Chapter 1

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HAZA!! New chapter!! Yay!!! I'm sorry it came out when it did instead of earlier^^"
With a test in PE, Geography, and History it's hard to keep track of what I have and have not written. (Translation: Schools a bunch of bull. xD)
Special shout out to @succeedinginfailing for the amazing comments!!! I really appreciate it! And I'm so sorry that I couldn't get WattPad to work with your username!
So ...I hope you enjoy!!

The large golden tinted glass castle was slowly rising up higher into the sky, as beautiful sun coloured magic swirled around it.

"Do you always have to come out here to lift the sun? It's starting to get too warm to handle." A slim grey fox stated, perched pleasantly on the young woman's shoulder, his paws surprisingly staying put on her peach silk dress.

The young golden haired woman chuckled, her hands emitting the magic that encircled the castle in the sky, as they were lifted high above her head. "No Amshu, I don't always have to be out's just more soothing to watch our castle rise..." A playful smile decorated her features.

"Though, I'd love to see our golden castle as the sun for once." The blonde added, causing Amshu's eyes to widen,
as he hopped off of her shoulder and onto the railing.

"No no no no no no no. Do I need to repeat the reasons why I say no?" She stayed silent, waiting for her male fox to continue. "Fine Mzia, I will state the reasons once again....insignificant brat..." The fox muttered, not bothered by the daggers that Mzia sent his way.

"You, are not human. Though you used to be, you aren't anymore. Now, you survive on your magic, like how the sun survives on its light."

"Well I'm that 'light' of the castle so I mean...what's my magic supply?" Amshu deadpanned at her.

"The castle. You rely on the castle for your magic refill, and the castle relies on you to keep it alive and beautiful. Now, don't forget this part....again." Amshu swirled his tail around his slim body as he sat up straight, yellow eyes piercing into Mzia's green ones.

"Your creature," The fox nodded his head towards the red crystal around her neck. "Grows with your power, meaning while its in the castle, it takes as much energy as your life span holds. The more energy your life span holds, the stronger and brighter your creature."

"Where were you going with this?" The golden blonde asked, finally setting aside her magic so the sun rests in the sky, with a large yawn following.

"See? Because you lifted the castle, you're tired, so the castle feeds you more energy. Without the castle, you'd need something to substitute. Your creature would be that substitute." Raising a brow, Mzia was clearly confused onto how that was supposed to work. Though he had told her a thousand times over, her head was always filled with other things.

"Stars help this poor girl," Amshu shook his head. "Now, you're creature contains the same magic that the castle has. Though it only has enough energy to give you for a time frame. The more you use your magic down on earthland, the more you drain your life, and the more magic your creature must feed to you. Thereby making your creature smaller, weaker, and giving you less time to live." Mzia shook her head, plopping down onto the soft orange couch, before snuggling her head into the crook of the armrest.

"Then doesn't it make sense to just stay at the castle?" She muttered, sleep waging down on her eyes.

"Exactly. It seems you finally listen to what I have to say." Amshu stated, jumping off from a coffee table that Mzia didn't remember him getting onto. Then again, she didn't remember him leaving the railing either.

I'm glad that I listened... She thought groggily. Because now I know what happened to Haruko after she kept visiting and mentoring me here......

That phoenix that flew from her palm was so small.

A jolt from her chest is what awoke her first. Her eyes shooting open she frantically looked around the whole space her head would turn, before they landed on a smug grey fox that sat on her stomach. "Wake-Y Wake-Y!" Amshu stated happily, before his eyes shadowed over with boredom. "Get this shit done and over with already..." He muttered, he himself clearly showing signs of being woken up out of the blue like, herself.

Mzia sighed, all signs of her being drowsy fading away as energy suddenly bounded into her. Without standing up, she raised one of her hands, this time not watching its mesmerizing texture float outside to lift their castle.

"Wait- we aren't going outside..? Score!" Amshu exclaimed, suddenly scurrying back from the balcony doors, back towards the large silk blanket bed at the end of the room. After curling up and beginning to relax, Amshu's piercing eyes shot open, darting towards Mzia's slouched over form.

"Just why exactly are we not going outside?" The fox asked warily, cautiously getting into a sitting up position, his tail sweeping around him.

