Chapter Nine

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All was silent between the two, a look of shock painting Gabe's features before a dark look crossed his brown eyes.
           "Are you cheating on me?" The taller blader asked plainly, crossing his arms. Lui felt his heart stop, looking up at him in surprise to hear him say that.
           "Of course not! You know I wouldn't do that to you!"
           "Then how the hell are you pregnant?! You and I haven't even had sex yet Lui!" Gabe yelled to him, making Lui step back both in shock and fear. He always hated hearing Gabe raise his voice, mostly since his boyfriend was a calm and collected man.

Lui bit his lip as tears began to fill his violet eyes, his pale, scarred hands clutching the fabric of his teal button-up.
           "Well?" Gabe snapped, making Lui wince. The small flame-haired male grit his teeth and felt a tear roll down his cheek, looking up at his angry lover with emotional eyes.
           "I was raped okay?!" He suddenly yelled, catching Gabe off guard for a moment. "Was that what you wanted to hear?!" His anger kept rising as he started gripping his flaming hair tightly. The tears in his eyes finally coated his cheeks and he collapsed to his knees, sobs racking through his body. Scrambled emotions or not, this topic was very hard to deal with, even with Gabe. The maroon-haired male felt his anger fade as he slowly knelt down in front of his small lover, reaching forward and setting his hands on top of Lui's tense ones. The smaller hands loosened slightly at the touch and their eyes met, a small sob racking through the pale body before the grey irises.

             "Why didn't you tell me in the beginning Lui?" Gabe asked softly, gently holding his lover's pale and scarred hands in his large grasp. The small Spin Emperor just sobbed, latching onto him and crying into his shoulder.
             "I'm so sorry!" He cried out, his tough visage shattered into a thousand pieces the more tears poured down his cheeks. Gabe felt his heart break and held him closely, burying his head into his neck and nuzzling his nose against the pale skin. the action helped calm Lui's panicked state slightly but the tears still fell, the quivers still rocked his small body. "I-I was so scared... I-I was hoping to just forget..."
              "Lui, no matter what it is or what happened, nothing is going to make me love you any less... I will admit, it hurt that you kept this from me, but we can always make it through these little fights..." Gabe explained softly to him, pulling back slightly to meet his gaze. Lui's eyes were red and puffy yet the taller blader still smiled warmly at him, cupping his cheeks and brushing away the stray tears. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked softly, watching as a light red burned the surface of his lover's cheeks.
              "I-is now a good time for compliments Gabe...?" Lui asked shyly, slowly tearing his eyes from Gabe's loving eyes. The taller chuckled and pressed his lips to Lui's cheek, still smiling.
             "It's always a good time for compliments my love. Whatever to make my favorite Spin Emperor happy." Gabe smiled, causing Lui to look at him.
             "Honestly, what would I do without you?"
             "You'd still be with that abusive drunk of a father."

Lui tensed slightly and bit his lip, slowly nodding as he rubbed at his scarred arm.
             "Oh, dear, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to come out like that." Gabe apologized, giving his sides a gentle squeeze.
             "No you're right... You literally saved me, and I'm really grateful for it."
             "I love you so much, I couldn't stand to see you hurt. I just wish I was there to protect you from the monster who got you pregnant..." Lui bit his lip once again and tightened his hold on his boyfriend's shoulders. He had almost forgotten about his predicament and took a glance at his stomach, the slight protrusion hidden under his teal button-up.
             "... What would you say if I said I wanted to keep this child...?" The baby blue flame-haired male asked softly, his violet eyes meeting Gabe's yet again. Gabe looked a little surprised at his question, his breath stuck in his throat as he swallowed thickly. He then snuck a glance at his stomach and reached his hands down, slowly unbuttoning the bottom buttons and exposing the skin before he moved his hand and rested it on the almost unnoticeable bump it held. Gabe felt a small smile tug at his lips, holding his hand in that same place. His stomach felt so warm and it made his heart flutter, looking back up into Lui's eyes.
            "That would be probably the best decision for you to make. Because now, we're going to bring a new life into this world. Into the life of two loving parents..."
            "R... Really? You mean it?" Lui asked in disbelief, hoping he heard him correctly. Gabe just smiled wider, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
            "Just the thought of there being a baby in your stomach is giving me baby fever, my love. I'm incredibly thrilled."

Lui felt himself smile at Gabe's words, a warm feeling filling his chest as he hugged him tightly.
             "You have no idea how happy that makes me, thank you." He said, pulling back and looking at him. Gabe had a loving look in his eyes and his wide smile melted into more of a softer one as his hand gently rubbed his stomach.
              "I'll stand by your side no matter what happens. I'll protect you and this baby with my life if I have to. I love you so much and I'm happy we're going to be able to start our own little family." He told him before he leaned in and pressed their lips together in a sweet kiss.


Everything was smooth for the next few weeks. After Gabe found out about Lui's secret and the pregnancy, there was hardly a time where he left his lover's side, much like after Lui started living with him. The small blader found it sweet that Gabe cared so much for a child that wasn't going to be his blood, but there was one issue the couple still faced.

Gabe's parents.

That would be the worst case scenario, so the couple came to the conclusion that they weren't going to tell them of Lui's pregnancy until he really started to show.

Or, at least, that was the plan.

              "Lui honey, honestly, you need to eat more." Gabe's mother had told him one night at dinner, noticing the somewhat small amount of food that was actually on his plate. Lui just shrugged as he kept eating, his hand holding his lover's in his lap. He honestly didn't want to voice anything to that statement.
              "Mom's right, especially since you're eating for two now." Gabe said after without a second thought, a look of regret filling his eyes immediately. Lui tugged his hand harshly and glared at him, the two parents looking at the two in shock.
              "For two?" Gabe's father echoed, having not caught on yet. Oh, but how his wife had lit up, it was almost like Christmas.
              "Lui, are you pregnant?" She had asked with excitement, Lui shrinking slightly and sighing.
              "Thanks a lot Gabe..." He muttered under his breath, shooting another glare at his partner. "Yes, okay, it's true..." He said, defeated that the secret couldn't have lasted longer. Gabe's mom clapped with a squeal, her hands folding together happily.
              "Oh, this is truly amazing! How blessed the two of you must be to be having a child together without having to go through a surrogate!" The woman smiled brightly, her husband sporting a slight smile and a stiff nod.
              "You two must be really happy."

Lui and Gabe looked at each other with the same gaze, looking back at the parents with a smile and a nod. The two of them couldn't bring themselves to tell them the agonizing truth behind the pregnancy, to watch the joy the two felt about having a grandbaby be ripped from them and replaced with heartache and sympathy. The couple both made a silent agreement through their eyes.

Gabe's parents shall never know that the baby isn't Gabe's.

NightBear15 signing off...

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