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Y/N laughed at her phone screen, wiping a tear from her eye. "Ahhh...I love him" she laughed softly while standing up as she looked towards her mirror. She then glanced at AR and baped her on.

"What is Y/N?" AR grumbled annoyed at Y/N as her green holographic face turned to her having a annoyed look.

"Can you set a time for me?" Y/N asked politely. AR taken aback by this. "Alright?...What do you want me to set?" AR asked curiously

"When me and Ares will get married and have 10 kids" Y/N said Jokingly.

AR gave a face mixed with disgust as she scoffed loudly "Are you-"

Y/N bursted into a fit of loud laughter clutching her side from the pain of laughing as tears pricked her eyes. She rolled over on her belly and gasped for air as she slowly calmed down.

"I'm just joshin ya dude. Set a Time for 5:50PM" Y/N giggled out and petted the AR gently "I have a Show to catch." A wide smirk plastered on her face. "And someone's ass to beat...." You grumbled the last part.

"Oh? Ares I pressume? Are you sure it ain't the other way around?" AR grinned setting the time

"Shut up." Y/N glared deathfully "I-its not like that.....Yet" she gave a cheeky smile to AR as she shook her head shutting herself off.

Hoping out of her bed and landing on her feet. A wide smirk plastered on Y/Ns face as she grinned happily. She skipped over to her favorite backpack. And slung it over her shoulders. But first checking that she had everything in their

"Uno cards.....Snacks....more snacks...... stretchy round bands....Wait what the fuck? When did I buy these. How DO I EVEN HAVE THESE?!"
Y/N gasped dropping the box of the stretchy round bands
"8760!!!!!" she roared "YOU DAMN PERVERT!" Growling you threw them in the trash and continued checking if you had everything you needed.

"Even more snacks....Minature crowbar. Perfect for beating ass with" Y/N grinned "Yup! Check! Now let's go!" And with that. The F/C teen skipped out of her bedroom unkowingly that AR had muttered something "Be safe kid...." Before shutting down again.

Y/N walked threw the large halls well. Skipped singing a soft tune as her skirt lifted up with every skip she took. Her backpack making weird Jingling noises with every step she took. She obviously knew that the show didn't start till later so she had time to see Ares for awhile bout. 30 minutes. Perfect.

Her voice rang through the hallways as she sang a soft melody. The sound of her feet pattered against the floor;
The sound bouncing off the walls of the hallway.
A thought lingered in her mind, Ares of course. The thought of him flooded her mindscape as a loud sigh escaped her soft lips. Why did she even bother? He was a robot. She was a human! It clearly wouldn't work out! But, she still had faith that the machine can learn to love.

Can he learn to love her....the way she loved him...if that was even possible. Of course her father would loose his shit and her uncle would well actually. She didn't know how he would react. Probably not civilized of course. Then again...she was beyond civilized.

As thoughts filled her head and clouded her judgment she didn't notice a certain tall robot walking with Justin.
Her eyes were gazing down towards the ground a small 'Hmm' escaped her lips before she gave a loud squeak bumping into what felt like a metal wall.

Tumbling back she held her face in pain "OI! Watch were your going lughea-" she stopped and stared up at the larger mech. His Security camera eye shifted to look at her in a bored way. Justin turned over "Y/N?" He said in a huff.

Y/Ns expression turned into a scowl towards Ares as he mocked her look.
She quickly dusted herself off and pushed passed him "If you excuse me. I have 'Important matters' to attend to." She grumbled glaring back at them especially Ares.

"Such as what?....." Justin looked amused as heck a small smirk plastering on his face

"Such as..." Y/N nervously glanced away her gaze looking towards the wall before glancing back to Ares

"Such as! Hanging out with my new best friend!" Y/N blurted out. "Which is.......Dave! Yes yes! Dave! He's a much better friend than YOU!" She snapped her gaze to Ares as she sweatdropped.

Justin snorted loudly in amusement "Dave?" He snickered "And what does this human look like." Ares said. Amused as well.

"Well....You'll see him at the show of course!" Y/N then ran off "HES ALSO TOOOTALLLYYYY REAAAL!" She shouted aloudly replaying what just happened in her mind as she practically facepalmed 'Were am I gonna get a DAVE!?'

"Think he's real?" Justin asked Ares as he shrugged. They then began to walk again. Ares thoughts focusing on Y/N...What if this 'Dave' was real?....

Y/N scumagged through her fathers inventions. Currently in his lab as a loud groan came from her lips
"Where did dad put it at?!" She grumbled as she shoved the box under his desk, eyes gazing around the room. Before she caught sight of a box labeled

'Keep away from Y/N'

A smirk slithered onto her face as she rushed over grabbing a chair and hopped on. Her hands reaching into the box carefully before she felt something familiar. A grin forming as she pulled it out.

The device was quite small. But it had a small screen onto it. Her hands gently removed the dust as a smirk formed on her lips.

"Well then....Dave....prepare to meet life" Y/N grinned turning on the device....

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