"I...I was thinking about what you said Amshu..." The golden blonde started, her head resting flatly on the palm of her hand that wasn't raised. "And....if I stay here...then someone out there is being trained by a mentor for this very position...and that mentor could...could die. So, if I were to leave, the mentor would have to show him or her the basics, then leave...and they'd still be alive...Right?" Her pale green eyes glanced slowly at the grey fox.

Shaking his head, Amshu began to correct her. "No. If you leave, the castle would slowly loose it's light, and sink to the ground. The Guardian of the night sky would need to position their castle in front of ours, to simulate an eclipse. Now if you leave, and perish...that's what will indeed happen...someone new will take over your position." Nodding in understanding, Mzia turned her gaze onto her hand in the air, which emitted the same magic that kept that castle going.

"Would they send someone after me if I left?" Mzia asked, eyes following over the trails of her flowing magic. Amshu grumbled before jumping off of the probably comfortable bed, and stalking towards her.

"Yes. And it should be quite obvious that they would." He growled. "Now, I am going to get some sleep, and if I am interrupted once again, you will not live to rise the castle again." Mzia smiled at the light, at the corner of the light she saw Amshu curled up beside her, his grey head resting on her lap.

If you don't want me to rise the next sun.... She thought, looking towards the balcony doors as her magic stopped, her view of the orange tinted city was cut short as she clenched her eyes shut, letting out a breath of air she didn't know she was holding. I'll just leave...

When Amshu opened his eyes, he was expecting to see the peach silk lap of Mzia, but instead he was faced with the orange armrest of the couch.

Confused, the grey fox say up, and looked around the castle room. Where was she? He thought, hopping off the couch and towards the balcony doors, where he still couldn't see the young woman.

"Where is that girl...?" He muttered, turning back around to take in the full view of her castle room. Suddenly, a red gleam shone in his eyes as the castle jolted as if it had broken through something. "Don't tell me..." Scurrying towards the bed, he picked up the red crystals chain in his mouth, running towards the balcony, and jumping up to open the door.

His grey fur coat appeared like a snow white when the light of the outside wall of their castle shone on him, shadowing his shocked face. Jaw dropping the crystal landing with a smack, as his yellow eyes looked over the large area under him, that was slowly approaching.

Jumping onto the railing, his yellow eyes scanned nervously along the small ant like people walking around under him, looking for a certain golden blonde. "Mzia...." He muttered angrily, before jumping down and placing his paw onto the crystal.

"Saoirse!!! Mzia is gone!!" Amshu exclaimed, watching as a large, and bright fire coloured griffon flew up into the sky, leaving the crystal as, as clear as water.

The griffon squawked, it's fire coloured talons making a scratching sound as it landed back in the balcony. Taking the chained crystal back in his mouth and jumping on the griffon's orange feathered back, Amshu's eyes were filled with worry as he gazed among the hundreds of people below them. "Find Mzia, Saoirse... Find. Mzia." He spoke, just loud enough for the griffon to hear.

With that the griffon's faintly glowing wings flew open, and took off into the sky, a couple of said feathers falling off in the process of the take off. The grey fox kept his eyes below them, not looking back towards the castle.

For if he did, he would most likely see it as the sun, sinking lower into the horizon, before it was covered by the moon, in an eclipse.

Mzia... He thought, his tail swishing back and forth behind him anxiously. Where are you...?

YAAAAAAY NEW CHAPTER!!!! I hope you enjoyed^^ I will be posting a new chapter soon! At the latest= Next Friday.

Because right now is Friday.
And I am updating.

Alrighty^^ So i hope you don't mind waiting again... I didn't know what else to add despite the fact that I wanted the first chapter to be a long one.
So all the important parts of next chapter will all be there....hopefully.

Fun Fact: Saoirse is a female name that means Freedom.
Mzia is a female name that means The Sun
And Amshu is actually a female name for Sun Guardian.

....And Amshu is a male.

BAD MAGIC - Galexy? Or would Haruko have given Mzia the sarcastic grey fox? Hm....

Imma go figure that out now! Adios amigo's!!!

Side note: I have half of the story planned out^^ So if it takes me longer to post around the middle of the story...sorry... Writers block could be a bitch.

Side Side Note: Next chapter should (if everything goes to plan) be about 3000 words or so.

Love you guys!

Stay Psychotic,


Does anyone else think of Mushu when they read Amshu?

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