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An Awkward Duet - Dodie Clark and Jon Cozart (YouTube Only)

Shiro walked out by the lake and found Lance sitting on his own, his knees to his chest and his eyes emotionless. "Lance," he jolted and looked at Shiro. "You okay buddy? You were spacing out there." He sat down next to him and Lance sighed.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine. I just don't want to leave my family again." Lance looked out onto the lake then down at his feet. Shiro traced where his eyes went and saw Keith in the lake swimming around.

"Are you sure there isn't," Lance looked at Shiro as he motioned his head to Keith. "Anything else, making you act like this?" Lance blushed lightly and nodded his head violently. "Well, I can see you're lying. I can go get Coran-"

"No!" Lance grabbed his robot arm and Shiro looked down at him. "If I tell you, will you like, promise, not to tell the others."

"We shouldn't keep things from each other Lance."

"I know. That's why if you promise I'm going to tell you," Lance held his pinky out to Shiro. "Promise?"

Shiro sighed and hooked his finger to Lances. "Promise, now what's bothering you. Maybe, I can help."

"I-I," he couldn't form words as sweat dripped down his forehead. He wasn't even sure yet. No, we was. He just didn't want to admit it. "I-I-I-I think I-I like Keith."

"Finally! Now we can work on your-"

"No," Shiro looked down at Lance, blush spread across his cheek. "Like," he ran his hand through his hair and grunted. "Like, like him, like him."

"What?" Shiro didn't understand what Lance was saying, but the blush told him everything. Lance looked back out onto the lake and the blush spread down his neck and to his freckles ears. "Oh, you love Keith," Shiro looked out onto the lake then down at Lance with his eyes wide. "Wait what!"

"I-I-I know i-i-i-it seems crazy b-but," more blush arose and covered his whole face. Lance bit his lip then flicked it out of his mouth and looked up at Shiro. "I think I'm insane."

||•Two Hours Later•||

Shiro couldn't take his eyes off of Keith while he was training. Why Keith? They only wanted them to become better partners, not partners. He looked over at Lance who tripped on Hunks leg, bumping into Keith. They glared at each other. "What's the big idea! Are you trying to get me killed!" Keith yelled at Lance.

"What? You bumped into me!" Lance yelled back. Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose and broke up the fight before one could break out.

"It doesn't matter who bumped into who as long as you have each other's backs!" Shiro yelled and they looked at him. "You need to trust each other so for the remainder of the training period you two are working together. The rest of us are relaxing," Shiro stated. "Coran, make sure they work together," Shiro walked out of the training room and found Lances little siblings running wild. "Woah! How did you get in here?" Shiro stopped them and they pointed to the open door.

"Lance said that we could come in here any time we liked," Shiro looked up at Laura and Shiro groaned. "What is Lance and that black haired boy doing in there?" She pointed to the open training hall door.

"They don't work well together so we're trying to get them too," the four siblings walked to the door and saw Lance yelling at Keith, him doing it in response. Shiro sighed and marched in. "Both of you cut it out!" Shiro pushed them apart before Keith could cut him with his baryard. "You need to work together not fight! If you continue then Allura will do something about this!"

"Oh don't worry Shiro," Allura smiled as she walked past Lances siblings. "I will, and am," she sweetly smiled before yelling, "Training level ten," Shiro and Allura quickly ran out of the room and closed the door. "Enjoy!"

"What!" Lance and Keith yelled as a robot fell from the roof. They got into action as more fell down. They destroyed a few but the more they took apart the more came."Dip?!" Keith shouted and Lance nodded.

"Yep!" The ran out of the training hall and Allura shook her head.

"You two are a mess!" Laura laughed and Lance glared at her. "Honestly just get each other's backs and pretend to be friends!" She laughed as the four siblings walked out of the castle.

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