Coming Together

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Adam was quick to settle into his new life of taking it easy. Before going to sleep and first thing in the morning, Adam gave Xael massages and healing energy. It helped her discomfort tremendously. Grams had gotten some shea butter and vitamin E oil with the apothecary order to make a whipped body butter for Xael to use. Since the pregnancy was progressing so quickly, Xael could use it to help with stretch marks and skin dryness.

With lodge coming up and not much for Adam or Skylar to do, Skylar wanted a bigger sweat lodge built in the same spot. Dentin had young willow all over his property that they could use so the three of them stayed busy with that. Grams had beading orders to work on and Xael just relaxed on the couch. The babies really did require a lot from her so she was constantly tired and slept more than she thought she would.

The Alphas got the new lodge erected and blessed in only a couple of days. They also cleaned the area around it and did some repairs to the outhouse.

The week leading up to lodge, Minh had fully moved to the reservation with the others helping with the transition. With his schooling finished, Minh wanted to take a couple of weeks to just relax and get settled into his new home. He still had his job at the hospital for now but was planning on leaving that as well but was going to enjoy the two weeks of vacation he had just taken. Him and Beau had planned on making things official after the lodge.

The day for lodge had arrived and Grandma's house was busy with activity. Adam had their grill brought over and the Alpha's came with plenty of meat to cook up. Xael was doing good enough that she was able to get the meat marinating and ready for the grill. While the Alphas got settled, Minh, Xael and Grams hung out at the kitchen table.

They three just sat and talked, later they would start on the side dishes for the meal. This lodge was similar to the last in that Skylar and Dentin had the young Alpha's work on stuff around the house and property then they gathered out back to talk about the lodge. For their downtime before it started, they just hung out and chatted. Adam of course had to check on Xael and Beau checked on Minh. Both the Omegas let their Alphas know they were fine.

Skylar and Dentin got the meat on the grill and Minh and Xael would keep an eye on it. Right at dusk, the Alphas headed back to the lodge. Side dishes done and meat cooking, the ladies went to rest in the living and continued their chatting. Xael, in true pregnant Omega fashion, laid down on the couch with her head on Minh's lap and fell asleep. He had quickly gotten used to Xael cuddling up to him and was gently rubbing her back as she slept, her purring ever so soft.

Minh talked to Grams about possibly opening up a small clinic in town. It would provide just basic care. Grams thought that was an excellent idea. The smaller towns didn't have anything like that and it would be valuable to have. Grams let it slip that Xael was a medic in the military and had been a paramedic. Minh would keep that in mind.

Right before the Alphas returned, Adam linked Xael, waking her up. Her and Minh got the meat off the grill and the table set. She quickly ate as she  could already tell the Alphas scents would be heightened due to the heat and that would irritate her. They got to the house, quicker than she expected so Grams suggested she go to the living room to finish eating, the Elder lit some sage by her to help mask the Alphas scents.

Adam was the first one inside after rinsing off in the outdoor shower; making a beeline to his Omega after he dressed. He found her sitting in the living room on the couch at the far end of it near the hearth. The smoke from the sage, wafting around her.

"Hey hon." Xael looked over to him and smiled.

"Hey babe. How you doing?"


"I was worried that everyone's scent would bother you."

"Yeah, I didn't think it would but... I'll go to the bedroom later."

"You want the pups?"

"No, they can stay out and enjoy being around everyone."

"You need anything, just say so." He placed a tender hand on her stomach and gave a quick kiss then returned to the kitchen to eat.

Everyone was surprised by the amount of food but when Adam started eating, they knew why there was so much.

"Em? Where's Puppers?"

"She's in the living room eating. You guys are a bit too much for her right now."

Skylar took the hint and went back to eating. With Kai sitting between Adam and Beau, he asked Adam if Xael was alright. Adam let him know that her scenes were just extra sensitive. Kai went to go check on her which Adam didn't mind.

"Hey cuzzo?"

"Hey Kai bear."

"How you feeling?"

"Okay, tired. How was lodge?"

"Awesome, dad joined us on the last round."


