Everyone's Getting Settled

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They made it to the rainforest cafe finally. As they had walked, other little kids were happily howling and running about pretending to be wolves. Surprisingly they arrived just as the cafe opened so they didn't have to wait. Grams wanted to sit at one of the booths overlooking the exhibit and that is where they were seated. Quickly looking over the menu, Xael and her Grams picked out what they wanted then got up to take a look around, leaving the men at the table to chat.

The Elder was full of questions but kept them to a minimum. He asked about the pups and was told how Xael's boys had gifted them to them. Again another unbelievable tale. Charles did get onto him about not visiting that often and Adam assured him that things would change.

Xael and her Grams returned and the conversation continued throughout the meal. Xael wanted to sit and talked some more but Charles let them know they had a council meeting to go to. Some of the Elder pack leaders were getting together to discuss some things that were going on in their communities. There had been an issue with crime in the area recently. Adam gave Charles some names of officers that he could get ahold of, they would be more than happy to help the council.

Pulling up outside their house, they stayed to chat for a bit out in the backyard while the pups pottied. The little ones were really feeling the effects of their shots and didn't want to be bothered with anyone other than their momma. Hugs and goodbyes, Adam and Xael finished the errands they had planned for the city.

Xael stayed in the car with the pups just to make sure they were okay.   Adam picked up the new uniforms and stopped at costco for supplies for the station. He forgot about the limited space in Xael's jeep so the little ones sat up front with her. Everything loaded up, they headed home.

As the pups snoozed on her lap, she was getting tired also. Her pregnancy was starting to kick in. On the way home, Xael's Grams, Ms. Emma called her.

"Hey Grammy!"

"Xael dear James is here and getting his RV all set up!"

"He is?! I thought he wasn't going to start till next week?!"

"Well he's here, I'm going to have him help me carry jars out to the house and your cabin."

"Okay, the door's unlocked. Tell him he might as well plan on starting tomorrow morning, 6 am!"

"Sounds good dear!"

Hanging up Xael looked over at Adam. "James is already in town and Grams is putting him to work."

"Good! You've been getting pretty tired lately, glad he's there to help out now."

"Yeah, I'll rest when we get home."

"You better, I can tell that you're not feeling well babe."

Back in town, Xael had fallen asleep again.  Adam had the deputies help him unload stuff. She woke up after hearing his door open. Leaving the pups inside, she walked over to the diner to see how James was settling in. Xael could see him, Grams and Skylar sitting in a booth talking.

"Hey James!" Xael rushed him with a hug.

"Hey Xael! Hope you don't mind me getting here early."

"Nope! Glad you're finally here. Do you need anything? Are you all set up?"

"Yeah, Skylar got me all settled and the RV is hooked up."

"Awesome, so why'd you leave early?"

"Oh I do design work on the side and that was picking up and I didn't want to finish out my two weeks. My design stuff I can do from anywhere as long as I have the internet."

"It okay Xael dear, I gave him the wireless log in for the diner."

"Thanks Grams."

They sat and talked until Adam came over. It was James's first time seeing him since he had changed.

"Man! What happened to you!?"

"Uhh, it's a wolf thing."

"Jesus, you say so Conan the Barbarian!"

The two men hugged and they talked for a little bit before everyone called it a day. Adam was glad that Xael would have help now and she was relieved that James had a side gig to help supplement what he earned at the dinner. Now she knew why he hopped at the offer; the part time job fit nicely into his schedule.

Now it was time to go home.

Walking into the cabin, Xael sat the pups down, took off her shoes and went right for their sleeping spot in front of the fireplace. All three of them were out like a light. Adam laughed and went over to start a small fire. It had been much warmer in the city but up in the higher elevations it was a different story.

Fire going, Adam did some things around the cabin and brought in more wood. Showered, he sat on the floor next to his Mate. Xael didn't even budge so he knew she was tired. Soon his phone was ringing, it was Max.

"Hey Max."

"Adam, you got a minute?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Me and Parker are done. We spent the day packing up our shit. Do we have a place to stay in town?"

"Yup, you kinda have to share space until you get settled but we got room for you."

Adam could hear them talking in the background.

"Okay, what's going on cause James got here today."

Parker took the phone from Max. "God Adam, things have gone to shit! Strickland pretty much put all of us  on desk duty and brought in a bunch of douche bags. We all just left, we already put our notice in and Strickland's stunt was just too much."

"What about your benefits?"

"They're good, trust me we all checked before we left! Ted is taking a week off to visit his parents then he will be up there."

"Okay, I'll work on getting him a place."

