Adam & Xael*

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Xael rested in the Deputy's arms for a while. She didn't move or say anything as he continued to rub her back. Slowly she shifted in his embrace, snuggling into him closer. Her pups were laying on the other side of the bed, both fast asleep.


Her only response was a deep sigh. He was the first to pull away but not completely, he gently lifted her face. Grey, puffy and bloodshot eyes looked back at him. It was if she was looking deep into his soul. He wanted so desperately to kiss her, but held back.

She moved her head back to his shoulder. With another deep sigh, she cleared her throat. She moved her hands to his waist and held on with a gentle touch. Her voice was soft with a bit of vulnerability laced into it. Nothing like the clear and confident tone he was used to hearing from her.

"I had a Mate Adam. He was killed when we were out one day running rounds between the camps. We came under fire after our vehicle hit an IED.   They had us trapped in a house of one of the locals. I was working on patching up one of the guys that had been hit when an explosive device came through the window. My Mate threw me away from the direct blast, but I caught the edge of it. When I came to, I tried to reach him but one of the guys pulled me out of the house."

Xael started to cry again, Shado was quick to comfort her. Her pups moved closer but gave the two space, they seemed to know that she was safe with the Alpha.

"Our group was close, we were like family, it was me and 6 other guys. Three didn't survive that day. The rest of us stayed close after we were out. One of the guys killed himself a couple of months after we got stateside. Those are the dog tags I carry with me. I became an EMT when I got back. But things happened and I had to leave. I was in a relationship, but he became abusive. My brothers from my unit helped me get away from him. They knew I'd kill him. If not, they would have, so I left and came here."

"What happened that you had to leave?"

Xael pulled back from him and wiped the tears from her face.

"Someone found out from my personnel record that I was Wolfen. They thought it would be fun to see how far they could push me to get me to react. I left, it wasn't worth it."

"I see."

"But there's something I need to tell you."

"I'm listening, but you don't have to tell me anything your uncomfortable with Xael."

"I know, but I want you to know. Besides, you got the best 'wingman' ever."

Shado had to chuckle, even though their conversation was a serious one. "Why are you being so open with me Xael, you've done like a complete 180 from how you react to me." Xael would only smile at him.

Shado couldn't hold back any longer as her grey eyes had him entangled in their spell. He kissed her. His hands cradled her face as his lips softly danced against hers. Xael stared at him when the kiss ended.

"I'm not an Alpha Adam... I'm an Omega."

"Omega! There's no way you're an Omega Xael. You couldn't have served if that was the case."

"But I am Adam. I'm able to present myself as an Alpha, so I lied to get into the military. I don't even know why I did it, maybe to prove something to myself, what I don't know."

"Holy shit..."

Shado looked at her, dumbfounded that the beautiful and broken woman in his arms wasn't at all what he thought she was. Omegas were always more docile with delicate builds, not the muscular build that Xael had. Omega's also weren't intimidating and Xael was that and more.

She laid against him again. He had to admit that this vulnerability that she was showing touched him. He loved being close to her and having her close. "I also can't have kids. When the blast happened, a piece of shrapnel tore through me."

"Hey, look at me Xael?" She looked back up at him. She was on the verge of tears again.

Shado wiped away a tear that had started to fall. "I'm so happy that you're giving me a chance. As long as you're with me, that's all I care about. Okay?"

Xael smiled and rested against him again.

"I had a Mate as well.  It was when I lived in L.A.  She was killed in a car-jacking that turned violent. I was on duty at the time and she had texted saying she thought she was being followed but I had my phone off for some reason. The call came over the radio. When me and my partner arrived on scene, the perpetrator was cuffed and sitting on the curb. My supervisor came over and pulled me to the side. That's when he told me who the victim was. The next thing I knew, I was on top of the guy. I almost beat him to death. After that, I had had enough of L.A. My Superior told me about a job in the city next to town.  I got in pretty easily but something just didn't feel right and I didn't get along with one of the guys on the force so my new Chief told me about this job on Tribal land for a Deputy.  I figured it couldn't hurt so I applied for it.  Skylar called me a week later and offered me the job."

Xael's hands had been caressing his sides. She pulled back to look at him again. He had a soft but pained smile on his face. Before she realized what she was doing, she had brought their lips together in another tender kiss. He pulled her against him and was about to deepen the kiss when they heard an annoyed groan. She broke the kiss to see both her boys sitting next to them, staring.

Having lost their previous Mates. Adam and Xael could still form a Mate bond between them. Once someone had lost their Mate, the original Mate bond would dissolve over time. It usually took 1-3 years, but that depended on how hard they took the death. Some never recovered from the loss of their Mates and would fall into a severe depression. A few didn't survive it, some remained single for the rest of their lives. Others managed to, given time, form another Mate bond with someone else. It was very rare to find another 'True Mate' though.

Xael rested against him again. "Are you really going to stay the night?"

"Yeah, I just want to make sure you'll be okay and... I don't really want to leave you."

