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Allura looked down at her mice and giggled as they told her secrets of her Paladins. She looked at the biggest one as he mimicked Shiro. "He what?" Allura laughed. "That's not like him at all, what else about him?" She asked as they told more secrets about Shiro. "Really?" They told her another then went onto the biggest secret. "They're what!" She looked down and saw Keith pacing the room, thinking of ways to find Lance. Keith looked up at Allura and walked up to her when she called his name. "Keith, I have to ask you something."

"Yes Allura?" He crossed his arms.

"What do you think of Lance? All of this has me thinking about him." Keith blushed slightly.

"I-I-I-I don't know, he's pretty cool I guess," Keith shrugged his shoulders. "What do you think about him?" She had to get it out of him.

"Well I think he is kind of," she had to think of word to fit but not make her puke. "I think he's dashing. The way he always thinks of others, it is magnificent." She smiled while Keith started to boil with jealousy.

"R-Really?" He stammered. "W-Well you think that. I'll try to find ways to get him back." He walked away before he could slap her.

Lance weakly opened his eyes and looked at the aliens around him. They were all staring at him. "What?"

"You are, paler." Lance looked down at his hand and saw that he had lost at least a third of his blood. He was bleeding out and soon would die if they didn't hurry.

"I-I-I'm fine. Promise. My friends will be here soon to get us. All of us." Lance sat up and groaned as he felt his skin tear and blood rush out of him.

"Please do not move. You will die." Gobla held her hands out and Lance sighed and nodded. He rested his head against the wall and watched as the door opened and his eyes closed shut.

||•Two Days Later•||

"Did you find Lance yet?" Keith crossed his arms, sweat beading down his forehead as he lightly panted, just finishing another round of training so he could put his anger to use.

"Yes, I have located the Blue Lion," Allura had the map of the galaxy appear around them. "We are here," she pointed near the Milky Way. "While the people who took Lance are al the way over here." She pulled the all the way to the right for a long, long time.

"How long would it take up to get to him?" Hunk asked.

"Well with hyperdrive, two light years but with a wormhole, a few ticks." Coran smiled and Keith grinned devilishly.

"Then let's get going. Go in guns blazing, get Lance get out, simple." Shiro crossed his arms and the others agreed. Allura set up a wormhole and they went through.

Lance heaved his chest up and down as he tried to control his breaking. He looked down at his side. It had,for the most part, stopped bleeding but it hurt like hell to move. A few prisoners came and went, some coming back with body parts mangled or replaced or didn't come back at all. The door opened and he looked at the aliens that did this to them. The pointed to Lance and picked him up. He screamed in pain as they dragged him to their work spot. He had tried to go in place of some aliens, but they wouldn't bite. Gobla was one he managed to go in for and Lance got his leg injured severely.

He tried to fight them off but they held a tight grip on him and he was so, so weak. They strapped him down to a table and Lance looked up at the light above him. The aliens talked in their language then pointed to his abdomen. They grabbed instruments and poked his side making him wince or scream in pain. They poked him in various placed then got to both his arms where Lance was just annoyed. They nodded and grabbed saws and held them to his arms. He screamed as the ship rumbled, getting his arm cut.

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