Friday - I Told You...

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Skylar drove to town.  It was a nice day so the drive was a pleasant one.  Adam thought they should go ahead and stop at the diner to pick up the freezer first, plus he wanted to make sure the officers that were filling in for him and Beau were doing good. Getting closer to town, Adam got cell reception so he called Beau to see how he was doing. Beau was doing much better and just had a bout of the stomach flu, Vivi was taking care of him.

Reaching the diner, Adam realized he didn't have a key for it.

"Relax, I've got one." Skylar laughed at him. The freezer was smaller than Adam thought, but it was the perfect size for just the two of them and what they would use it for. Thankfully it was already empty and unplugged. Carrying it out of the diner, the two of them heard familiar voices.

They quickly loaded it into the back of the truck and turned to see Houser and Mr. Hunt, one of the council Elders walking across the street.

"Morning!" Skylar greeted them while Adam secured the freezer in the back of the truck.  Even though they weren't going far he didn't want it sliding around. Hopping down from the truck, Adam shook their hands.

"Morning. What brings you back to town, Chief Houser?"

"I got approved!"

"Congratulations!" Both Skylar and Adam gave Houser a hug.

"Thanks, I'm just here to sign some things and look at a few properties."

"That's awesome! Xael will be happy to hear the news."

"Speaking of Xael, is she still doing okay?"

"Yup, she's fine." Adam could see Skylar give him a look.

{I'll tell you later}

"Well I'm glad to run into you two today, especially you Adam. The council has approved the two additional new hires. Here are their welcome letters."

It took everything Adam had not to start jumping around and howling. "Yes!! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much. This is wonderful news!"

"My pleasure, since you're both here, can I have a moment of your time?"

"Sure thing Elder Hunt." Skylar patted Adam on the back to show his happiness. Houser excused himself as he was meeting with one of the Tribal real estate agents to look at some places.  Making it over to the station. Skylar and Adam saw Sheriff  Fern Ta'Oma; he was another Elder Sheriff in the bigger town of Sha'Hamish, were the extra officers came from. 

"Hey Sheriff!"

"Skylar! How's the retirement going?"

"Just fine. So what's going on?"

Council Elder Hunt wanted to talk to them about the tourist groups. It seems the tour leaders and a lot of the tourists really appreciated the hospitality shown not only by the town but the diner also. He and the other council members wanted to get their feedback on possible making the tours a permanent thing.

Skylar and Adam burst out laughing as Adam relayed the conversation he had with Xael earlier about having the tourists regularly in town. They were already getting the jump on it by updating the diner and station to be more welcoming.  Both the older Sheriffs and Mr. Hunt looked at each other, amazed at the positive attitude and forward thinking by the young Alpha and his Mate.

"Wonderful!! I think it's settled! I'll let the council know that things are a go. If you, Sheriff Skylar and Ta'Oma can get some ground rules together for the tourists to follow that would be great. I know you're on your way out Wes, but the council really values your opinion still."

"Wow, why thank you. I'm sure me and Fern can come up with some things."

"Great!  We want to be able to use a few of Ta'Oma's men to help maintain a healthy police presence here during the tourist visits. Our plan is to have them here for the day, have lunch then make it over to Sha'Hamish. Since it's bigger and has a couple nice hotels and restaurants, they can stay overnight there, then head back to the city in the morning."

"Sounds good, this little town is really getting on the map!"

"Yes it is, as long as the tourists remain respectful, we feel this will benefit the town greatly."

They concluded the impromptu meeting. Ta'Oma was going to stick around for lunch as some of the locals were dropping food off to them in a bit. Skylar let him know it was a normal thing for visiting officers. Now Ta'Oma knew why his men were practically fighting to help out here.

Finally on their way to the cabin, Adam was surprised that the council was so open to new things. Skylar let him know they just needed a nudge in the right direction. Skylar told him that he and Xael had a lot to do with it. The town needed more younger residents to help it. Adam was glad he decided to stay and make the town home. He also filled Skylar in on Xael's run in with Strickland.

Reaching the cabin, everything was right where Adam had left it. First, they carried the freezer into the kitchen and found the perfect spot for it next to the pantry.  Skylar had a look around.

"Yeah, me and Xael don't feel the need to change much. Just replacing a few windows. The loft area is for guests and will act as our office space."

"Nice, I see Xael's ready to get your pantry up and going too."  Skylar saw all of the containers and a few dry goods sitting off to the side.

"Oh yeah. She's been pretty focused on that."

The two of them started on the patio furniture now that the freezer was plugged in and ready to be filled. After an hour they had everything put together and were ready to head back to the city. Adam made sure he had Xael's list.

Skylar was loving his truck now that they had gotten it upgraded and serviced for him. On the way into the city, the two talked about the upcoming changes going on in town. Skylar suggested they grab a quick bite to eat once they arrived as it would probably be awhile until dinner.