Xael sat there, not saying anything. He now knew she was an Omega and had a Mate.  She knew the story of his Mate and what brought him to their small town. With another deep breath, she relaxed.



"You're my Mate."

Instead of acting shocked like she thought he would, he wrapped her in a tight hug. She didn't move as he nuzzled her, his nose gently caressing her neck.

"Xael, will you let me scent you?"

"Adam...That's not a good idea."


He felt her tremble

"I..." Xael stiffened in his arms, a very light whimper leaving her.

"I want to know my True Mate's scent, please Xael. I never expected to find another one."

Xael shifted to get comfortable. She would release her scent, but only so it was barely detectable. There was another Male close by and she didn't want him to detect her.  Xael would only let him scent her for a few seconds.

Soon a very faint and delicate scent of roses and cedarwood began radiating from the Omega in his arms. Shado inhaled deeply, his wolf growling in the presence of its True Mate. Quickly, Xael retracted her scent. Shado pulled her tight against him as he tried to inhale more of her, causing her to let out another light whimper. His face now buried in her neck, his lips were caressing her soft flesh as his grip tightened. Xael needed him to let go as his fingers were digging into her flesh.

"Adam, that's enough."

No longer being able to detect her scent and hearing her speak, he reluctantly pulled away. The pair of striking grey eyes looking into him deeply. With his hand now caressing her face, he kissed her.

Pulling back, she was smiling at him.

"God, you smell amazing."

"So do you." The two sat, gazing at each other. Xael rested against him again, wrapping her arms around him as he nuzzled the side of her head.

"How is this even possible Xael? We've both lost our first Mates, to find another True Mate is unheard of."

"I don't know. I didn't think it was possible either, but here we are."

Shado gently lifted her face up to look at him again. "And I couldn't be happier." He moved in to kiss her but a large and firm paw landed on his shoulder. Moose thought he was getting to lovey dovey with his momma. Shado gave him a smirk, he didn't mind how protective Moose was being over her. "What?" Moose just huffed.

"I need to eat something."

Nothing about her said Omega, nothing at all. A quick kiss to her forehead and he loosened his hold but didn't let her go.

"You sure you want to eat this late?"

"I haven't eaten all day."

"Crap, come on, I'll heat something up for you."

Shado got off the bed and held his hand out for her. Now that he had scented her as his True Mate and vice versa, he wasn't about to hold back on showing her affection or how much he cared about her. Xael saw his hoody and grabbed it, it would help hide what remained of her scent since she was leaving the safety of the bedroom. She placed her hand in his and let him lead her to the kitchen. The pups took up their positions on the couch.

"Have a seat, I'll fix you a plate." He kissed her on the head and made his way to the fridge. Xael pulled the hood over her head and rested on the table while he fixed her something to eat. Emma and Skylar caught a glimpse of movement in the kitchen. The fire had died down to a safe level and the two headed inside to see what was going on. The table was partially hidden from the door so they didn't see Xael sitting there right away. Ms. Emma was the first to enter as Skylar made sure things were safe to leave alone and put the chairs up.

"Adam, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, she's hungry." She walked further into the kitchen and saw Xael sitting at the table, her head resting on the table.

"Xael honey, how are you feeling?" Xael quickly sat up as her grandmother rushed over to her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

"Better, It was just a horrible nightmare."

"Well, I asked him to stay with you for the night, to make sure you'll be okay."

"I know Grams, he told me."

"You're okay with that?"


Sheriff Skylar walked in. "You eating again, Shado?"

"Xael's hungry, she hasn't eaten all day." Shado pointed the cooking utensil at the table.

"How you feel Pupkins?" Xael smiled at the cute nickname.

"Tired, but I need to eat something. I'm getting another headache."

Her grandmother had gotten up and was washing the coffee cups they had used earlier. Shado fixed her up a plate with leftovers from the lodge and sat next to her. His arm rested on the back of her chair as he rubbed her back. Her Grams returned and sat next to Skylar across from the two.

Emma had told Skylar that she asked Shado to stay with Xael for the night. She had also offered for him to stay since it was getting late.

While the two were outside talking, he'd contacted the station to check on things. Everything was going well, and the day had been a quiet one. They wanted to thank the ladies again for the food. Skylar had asked if they could stay an extra day and they were fine with that. Ms. Emma had arranged for food to be taken to the men for their meals from the other Elder women in town. Emma was glad that tomorrow was Sunday, the diner would be closed and Xael could get some much-needed rest.

Xael quickly finished up her meal and rested her head on Shado's shoulder, closing her eyes, her hands in the pockets of the hoody. Shado's hand was now rubbing her shoulder.

"Feel better?"


He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. Her Grandmother nearly fell out of the chair with excitement. She cleared her throat to get their attention. Xael didn't move but Shado looked at her and smiled.

"She told me Ms. Emma."

The Elder lady clapped out of happiness. Skylar looked on, a smile crossed his face as well. "Congratulations you two. You're great for each other."

Xael smiled and finally sat up. "Thanks."

"Shado you have tomorrow off. Stay with Xael and make sure she's okay."

"Thank you sir!"


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