A Long Day

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Xael cleaned the meat grinder as her Grams gave the pups a treat of raw beef.

"You're spoiling them Grammy."

"I know!"

Looking into the cooler, Xael saw some large soup bones. "What do you want me to do with the bones?"

"Oh! I need those to make some beef stock. We'll have to do that last so we can use the veggie leftovers."


Table cleaned and ready for the next round, Ms. Emma enjoyed a cup of coffee.  Xael put the next round of jars in the simmering water to sterilize them along with the lids.

"Xael dear, did you get extra lids?"

"Yes, I think they're still in the jeep."

"Okay, we may need to use the jars I have in storage."


Before Xael started chopping up more meat she took some things out to the clearing for the guys, while her Grams rested for a bit.

Back out in the small clearing, the Alphas had transformed and crept into the forest. Skylar's wolf was beautiful and massive and a little bit larger due to his age. He was silver and black with dramatic amber colored eyes. The older Alpha lifted his head and sniffed the air.  He crouched down and slowly began to move.

{Stay low. There's a buck up ahead}


It didn't long at all before picking up the scent of deer.  Skylar was used to hunting so his senses were a little more fine tuned than Adam's. They moved closer and closer, as the large beast came into view, Adam readied to attack when Skylar suddenly stopped him.

{No! Look}

Out from beside the large buck came a doe and 2 small fawns.  Adam relaxed a little, surprised at how compassionate Skylar could be while they were out hunting. They passed by the lovely deer family and continued on. Thirty minutes later, they found another large buck.

By now it was hot out and having to be so alert was draining, but Adam had to keep it together.

{That's the one...Stay away from his rear legs; he'll kick the shit outta you.}

{Got it}

The wolves took up position and were ready to strike when something startled the buck and he took off. Skylar and Adam stood dumbfounded as to what had just happened.

{What the hell!}

Adam thought of giving chase but when he saw Skylar just standing there.  He stopped.


Skylar dared not move as wolves started coming out of the woods, almost surrounding them.

{It's okay, They're part of Xael's Grandfather's pack.}

Skylar just looked at him as a tall human form came into view. This Alpha was a monster, almost 6'5, nothing but muscles and bright, ice blue eyes.  Across his shoulders was draped a large buck, already gutted. Next to him was the Pack Alpha. Adam and Skylar both lowered their heads out of respect when the Pack Alpha linked both of them. Skylar was having a hard time not losing his shit.

{I saw you two enter the clearing. Thank you for honoring the sacredness of the forest and for not harming the deer family. Take this buck instead, It will help get you through the coming winter}

The tall Alpha laid the carcass in front of Adam and Skylar then shifted back into a wolf, joining the others, they left.

{Seriously...I don't believe this!}

{Get used to it Skylar, it's part of being in Xael's world}

{Let's get this big boy back to the rack and get out of the forest}


Skylar and Adam had to shift into human form to carry the large animal out of the woods. When they reached the clearing, they both noticed their shorts, two jugs of water and a butcher knife. Skylar laughed at how thoughtful Xael was.

"Pup must've done this."


First batch of meat was done. Xael propped the back door open but stopped and sniffed the air.

"They got one Grams."

"How do you know?"

"I can smell blood."

"You little weirdo! Help me unload the canners!"

Xael just chuckled and took the jar holders and helped carry the jars in two at a time.  Jars on the table, they had a long way to go.  Xael got started on cutting up the rest of the beef into cubes to go into the jars as Grams started another stockpot of broth. Twenty minutes later the jars were ready and getting filled with meat and broth. By the time they had the pressure canners filled, the Alphas were returning; the wash tub was full of fresh meat. Once inside they both went to shower and dress. Returning to the kitchen, the women were taking a break.

"How did it go Wes?" Ms. Emma gave him a hug.

"Uhhh, well... we got a deer!"

"We see that hon."

Adam stood in the kitchen like he was lost when Xael got up and walked over to them and sniffed and scrunched her face at them with a growl.

"What is it dear?" Xael kept growling as she returned to her seat next to Grams.

"They smell like wolves."

Adam came over and sat on the other side of the table next to Xael. She just gave him a look and smiled.

{Did they freak you handsome?}

{Oh yeah! One of them was fucking huge}

{Yeah Grandfather told me they had a deer for you when I dropped stuff off out there. That 'human' was Taza}  Xael couldn't help but laugh.


"What's going on you two?" Grams had her arms crossed.

Skylar chimed in. "We ran into the wolves while hunting. That's how we got the deer. But who is Taza?"

"That huge ass Alpha that was carrying the deer like it was nothing!"

"I think he's like my dad's brother." Xael busied herself with prepping the next round of meat.

"Whoa..." Skylar let it go. For now he wanted to get the meat processed so it didn't go to waste, which meant Adam had more to learn. The Alphas used the other end of the table to finish cutting up the meat. A third, they cut and wrapped in butcher paper. The rest was split up for grinding and stew meat.

"Hey Adam, come with me to Running Dear's, I need to drop this meat off to him."

"Sure." Adam gave Xael a quick kiss and the Alphas loaded up some of the meat up in the cleaned out wash tub. Ms. Emma put the pre-wrapped beef and some of the jarred ground beef in the tub also.

Xael turned to her Grams. "It's gonna be a long day!"

"Yes it is hon! I'm glad you're here helping and that we got started on this early."

As the Alphas delivered the meat, Xael was getting hungry but they had no room to cook anything and they didn't want to cook anything.


"Yes dear?"

"Do you think Uncle and Adam would want pizza for dinner? I really don't want to stop to cook anything even though it's only around noon."

"Me either, let me contact him and see before they get back." Grams got ahold of Skylar and they too were fine with going into town to get food.