"How are those babies?"

"Getting big and wearing me out."

"Yeah, you look exhausted. Rest, we got plenty of time to catch up." He kissed her on the head and went back to the food. Xael asked him to take the plate for her and she went to lay down for the evening.

The next month wasn't as bad as Xael had imagined it would be. With Adam doing his nightly healing routine, her pain and discomfort was kept to a minimum. Even when her hips adjusted again, the pain was bearable.

Adam checked in at the station about once a week along with making sure things were fine at the cabin. Grams and Skylar were frequent early morning visitors at the diner, giving the young soon to be parents some alone time. Plus Grams wanted to check in to make sure things were going good and to see the now finished covered diner patio. She couldn't wait to get some plants in the planter boxes come springtime.

Dentin and Kai, along with help from the guys, finished up all the repairs on their cabin and made sure to have a healthy wood supply on hand for the winter. Kay had also gotten his lawn service business up and going pretty quickly and was already keeping Uncle Dentin busy as the 'office manager'.

Xael was becoming more and more clingy with her Alpha but it was all normal behavior. She was grateful for the shea body butter her Grams made for her as her belly was getting bigger every week. With Minh around, he made sure to check on his 'sis' often. Xael stayed in contact with her Grandma Ella and Great Grams almost weekly. The Elders gave her a list of things that would be needed for the actual birth of the babies. Unfortunately those items required a trip to the city. Adam put his foot down and forbade Xael from going, even though she never said she was. Kai offered to go with Adam and Xael had to laugh because the two of them together; they looked like Titan gods. There was no way anyone would see them as anything other than strong, dominant Alphas.

Grams and Xael got some things together for Beau and Minh, but mostly Minh for their mating time. Adam dropped the large gift box off to them which contained directions for everything. Minh was surprised and grateful that they were making sure he was taken care of. He had to call and talk to them letting them know some of the things he hadn't even thought of; particularly the after care items. With Minh being a Male Omega, things wouldn't be as taxing for him.

Beau and Minh's time together last only three days and they new couple were both extremely grateful for the gift basket. Beau was just as attentive and caring as Adam had been for Xael and Minh loved the herbal baths. Being cared for so lovingly was new to him but something he could definitely get used to. Since they were in town, James cooked the two of them their meals and Ms. Ester left them outside their door during their bonding time.

The last month of Xael's pregnancy is when things got busy. She was pretty much on bed rest and as huge as a house. By now, Grandma Ella and Grandpa Charles were staying there to help out. Grandpa Charles had brought out their RV and had it well stocked for a winter stay. Adam was growing increasingly protective of Xael since she was pretty much out of commission. The guys cleaned out the extra room in the house for Great Grams to stay. The Elders all loved being together and spent most of the time chatting with each other and drinking copious amount of coffee.

By now the nights were getting chilly and the days shorter. Winter was coming soon, but Adam hoped the snow would hold off until after the babies arrived. Not that he had someplace to be but if things got complicated, he wanted clear roads to drive on.

Xael pretty much needed weekly soaks in the tub and her Alpha to help her in and out of it. Not to mention frequent massages to help her lower back. Xael also didn't eat much which was worrying to Adam but the Grandmas let him know it was typical during the last month. All of Xael's energy was being used to bring the babies to term so eating wasn't on her radar right now. The broth she drank was full of vitamins and nutrients that she needed.  

Now she was sleeping pretty much 24/7. If she needed to walk around, one of the Alphas needed to help her and she wasn't up for very long. The pups meanwhile stuck to their momma like glue. They were now the size of german shepherds but still had plenty of growing left to do. With everyone now at Grandma's house, Adam and Kai made a trip to the city to get the last of what was needed for the upcoming birth.

Adam was grateful that he didn't run into the woman and the two Alphas took Adam's dad out to lunch since they were there. The Elder Shado was getting things ready to head out to the reservation for the birth and had planned on sharing the room with his Grandma. Adam really was lucky to have some many Elders in his life now and for his Mate as she readied to give birth to their first Pups.

It really was all the work of Spirit and a blessing.  

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