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Lights Down Low-MAX

Lance bit his lip as Zoey came back with their check. He could hear their whispers. "Are they-""Oh my god Lance is-""He must have been forced-""Lance is being blackmailed-""That's a disgrace-""I can't believe their parents let them-""Good for them-" Lance lifted his head. "They're not afraid-""I'm happy for them-""I'm glad they found someone-""They're adorable together!" He couldn't help but smile at the thought of people caring for them.

"Lance," he looked at Keith. "Let's go."

"I still have to pay." Lance took out his wallet and Keith shook his head.

"Your parents gave me money. This was my treat and they said I wouldn't own them anything if I get you back home safely," Keith smiled. Lance sheepishly nodded and they walked out, hand in hand. Lance looked up at the sky and smiled at the warm summer air and starry night. "Hey Lance?"

"Yeah?" He looked over at Keith as they walked down the street, everyone giving odd stares.

"You're eyes are like the ocean," Keith meet his eyes. "And I'm desperate to drown." Lance blushed and looked away, holding his hand over his mouth while trying to keep a shriek inside. Keith smiled, proud that he could get Lance so flustered. They got back to Lances house and walked up to his room. Keith got dressed into one of Lances shirts and a pair of shorts while Lance got into sweatpants.

They lied down in his bed, Lances head resting on Keiths chest. Lance looked up at Keith and smiled, pressing his lips to Keiths. Keith smiled and kissed him back. Keith could hear Lance breathing slow. He blushed as the taller boy got up and turned off his main light, leaving his side one on. Lance smiled at Keith as the two shared another kiss, more passionate but just as thoughtful.

The next morning Keith woke up with his arms around the taller boy who was smiling down at him, his eyes smiling with him. Keith held Lance tighter, pushing his head into his chest and smiling, closing his eyes. Lance did the same and wrapped his arms around the shorter boys abdomen and kissing his exposed chest. Keith giggled as Lance continued to tickle him with kisses. "Lance," Keith giggled. "Stop it. That tickles, only cuddles." Lance stopped and entangled them in his blanket.

They soon fell back asleep. Hours later Cory and Sashi bursted into Lances room, waking the two up by the loud crash of the door smacking against the wall. Lance glared at them and held Keith closer. "Lance!" Cory jumped on the bed as Sashi shook his arm. "The festival is today!" Lance opened his eyes and looked at Cory. "Come on!" The two children ran out of the room and Lance sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Festival?" Keith yawned.

"Every summer my town has a festival on the beach that anyone can come to. Last year it was last so I couldn't go and this year, it's the day were leaving." Lance looked down at his hands and sighed.

"We can ask Shiro to stay another day-"

"Come on Loverbirds!" Shiro yelled from the window. They turned and saw him with a white tank top on, black shorts and tennis shoes, him standing on the black lion head. Pidge stood next to him, a green tank top on her with white knee high jeans and flip flops. Hunk wore his bandana, a yellow short sleeve and black shorts with white tennis shoes. Allura wore a bikini top with high waisted shorts and wedges, her hair pulled back into a ponytail with every Altean mark on her body shown. Lance opened the window. "Get dressed! We're going to that fair!"

"What about Coran?" Lance laughed.

"He doesn't like fairs," Allura smiled. "Now let's go!" She smiled and the two laughed as the lion went back into the castle. They quickly got dressed into shirts, shorts and tennis shoes. Lance wore his favorite white tank top that said 'OCEAN SUMMER BEACH YOU' in blue with black shorts and tennis shoes with a blue hat on. Keith wore a black shirt, black ripped jeans, black tennis shoes and a red hoodie.

Lance laughed as they ran after their friends. "What?" Keith glared at him.

"You're gonna be burning all day." He laughed as they ran down to the beach and met with their friends.

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