1; Signing Off

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"Thank" Erica started.

"You" Ren continue.

"For" Kusa added.

"Sticking" Denki shouted.

"Through" Aisu said.

"This" Vapor told the camera.

"Crazy" Streak added.

"Roller" Niko sighed.

"Coster" Jolt voice cracked.

"Ride!" Unrcal  exclaimed.

"Now" Ella started.

"We're" I  added.

"Signing" Penumbra shouted.

"Off" Gwen said.

"For" Breeze told the camera.

"The" Liam added.

"Very" Ace sighed.

"Last" Sylvia cried.

"Time" Mia said.

"Goodbye!" Mio shouted.

"GOODBYE!" We all shouted at the same time. I see Mia at the bottom hesitating turning it off. At last, she swiped her hand and the camera's light turned from red...to black. We all got off the wheel and we all stood around for a minute. It was just crazy.

"And that was last and final dare. I can't believe it's all over now." Gwen told us. She stretched her arms up and spread them like a swan.

  "Dad, what are we going to do now?" Denki asked Jolt.

"We're going to stay in Windfall. After a few months, we're going to go back home and officially start on the guest room." Jolt told him.

  We all hopped back into the bus and drove back to the Castle. We walked up to our room and sat around. We didn't know what to do anymore.

I looked out the window of our room. "I'm going out for a little bit. I'll be back before dinner." I said. I left the room.

When I stepped out on the stairs of the castle, I felt a little better. I was feeling a little bit sick, so I thought that I would go out. I took a deep breath before walking to explore the kingdom more.

As I walked down the streets, all the buildings looked a little run down, but still in good shape. But all the house looked elegant. I see a red haired girl with red ears and tail. They don't look like any poke-Human that I've seen. Same story with a black and orange haired boy next to her.

I saw a restaurant after a few minutes. I was a little hungry, so I went in.

"Hello. Table for how many?" The waiter asked. I thought a bout it for a moment.

"Can you give me a second?" I asked him. He nodded and I got out my phone and texted the group.

Me: Hey, anyone up for a bit at a restaurant?
Jolt: Thought we were going to eat at the castle 🤔
Erica: I don't mind!
Me: I'm at The Private Emporia, so if any1 wants to come, tell me so I could put the name in.
Vapor: I'm in.
Streak: I'm down!
Jolt: Sure. What the heck not.
Jolt: And Denki
Niko: I'm good
Penumbra: Meh, I'll go
Unrcal: Sure
Cloud: Sure!
Yin: I'm okay
Yang: I'll be there in a few
Ella- I'm good. Thank you for asking
Ren: I want to!
Breeze: I'm coming!
Gwen: I'll go
Kusa: I'll stay here
Liam: I'll stay here as well. And Aisu wants to come.
Sylvia: Coming~
Ace: Nah
Mia: I'm down.
Mio: I'm in!

I counted and put in the name. "Table for sixteen please." I asked.

"Sure. Name?" The waitress asked.


"Thank you Sakura. It will be about thirty minutes." She told me.

I nodded and waited outside for the gang. Soon enough, they all came. We waited the remaining minutes and we went to go to our table.

The same red haired girl and and orange/black haired boy sat next to our table. The girl seemed worried about something, and the boy's face was filled with worry. I shrugged it off and continued talking with Jolt and Denki. I was honestly excited on learning more about them in general, behind the camera.

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