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The closer they got to the precinct, the quieter they became. Xael reached over to hold her Grandmother's hand.

"Are you going to be okay Grammy?"

"I'll be fine dear. It's just...I never thought this day would come."

"I know, me either."

As Xael pulled into a visitor's spot, she saw her mom's parents standing by the entrance, waiting for them. With the vehicle off, Xael turned to her Grams.


"Oh yes!"

"Good! My other Grandparents are here, they're at the door."  Xael got out and went to her Gram's side to help her out since the Jeep was so high off the ground. Walking up the stairs Charles and Ella approached them. Both ladies embraced each other in a hug without having to say anything.  Xael gave her Grandad a hug as the women exchanged glances.

"Grams, Charles and Ella Stevens. Charles and Ms. Ella, this is my Grandmother Emma Red Wolf."

They all exchanged hugs and went in together, Xael leading the way. She walked up to the front desk, a familiar face smiling at her.

"Hey Gary!"

"Well if it isn't the beautiful one with grey eyes. What can I do for you today my dear?"

"We have an appointment on the third floor."

Gray gave her troubled look as he knew that's were the homicide detectives were. Xael smiled at him as he handed them their visitor badges. He couldn't help but wonder.

"Everything okay, Xael?"

"Yeah. We're good." The others also smiled at him as they made their way to the elevator. Ms. Ella and Emma bonded almost instantly, the two holding hands.

"It's okay Emma, me and Charles had met with the detectives before hand. They're very kind and respectful."

"Oh thank you Ella. It's just...I've waited so long to learn what happened to them."

"I know. I will warn you that some of what they told us was disturbing, but you can handle it." Both women exchanged smiles as the elevator opened. Xael saw a much needed and familiar face.


She was instantly in his arms surprising the others.

"Thank you so much for coming!."

"Of course Pup!" Chief Houser looked over to the others.

"Ms. Emma, good to see you again, I wish it was for better reasons." The two exchanged hugs with Ms. Emma patting him on the shoulder. Xael introduced the Chief to her mom's parents and the all headed inside to the detectives.

Two of the Detectives were already waiting for them when they entered and directed them to a private room. Xael had her Grams take one of the seats as she stood behind her, her hands gently on her shoulders helping ease her tension.

The Detectives, who were also Wolfen, thanked them for coming out and got straight to it. Ms. Emma and Xael learned that the ones initially responsible for her parents death had been killed for what they did by their pack Elders. They had considered the crimes a betrayal of their species. The attackers had found out from a still unknown source that Oya Stevens, Xael's mom, was a very strong and powerful Dire Alpha female. They wanted her to breed other strong Wolfen. The attackers had also learned of Xael's existence and offered to buy her for a very hefty sum.

Xael's mom had been tricked by a dear and close friend, one that knew what she was and that Xael had been born. What the friend didn't know is where Xael was located or where her parents lived. Tricked into coming to the city, they were ambushed and betrayed by the friend who ended up being killed in the ensuing fight. 

Now the Detectives were talking 'off the record'. They wanted to talk to the families as Wolfen and not as police. Houser assured them that what was said in the room would go no further.

"The last of the accomplices was arrested a few months ago. He's one that the Elders couldn't locate. The ones responsible had seen a picture of you Xael, after going through your mom's purse. They knew immediately from your grey eyes that you were a Dire Omega. Your parents were strong enough that they could get through some of the sedatives and attack them, but Wolfen are no match for bullets.

Once the Elders learned what had happened, the ones responsible were tracked down, beheaded and their bodies burned. It's how they dealt with those that betrayed their kind. The accomplice also informed us that after your parents were murdered, their bodies and belongings burned also. That's why you, Ms. Red Wolf were never allowed to see the bodies. We contacted a few of the Elders and they corroborated the information we received. Once we learned what happened, we had no intention of arresting the Elders for what they did. Justice had already been served."

