Chapter 1

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Rain drizzled upon Durdam Lane, the light of the full moon barely splitting through the heavy cloud cover. Overhead, a bolt of white-hot electricity ripped through the sky, a deafening noise ringing through the houses and making the ground rumble like it was breaking apart. Street lights flickered dimly as a tall, dark figure wearing black jeans, purple sneakers, and a black sweatshirt with the hood up stood in front of a telephone pole. It was a missing poster. The picture depicted a young man with firey, spiky orange hair, a pale, freckled and broad face. He also wore a violet hoodie and a green overcoat. The figure turned his attention to the writing beneath the photo.



You can keep him though.

The man scoffed, whipping around to the house behind him. He pulled a key out of his pocket, taking a glance at the address connected to the ring, and then back to the house. The addresses matched.

He wasn't here because he knew about this "Matt". He was here because he was thirsty.

Stepping towards the dark building, windows dark and silent, he slid the key into the lock and turned it as quietly as possible. He grabbed the handle after hearing a satisfying click and swung the door open with an eerie creak. He didn't bother to shake the water off his shoulders as he walked inside, only glaring with bloodred eyes into the dark hall he was presented with. Lightning streaked the sky once more, and a few seconds later, a loud boom sounded, shuddering the house as he slammed the door shut.

He walked through the house, following the scent of the humans that lived here. Through the halls, he pressed himself to the wall, slithering like a snake, and at the same time, prowling like a lion stalking its prey, hunched and ready to pounce at any time. The first door, the closest to him, was cracked open slightly, the smell rolling out in waves and making his mouth water. He refrained, however, and slowly pushed the door open. He slipped inside, staring at the sleeping figure in the bed with the sheets and comforter falling off the edge. A brunette, he deciphered. His skin was a light beige and his hair was messy, hanging over his eyes slightly. He wore a white shirt that said "Smeg Head" in bold black lettering and white boxers. His arms and legs were sprawled out awkwardly, but he didn't care, seeing as he was unconscious. Neither did the man. All he wanted was on the inside.

He advanced on his prey, walking slowly across the carpeted floor. His gaze locked onto the man's neck, gleaming red eyes seeming to smile under the shadow of the hood. A white curve split the darkness of his face, sharp points poking his bottom lip. His jaws opened, revealing the jutting fangs in all their terrifying, white brilliance. He began to lean down, eyes narrowed raising his arms to prevent the escape of his victim. He was so close, and the metallic scent of blood was so tantalizing beneath the skin that he could already almost taste it.

A voice from the doorway startled him. "Who in the hell are you?" it snapped, and he whipped around, growling at whoever had just interrupted his meal.

He could have just continued, but he was glad he didn't. A sharp, metal, arrow-like object was clenched in the fist of a man with spiked, dark tan hair and blacked-out eyes stood in the door, wearing a gray shirt with a round white head and the words "Stay Safe" written on it. "Answer me!" he snapped again, and the intruder growled again, leaping at the man.

Caught off guard, the harpoon was held up and shoved into the intruder's chest, and he let out a wheeze as he was flung back, his hood slipping off as he tumbled away. Beneath the protective shadow that hid his identity, ginger hair flipped back upon his head, and pale freckles dusted his face. He righted himself, standing up quickly and whipping back around to glare at the harpoon wielding man. As soon as his head snapped up, the man's black, void eyes widened in shock. The name slipped from his lips, shocked and afraid.


It meant nothing to the Vampire now as he let out a horrific screeching sound. He dove towards his target again, clawed hands outstretched. The man, terrified and startled by the sudden attack only had meer moments to lift the harpoon again. Sharp teeth closed around the cold metal rod, and the defender was shoved to the ground, the breath forced out of his lungs as he fell. Matt, more animal than human, hissed and grinned as he pinned the man beneath him, but let out a strangled cough as a knee drove itself into his gut. Taking advantage of the Vampire's weakness, the brunette shoved Matt away, and he was sent skidding into a bookshelf. He thudded against the base, and it began to tip. Matt tried to push himself up but screeched in shock as the shelf crashed down on top of him. The man stepped back, shaken, as the brunette that remained in bed woke with a start. It was a wonder he had managed to sleep through everything else that had occurred. Confused, he snapped up and looked around, eyes drifting groggily to the man that stood in his doorway.

