the Skibidis found us we hid Delta and Epsilon putting them back in their tubes and putting them in stasis until someone would come and find them. If you who are seeing this if you are against the Skibidi Toilets take Delta and Epsilon with you they will help you deal with the Skibidi Toilets. And this facility is yours to use as you see fit there is a secret cache were many weapons and upgrades are you can have them if they have not been found. All I have to say is go lucky end transmission.

After the video I looked at the two sleeping girls and decided to wake them. As the liquid they were in started to drain they opened their eyes and looked at me in confusion and bewilderment.

Brownie:( Of course they're probably confused seeing a camera man for the first time.)

As the tubes lifted up they looked at each other and then at me.

Delta: Who and what are you?

Brownie: I'm Brown Coat Cameraman and I'm a camera man obviously.

Epsilon:Were are the scientist and other workers at this facility?

I explained everything that has happened and showed them the video that was left.

Delta: So you're our boss now? (Wagging her tail)

Brownie: I guess I am. But first I need to fully myself.

Delta:Why boss you look fine to me.

Epsilon: Delta The boss's lens to his camera head is cracked.

Brownie: Good observation Epsilon but it's more than that these legs aren't original my own I took them from a damaged camera man I repaired myself enough to walk.

Delta: Epsilon didn't they have a cache in this place?

Epsilon:yes if it's still the boss could repair himself and even upgrade himself even further.

Time Skip

We make it to the cache get the equipment we need. Delta and Epsilon have their outfits.

Delta: So boss how do we look.

Brownie:, You two look amazing really suits you both.

Both girls blush and Delta was wagging her tail happily.

Brownie: alright time to find upgrades for myself.

I search through the cache to see what would work for me. I done be Simp Cameraman I'm going to be a better me a better Brown Cameraman. After searching I found the upgrades I wanted.

A special camera drone with turrets a rockets on it I can use this are my new head.

And a jet pack or more like wings apparently they can store up energy to increase speed.

And a new outfit for myself.

After I head to a repair room with Delta and Epsilon. Epsilon apparently has a master's degree in robotics and since I am somewhat robotic she can repair me.

Time Skip

After sometime I wake back up and Epsilon had finished my repairs and installed the upgrades as well after I got two weapons and high frequency katana called Muramase.

And two pistols the combine into a bow and armor I call White Destruction.

I learned my wings had a pocket dimension that I can use to store other things in it. So I take everything in the cache I don't want the Skibidis getting anything here. I had Epsilon download and information on a hard drive and delete everything in the systems. I also forgot Epsilon also installed a core on me.

Now I was upgraded to a level to match even the titans.

After everything was deleted and saved on to a flash drive we made our out.

Brownie: Delta, Epsilon.

Delta/Epsilon: yes boss?

Brownie: As of today we are no longer who we use to be we will be better than our past selves, my belief is that continue working towards saving the lives of the innocent people called me a simp but no longer I well challenge my fate and shatter it this is what it means to truly be free to go against that which bounds us.

Both Delta and Epsilon bowed.

Delta: Boss we will follow you to the ends of the earth and back.

Epsilon: Your beliefs are our beliefs.

Delta: And we will follow those beliefs no matter what.

Delta/Epsilon: We'll follow you as your loyal companions.

Brownie:As of now we shall be known as New Genesis.


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