One of the Detectives pulled a small box from an envelope and handed it to Ms. Emma. She opened it to expose two golden rings, both with wolves engraved into them. There was an inscription inside both of them. 'My Love, My Lover, My Beloved'

She held them to her heart, a single tear rolling down her check. Xael rubbed her back to comfort her as the other Detective spoke.

"The Elders had these in their possession. They asked us to find their parents. If it wasn't for the arrest of the lost attacker, we would still be looking for you."

"What happened to the last attacker?" Ms. Emma wanted to know all that happened and would happen. Both detectives looked at each other.

"He... He was murdered in one of the holding cells." Houser thought it weird and that there was more to it.

"There's more, isn't it?" Now Houser was wondering where this mystery would end.

One of the Detectives got up and checked the hallway. He came back in and locked the door. He cleared his throat.

"According to witnesses, the last attacker, Jerome Bettings, had become erratic, almost delirious. He was moved to an adjacent holding cell alone, so he couldn't harm some of the humans that were in the main cell., it's better if you see it for yourself." The detective pulled a laptop from the desk and started the recorded footage of the holding cells.

It showed Bettings pacing nervously back and forth in the small cell and suddenly falling to the ground. A guard approached and entered the cell only to be attacked. As Bettings started to leave the cell he stopped as if something was in front of him. He snarled then shifted and proceeded to attack something that wasn't there. The faux attack stopped when the horrible sound of his neck snapping was heard and his body crumbled to the ground. A red pool of blood slowly encircling him.

"We have no idea what the hell happened that night. Witnesses said they saw a large wolf with red eyes, he had amber and white fur and was the largest wolf they had ever seen. It was twice the size of Bettings in wolf form. When we got to the scene, all we saw were paw prints leading away till they just stopped. Those paws were as big as my hand."

"Everyone responsible for the deaths of your son, daughter and parents have been killed in return for the crime that they committed. As far as we're concerned, the case is now closed."

Ms. Emma breathed a heavy and much needed sigh of relief. She thanked both of the Detectives for their hard work and for never giving up on the case. They let her know they were just happy to finally be able to give the family some closure. The two Detectives left to leave the family alone for some private time.

"So that's what really happened..." Ms. Emma was talking to herself. Ms. Ella turned to her.

"Emma, our daughter contacted us only once after she left our pack. She let us know that she had had a child, a girl. But she never told us her name and we didn't know what she looked like. She did tell us that she was so happy with her new life and that her mother-in-law was like a mother to her. She knew that if anything ever happened to her that you would take good care of her child and you have. Xael is a fine and wonderful young woman. So thank you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for welcoming our daughter and making her feel at home."

Ms. Emma looked over at Xael and smiled, her eyes starting to water a little from the emotional day she was now having. They shared more hugs as Houser excused himself. Mr. and Mrs. Steven's thanking him for being there with them.

Now that everyone was composed, they left the room and made their way to the elevators. As Xael checked her phone, which had been on silent mode while with the detectives, she saw a call from Shado's dad and a message from her Mate. As they made it to the ground floor, the Stevens relayed how happy they were to meet Ms. Emma and see Xael again but they needed to get back to their Pack as they were their Pack leaders and needed to return. Final hugs and they were off. Xael turned to her Grams.

"Still up for meeting Adam's dad Grams?"

"Oh yes!"

Xael called him and got the address to the restaurant to meet him at and then got in the vehicle to leave. Xael held her Grandmother's hand as they drove off.

"I'm so glad that it's finally over. All of it." Ms. Emma was gazing out the window.

"So am I Grams, I know how much it troubled you not knowing what happened."

"Yes, but the ones responsible have paid for their crimes and your parents didn't suffer much and were together when they died." Ms. Emma reached in her purse to pull out the box with their rings in it.

"Here dearheart, you should have these."

"No Grams, you keep them, for now."

A tender smiled shared between them, they rode the rest of the way in silence. 

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