Reaching the area they wanted to eat at, it was unusually crowded but they didn't pay it any attention.  Adam suggested they park elsewhere and walk to the restaurant.  He was dying for a nice juicy burger as all of the aromas filled his nostrils.  Surprisingly there was a line outside the entrance to almost half the length of the building.


He looked to see who was calling his name. It was Xael's other set of Grandparents. Her Grandfather was waving for him.

"Hey I think we have a seat!" Adam led Skylar over to the outdoor patio area where Charles opened the gate for the two of them to join their table.

"Join us son, we just sat down!" Charles shook Skylar's hand as he led them to the table. Before sitting down, Ms. Ella wanted hugs from both of them. "And who is this handsome Alpha?"

"Mr. & Mrs Stevens, this is Sheriff Wes Skylar. He's like Xael's Uncle and Ms. Emma's Mate."

"Oh it's so nice to meet you dear!" Ms. Ella wasn't shy about giving hugs and neither was Skylar.

"It's an honor to meet both of you! I see where Xael got her looks from."

"Oh hush! Sit, sit the waiter will be here shortly."

Taking a seat, the waiter showed up and took everyone's order, Adam and Skylar both wanted burgers and dr. peppers. The four sat and talked almost non stop, the Stevens wanting to know everything Skylar would share with them about Xale and their daughter since he had been there from the beginning. Skylar was happy to answer all of their questions and let them know that their daughter had been an excellent and loving mother. They were happy to hear that and let Adam know they would be there Sunday as Xael had messaged them earlier.

The meal was delicious and the atmosphere wonderful but rudely interrupted by someone calling Adam's name yet again. Turning around, he noticed how crowded the inside was. He couldn't see who was calling and figured it was for another Adam. A few seconds later Skylar linked him.

{Heads up}

"Adam Shado?"

"Yeah?" Adam saw two blonde women walking towards him in dresses. One had a microphone. He stood up, hoping to deflect them away. "Can I h-"

Before he could finish, he saw his mother rushing over, more people were with her. By now Adam was standing between the tables.

"Oh hon, I'm so glad to run into you! This is KATV's Heater and Melissa. They have a special segment on the news."

Adam didn't respond as he returned his focus to the two women. "Can I help you with something?" His irritation was evident as his mom stood next to him. Skylar and the Stevens were trying not to laugh at them or say anything, the people at the next table were equally irritated by the intrusion but curious as to what was going on.

"We wanted to ask you a few questions if we could?"

"Well since you're here and interrupting everyone's lunch..."

"uhhh..Thank you. So your mom tells us that there's a possibility of you dating local model Macy Davenport!?" Heather had a huge smile on her face as she was hoping to get the scoop on such juicy news .

"No. I already have a Mate that I love very much." Adam stepped in front of his mom. "I would like to introduce you to Mr & Mrs. Stevens; my Mate's Grandparents and her Uncle, Sheriff Wes Skylar."

"Oh! Oh...uhh so you're Mate isn't white!?"

"No. She's bi-racial, half African and Native American. Is that a problem?" Adam's mom tried to intervene but the camera man moved her out of the way to try to shove the camera into the Steven's faces. Adam moved to block him.

"Show some respect." 

The camera man backed down.

"Thank you dear!" Ms. Ella was just having fun with the situation.  Adam looked at her and smiled.

"Did you have something important to ask me? If not I'd like to return to having lunch with my in-laws."

"Your mom told us that she'd be coordinating a benefit date auction and that you'd be up on the chopping block."

"No. This is the first I'm hearing of any type of auction."

"I-i-it's to benefit one of the local children's home."

"Oh really?" Adam gave his mother a look. She tried to get the focus off of him and back onto her.

"Y-y-yes! Children are such a joy and deserve to have every opportunity in life!" She tried to move the reporters away from him and back inside but Adam stopped her.

"Wow!  Cause you just walked out on me at 16. Just left me at school one day without even a goodbye. Let's see, I saw you for the first time since that moment a few weeks ago at Target when you criticized my Mate for being mixed race." Adam glared at the reporters.

"If you two don't mind. You interrupted my lunch. I'd like to return to it. Have a nice day."

"Uhhh....T-t-thank you."

The reporters and cameraman hurried back inside as Adam's mom approached him, her eyes red with anger. Adam walked up to her to put space between her and the others.

"Don't you even fucking start. I told you not to pull your bullshit with me again and I meant it. Now leave." Adam growled at her, just low enough so that she could hear him. She turned and stormed back into the restaurant. Adam returned to his seat.

"Sorry about that."

"Oh hon, don't worry about it. I'm more worried about you!"

"Thanks Ms. Ella, I'm fine."

Adam paid for everyone's lunch and he and Skylar finished out their time in the city getting the items they needed. 

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