"Thanks man. We don't have much stuff so."

They talked for another hour then Adam laid down with his Mate.

Morning time, Xael was full of energy again and ready to get started. The pups had been fed and let out and Adam came out dressed in his new uniform. Xael playfully whistled at him and he shook his head.

It was going to be a long day at the diner as Xael wanted to show James all that he would need to know and do. Adam suggested they take their own vehicles; he needed to drive his around and wanted some work done on it at the small auto shop in town.

Adam took the Pups with him since they hadn't gotten a crate for the little ones yet.

Getting into town, Grams and Skylar were already at the diner and so was James. Xael parked next to Adam and gave him a hug then headed over to the diner. She greeted everyone with a hug and her and James got busy, but only after he had commented on her eyes.  Showing him where everything was, Xael let him take over which he had no problem doing. While James cooked up breakfast, Xael readied the front and made sure there was plenty of coffee ready to go. With James busy, she could focus on the dessert case. Coffee cakes, cinnamon rolls and pies. Ms. Vicki and Ms. Ester along with Houser entered and Houser had a seat. After the introductions, work began. Xael was able to organize the back, take inventory and run the register while James cooked and the ladies waited tables.

Xael even managed to take breakfast over to her Mate and the other deputies at the station.

Max and Parker came barrelling into town around noon. Each of them pulling a small uhaul trailer behind their trucks. Houser and Skylar went over to help them unload. James followed after he and Xael closed up the diner. Xael and her Grams remained inside, sitting at one of the booths as they enjoyed a healthy piece of pound cake. Since everyone was now 'home' Grams wanted to have them all over for dinner. Xael thought that was a great idea. She grabbed some desserts from the case and her and her Grams were going to head to the house to get started. Xael gathered up the Pups also and they took her Jeep. Adam's bronco was next door getting new tires put on.

Before leaving, Xael gave Adam a much needed hug and he nuzzled into her soft hair. Grams told Houser he and Ester were welcomed also but Houser let her know they were going into the city for a special date night. One their way out to Grandma's house, the pups stretched out in the back seat. Xael and her Grams talked about their day and how things went with her other grandparents. For dinner they both decided that lasagna would be quick and easy to make and Xael would make bread for garlic toast.

Xael would always love her Grandma's house. Walking inside, the pups went right to the couch, just like their daddies used to do. Only problem was they were too little to just jump up there.

"Ohhh, you little babies, come one!" Grams helped them out and put them up there. The ladies made it to the kitchen where Xael put the leaves in the table. This time she was able to do it on her own. Grams was just going to make one pan of lasagna but Xael told her two would be better because Adam ate almost three times as much now.

Bread dough rising, pans in the oven, Xael made a huge thing of salad while her Grams made ice tea and lemonade.

"Hey Grams?"

"Yes dear?"

"When are uncle and Kai coming back to town?"

"Oh! In a couple of weeks. They have a few things to finish up then they'll be down here."

Xael decided to give the pups a little meat to eat to see how they did. Luckily they were fine. After a potty break for the pups and putting the bread in the oven, they ladies took a break. Xael poured them something to drink while the pups played with each other in the kitchen.

They didn't have to wait long till the rest of the fam showed up, hungry and grateful for a home cooked meal. Max and Parker both rushed into the kitchen to get a look at Xael and her eyes. Both of them confused as Adam hadn't told them the whole story yet.

"Wait a minute, why did both of your eyes change?"

"Cause we're Mates Parker!" Xael bopped him on the head as James laughed at him and had a seat. Chris and Eli shook their heads.

Meal finished there were no leftovers and the guys all worked together to clean up the kitchen. They sat around and talked for a bit then everyone headed home.

The rest of the week was uneventful. Adam's dad had to go out of town so he called to check up on his Great grams, she was fine and involved in a serious poker tournament. James got the hang of things after his first day and him and Xael worked together pretty well. Max and Parker spent their first day on the force visiting all the shop owners and introducing themselves. A few of the shop owners, after finding out that new people were moving to town had quickly cleaned out their top floor apartments hoping to attract tenants. They were all studio apartments but perfect for the guys. Parker and Ted could eventually have their own place and Chris and Eli had more work doing the renovations and getting the apartments up to code.

Ted ended coming to town three days early as the trip with his family got cut short thanks to his asshole brother. That was a blessing as Chris and Eli were getting swamped with work orders. Ted thankfully brought his own tools and was able to jump right in and help with the construction jobs. He worked on the apartments while Chris and Eli tackled the patio for the diner.

With everything going on in the small town, the Tribal Council was happy.

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