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Lance crossed his arms as he stood next to Hunk and Pidge who were also, stopping him from leaving again. "So that's final, Lance. Me and Coran will go to Ginovia and Pidge and Hunk will go to Galloway. Shiro, Keith and Lance will go to Lagoi and get that plant. Understood?" Allura crossed her arms and everyone nodded but Lance. "Lance?"

"I don't see why I need to go on a mission with them? I can get that plant myself." Lance crossed his arms and puffed his chest out.

"Well if you can then go on straight ahead and get killed." Keith crossed his arms and Lance glared at him.

"Well maybe I will!" Lance huffed and left the control deck and got into his uniform. He rushed down to his hanger and got inside his lion and sat in the control room for Blue. He sighed as Blue turned on. He set a course for Lagoi and hummed a song from his Earth that he still remembered.

"Lance," he rolled his eyes at Shiros voice from his helmet. "If you're going to that planet now then we're going with you."

"Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm good on going alone." He looked at how close Lagoi was to Earth. Maybe if he had time, he could visit earth, or just go straight there. He quickly changed the course and set his Lion in motion.

Shiro sighed and him and Keith left in their Lions and went on the same course. They got to the planet in a matter of seconds due to Alluras added wormhole. Lance continued on the course then curved when they were going to reach the planet. "Lance where are you going!" Keith yelled and Lance rolled his eyes.

"Why does it matter?" Lance continued on the course to Earth, heading to the Milky Way.

"Lance," Shiro said. "We can stop by Earth later but we need this plant if any of us gets hurt." Lance stopped his lion and looked at the Milky Way. He was so close. He was so, so close to seeing his family again.

He sighed and turned around and landed on Lagoi. Lance got out of his Lion and went searching for the plant. Shiro and Keith landed and looked around with him. "Coran. We've landed. Where would we find the plant?" Keith asked as he searched through a bush.

"The plant you're looking for would be found in ----- and we need about -----. Got it?" His words were scratched out.

"What? We didn't hear you?" Keith put his hands on his hips.

"Great! Thanks fella!" Coran disconnected.

"What! Coran! What're we-"

"Keith," Keith looked at Shiro and Lance. Lance was climbing back into his Lion but Shiro was holding him by his collar. "We're to far away to hear them. We just have to look on the entire planet." Shiro sighed and Keith groaned, along with Lance who gave up his fight to go to Earth.

"But this planet is huge! It would take months to search the entire planet! Maybe years!" Lance crumbled to the ground and groaned. He was so close to seeing his family but now, he probably would never see them. "I'll never see my family again." Lance sighed and held his knees to his chest.

"Get up," Keith groaned and Lance glared at him. "You're not the only one who has family on earth!"

"Says the one who's half Gulra!" Lance stood up and yelled at Keith. Keith growled and brought his arm back. Shiro stood in between them and put his arms out, pushing them away from each other.

"That's enough! Both of you!" Shiro shouted. "Keith you search the north end of the planet and Lance you do the south. I'll search the east. We all meet back at our lions in two hours."

"It would go faster if we went on our lions." Keith crossed his arms.

"Coran said something about the planet living by water before we left. Why don't you and Lance go in the red lion and if you find any water search around there." Shiro got in his lion and blasted off before the could say anything.

"I'm going alone," Lance turned to his lion who put up the forcefield. "Come on Blue its me, Lance." He put his hand on the forcefield but nothing happened. He groaned and Keith smirked at him.

"Looks like your Lion isn't the only one who doesn't like you." Keith turned into his lion.

"What're you talking about?" Lance walked with him into the Red Lion.

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