Chapter 8

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Shido pov

The doctor came out of her room and I jumped to my feet.

"How is she, doctor?"

He looked startled by the sudden ambush. He cleared his throat "She had a relapse, we're doing whatever we can but we would advise you to be prepared." He finish and walked off.

"You may see the patient." The nurse informed.

I nodded and dragged my feet to the door, thinking of the words that the doctor just said.

I took a couple of deep breath, placed my hand on the knob, slapped a smile on my face and went in.

Kotori was lying on the white sheets, looking annoyed at the tube attached to her hands. She had her white ribbons on.

"Onii-chan~!" She exclaimed as I stepped in.


I took a seat beside her bed side. "So, how are you feeling?"


"Don't lie."

"Okay, I feel terrible, useless and these tubes are seriously irritating."

I chuckled. Typical of her.

"Are you the only one who came?" She looked around, looking slightly disappointed.

I shrugged.

"My my Shido, it isn't like you to lie."

Kurumi joined us along with the rest.

"Yo Kotori!" Kaguya still as hyper and rough as ever.

"Greeting: Hello, Kotori."


"You look well." Yoshinon commented.

"Kotori, how are you feeling?" Tohka leaned her hands on the empty space of the bed.

Kortori was smiling.

"I'm better now. Thanks everyone for coming."

"So what did the doctor say?" Kaguya asked.

"Nothing much. Just that she might need to stay in the hospital for a while."

"That's great then! Kotori will be fin in no time!" Everyone cheered.

I forced a smile.

"You're being such a liar today, darling~" Kurumi whispered in my ear. I looked at her shocked. She just looked back at me with that smirk of hers.

"Want to share?" She asked.

"Maybe later." She nodded and return to the conversation with the rest. I sat there and watch as they joked aroind and laughed. I was sich a beautiful scene, a smile spreaded across my face.


"Bye Kotori!" She all bid her farewell as visiting hour nears it's end.

"Shido." Kurumi and I slowed down our pace so that we fall behind.

I heave a sigh "Kotori is in danger of not making it."

We walked in silence for a while.

"I'm sorry, Shido." She said finally.

"Why are you apologising? It isn't your fault."

"Yeah. I know." She paused "I just feel bad about Kotori."

Come to think of it, it must be pretty hard for Kurumi to be so symptomatic, she is the nightmare.

I chuckled when I realise how funny it is to see her force herself for me.

"What is it?"

"It's just that, you are quite cute trying to force yourself to be nice."

She was taken back at first but giggled too.


"Kurumi, I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"For all that drama with Tohka about who I like more."

"So who do you like more now?" She paused "I mean with you and Yuzuru...." she trailed off.

I shrugged "I don't know honestly. I mean I like Tohka as a friend and Yuzuru's speech pattern isn't helping her."

She giggled "Was she good in bed though?"

I blushed "Yeah."

"Then....what about me."

I thought about it.

"You have this mystery in you like everyday I learn something new about you. And it just makes me want to learn everything about you."

We've stopped, eyes locked.

"Kurumi, I love you."

I leaned in and pressed my lips on hers. My whole body was filled with beautiful sparks and rainbow. As if I was the main character of some chessy romance story.

"Does this mean you have made your choice?" She asked after we parted.

I smiled at her. 

"Do you like this choice?" I asked, slipping my hand into hers.

"Very much. But what about the others?"

He looked ahead at the small figures of our friends.

"Guess I'll need to have a long emotional talk with them." I chuckled.

She giggled "I'll be by your side ready with a box of tissues."

We brust out into laughter. 

"But first we need to catch up with them."

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