Xael and her Grams worked away for the rest of the day chopping and processing all of the meat they had. The veggies would have to wait for tomorrow. There were cuts of tenderloin that Xael sliced, vacuumed sealed and wrapped to go into the freezer.  Another 40 pounds were ground up for ground beef as Ms. Emma didn't think that the previous batch would be enough. Plus she had given some of the jars to the Elder.

"Oh Poo! I forgot we don't have a chest freezer!"

"Xael hon, you and Adam really need one of those. Hey! There's a small one in the diner, take that?"

"Are you sure Grams?"

"Yes, it's not really being used for much."

"Oh thank you, I'll have some of the guys bring it out to the cabin."

Now she could put the grinder away. Once the Alphas returned with food they all took a break and ate. After the late lunch, Skylar had Adam change again and took him out to the small clearing to teach him how to tan a deer hide.  Xael let her pups out to run off steam before they stayed in for the night. Just as she thought, they went right towards the lodge where the guys were. She just let them go. Now the final batch of meat was going into the pressure canners.

Xael tidied up the kitchen for tomorrow, cleaned and sanitized the coolers and washed more jars. The kitchen was full of jars, both empty and full. Grams put on a pot of coffee now that the stove top had been freed up. Finished washing, Xael checked the pressure on the canners and they were fine. She had a seat next to her Grams. The Elder kissed her on the forehead causing Xael to giggle.

"Are you tired dear?"

"Yes, but I can wait till we get done with the meat."

Xael didn't have long to wait because the alarm went off thirty minutes later. She shut off the propane to let the canners reach zero pressure; then they could remove the jars. While they waited for that, Ms. Emma moved the empty jars to the dining table. It didn't take long for the canners to depressurize and Xael was carrying jars into the house. Canners now empty, Xael whistled for the pups who were now at the front door. Xael hugged her Grams, let the pups in, cleaned their paws, brushed them out again, then went to shower and turn in for the night. It was still fairly early so Ms. Emma sat in her chair and worked on a beaded medallion for someone.

Before Xael fell asleep, she had another brilliant idea that she had to tell someone about. She relayed to her Grams that if the thing with the tourist happened, it was be an awesome idea to have sidewalk vendors selling arts, crafts and other goodies; like fry bread! Grams added that to the notepad she had by her coffee mug.  Xael kissed and hugged her goodnight then scurried off to the bedroom again.

The Alphas were on their way back after having sat out in the clearing to talk for a bit.  Ms. Emma was in her chair with Moose under her feet providing a much needed footrest. Gunner was laid out by the bedroom door, making sure his momma was safe. Skylar walked over to Emma and gave her a quick kiss.

"How's the hide going?"

"Oh Adam here is a fast learner!" Skylar moved the 'dog blanket' out of the way and relaxed onto the couch.

Adam glanced in the bedroom to find a lump in the middle of the bed. He had a seat on the couch as it was still fairly early.

"Yes, she did a lot today."

"I wouldn't doubt it, she's been tired a lot lately."

"Oh? Ah...she's probably getting ready to go into heat again." Grams just sat there and smiled.

"Yeah, we talked about that. You two still coming over for the BBQ on Sunday?"

"Oh yes! Not gonna miss that!" Skylar never passed up good BBQ.

"Good, I think my Great Grandmother will be there along with my dad."

"Wonderful! I can't wait to meet her, Xael really liked her. Her other Grandparents are coming out right?"

"I'm pretty sure they are."

"Nice. By they way what do you two have planned for tomorrow?" Ms. Emma sat the beaded medallion off to the side.

"Friday? Not much oh! Wait, I might stop by the cabin and put together all the outdoor furniture we got."

"What all did you two get?"  Skylar looked over at him, glad the young couple was finally getting settled into their new home. 

"Patio chairs, a couple small side tables, fire pit for the back deck and a BBQ Grill."

"Want some help?"

"Sure! More help the quicker I can get done."

"Since you two are hanging out tomorrow, Xael needs that small chest freezer in the back room at the diner. Will you take it out to the cabin, you will need that for all of this meat?"

"Oh! I didn't even think of needing a freezer. I thought you were going to just can everything?"

"No, some of it we will freeze, the canned stuff we save for when winter hits."

"Xael told me when it snows the town basically shuts down."

"Yes, especially for those up here on the pass. In town not so much unless we get like 4 inches. Then everything closes. That's why we needed to get all that wood chopped. If you two can get more I would." Skylar was once again relaying more knowledge for the young Alpha to digest.

"I see, is that why Xael is so focused on filling up the pantry and canning stuff?"

"Yes! Around September the local grocery store will place a huge order to hopefully get it through the winter months and for those non-Natives in town that celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving."

"You guys don't do Thanksgiving?"

Emma and Skylar tried not to laugh but failed. "No dear, we don't."

"Oh..." Adam was slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry dear, You were raised mostly by your mom so it's to be expected."

"Now I know why dad never came over when I was younger." He had to chuckle. The three of them sat around and chatted, well it was more the Elders talked and Adam soaked up more knowledge from them.

Since Skylar was going to help with the patio furniture, that freed up time for Adam to go back into the city and get the tv he had forgotten. Skylar needed to go too as he needed more supplies for the deer hide, and he wanted to get a new axe and chainsaw. His other one crapped out on the last load of wood.

Calling it a night, Adam went to take a much needed hot shower again. Emma and Skylar retired to their room also.  With everyone gone, their momma's Alpha now with her, the pups hopped up on the couch.

Shower done, Adam got into bed next to his Omega. Xael woke up just enough to nuzzle and snuggle up to him, only to fall right back asleep. Again Adam tried to channel energy to his Mate and again he was out before he knew it.  

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