"Tom? What's going on?" he asked, voice panicked, but still heavy with sleep.

The one he called by name, Tom, raised his head to stare at him. His gaze darted back to the unmoving bookshelf. "Um... I honestly don't know, Edd," he shrugged, flipping his harpoon up to rest on his shoulder. It was true. He was too shocked to know what was going on.

Something thudded underneath the toppled shelf, grabbing their attention. There was another, sounding more irritated than the first before the shelf was sent flying against the opposite wall, barely missing Tom, and causing him to freeze. Terrified and rigid, unable to move, Matt sent himself barrelling into Tom, bringing them both crashing in a wrestling heap on the ground. Edd, startled, stumbled out of his bed and over to the two men fighting and tumbling into other objects scattered around his room. Taking a chance, he shoved his arms between them, yanking them apart. The ginger's claws were ripped away from Tom's shirt, bringing shreds of gray cloth with him.

Matt was flung a few feet away by Edd's greater strength, while Tom pivoted the end of his spear that wasn't deathly sharp into the ground to remain upright. The ginger hissed as he stared up at them both, getting up again. Blood dripped from his hairline, even if there was no visible wound. It had already healed. Tom, on the other hand, suffered several scratch marks, gouges mostly covering his arms and chest from the vampire as he was trying to get his teeth into his neck. The abyssal eyed man huffed, holding the harpoon up again defensively. Edd, recognizing the vampire as Matt, cast a hesitant glance at his companion before stepping towards the ginger.

Standing up in a bolt, Matt backed up, only to trip on a pile of dirty laundry. He fell backward, cursing the green sweatshirts as though they were purposely there to hinder him. Edd didn't really seem phased but remained backed up a few paces, just for safety sake. His voice was soft as he spoke to his friend.

"Matt, is that you? Don't you recognize us?" The vampire's ears twitched. Familiarity in that humans voice made him clench his jaw and hesitate. Edd took the opportunity to continue. "It's us, Edd and Tom. We're your friends."

Matt shuffled back, his back hitting the edge of the dresser. He stared up at the larger male, eyes wide with a faint recognition. Friend... Did that word mean something to him? He didn't know what it meant. Hell, he'd never heard it in his life.


His eyes darted to the side, trying to find a way to escape. He was having a hard time breathing, and he was so thirsty now that his mind was spinning in a terrible whirl. He felt groggy, remembering strange images. Adventures, Fear, Happiness, Green, Blue, Red...


He couldn't see now. Red haze covered most of his vision, and he felt a liquid pool in his eyes. He didn't know what was happening, but Edd kneeled down on the floor. His arms were opened invitingly. Tom glared over his shoulder, the harpoon gleaming, though not threateningly. It was more protectively than anything. Was that what a friend was? Someone- to stand by you, even if you're afraid?

Matt felt afraid. Is that why a human like Edd offered an embrace to a vampire like him? He could feel the liquid trailing thickly down his cheeks now, the smell of his own blood sickening him. What was going on?

It took his mind a mere moment to register most of this. He was not okay. He was alone and afraid. He wanted someone. He needed someone. The last of his strength that was drained in the moment of mental struggle was spent as he darted to the brunette, throwing his arms around him. Edd, a bit startled by the sudden action, didn't hesitate long before putting his arms around the ginger he knew as his friend. The harpoon was lowered as Tom watched, his black eyes softening as he watched.

Even though his tears were staining Edd's white shirt red, and his mouth was only inches from the human's neck, Matt just didn't have the energy to move anymore. His vision was fading from red to black, only managing to utter one word before he went limp in Edd's arms.


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