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Don't care if the person isn't on the right name
My book my characters

"Mom?" His voice cracked as he looked at her. She held her handover her mouth and ran to Lance and hugged him. He dropped his helmet and hugged his mother tight. She was so small compared to him. The rest, Pidge, Hunk, Coran, Shiro, Allura and Keith watched from the Blue Lions open jaw.

"I missed you so much Lance!" She yelled and held his head in her hands. "The garrison said you and your shipmates ran off somewhere and we were all so worried. I'll go get your brothers and sisters!" The two children ran up to Lance and hugged his legs. He bent down and hugged the small boy and girl.

"Lance!" The girl chimed. "Do you remember me?"

"Yes Sashi, I do," he ruffled her brown hair and she giggled. He hugged his little brother who was balling. "I remember you too Cory." He held his small siblings close and saw his older ones run around the building. He stood up and looked at his older sister.

"Lance," she held her arms out and ran to him, her arms wrapping around him protectively. "Don't you ever scare me like that again okay!" She yelled as Lances older brother ran over to him.

"I-I won't Laura," Lance hiccuped as he wrapped his arms around his sister. She let go and Lance looked up at his older brother. "Hunter." Lance nodded to him and stuck his hand out. Hunter took his hand out and pulled him into a hug. He held his brother as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Lance felt something tap his shoulder and let go of his brother. He turned and saw his Father. "Lance, you're...you're not dead." He stuttered.

"Not yet," Lance shyly laughed and his dad pulled him into a hug. He let go and turned to his team. "Oh! Mom, Dad, I want you guys to meet my team!" Lance grabbed their hands and they pulled them away when they saw he was pulling them to the lion. "What's-Whats wrong?"

"They, they took you! Lance get away from them!" Cynthia, Lances mother shouted and grabbed his arm. The Blue Lion activated and jolted his head up. The team jumped out and looked up at Blue as his jaw shut and marched over to Lances family. Lance pulled his arm away and put his hand out in front of the Lion.

"Blue stop! This is my family!" Lance yelled and Blue stopped his attack and powered down. His jaw opened as his head rested on the ground. Lance sighed and put his hand on the metal lions face. "Good girl. Now, don't attack my family," Blue purred something in Lances head and Lance rolled his eyes. "They weren't going to kill me!"

"Lance," he turned to his Father, Joshua. "What is that thing?"

"This hunk of metal is Blue! I'm his pilot and with him and four other lions, black, yellow, green and red, we form a robot thing called Voltron that protects the universe!" Lance smiled and his Mother furrowed her brows.

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