Great Grammy

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"Thanks Grandma."

The Elder laughed and hung up the phone. 

Xael's impending heat combined with having her ears and tail out unexpectedly was exhausting her. Adam sensed that she was stressed and released his pheromones a little to help calm her down. He was a little too effective as she laid down and went right to sleep, her purring strong and loud.

As he sat there waiting for Skylar and Emma, Adam began to feel weird. It was as if all of his senses were heightened and it was giving him a headache. Resting his head on the back of the sofa, his eyes flashed over to red when he picked up Skylar's Alpha scent. It wasn't on purpose, it was all instinctual due to his Mate being so vulnerable. Adam had never experienced anything like this before; Skylar was more than two miles down the road. There was no way he should have been able to sense him. Adam was being even more protective and aware than when he and Xael first mated. Hearing Skylar's truck, Adam linked him.

{You need to use your key}

That worried Skylar for some reason as his foot pressed on the gas pedal a little bit more. Emma sensed his urgency also.

"Wes? What is it?"

"I don't know, something's not right Em. Adam just linked me and told me to use my key."

"Oh dear."


Skylar and Ms. Emma reached the cabin as the truck came to an abrupt halt. Helping Emma out of the truck, they both smelled it. It was the strongest Alpha scent they had ever picked up. This scent was different, but what the difference was they couldn't figure out. Just as soon as they sensed it, the scent quickly dissipated.

"Who is that?!"

"I don't know Em, let's get inside."

Both the Elders hurried to the door. Skylar had it opened within seconds. The both quickly relaxed seeing Adam on the couch with Xael but it didn't last long once Adam looked at them.

"What on earth happened to your eyes."

"I don't know Ms. Emma. We're hoping you can tell us."


Adam gently shook Xael, who by now was completely covered with the blanket, head and all. She whimpered softly and slowly began to move.

"Xael? Babe they're here."

Xael fumbled as she tried to pull the blanket back. First thing to pop out from underneath it were her ears.


As her Grandmother yelled, Xael's ears pinned to her head again. She sat up but refused to leave her Alpha's side. She was behaving like she did when they first mated. Catching Skylar's scent now that she was awake, she gave a low growl but not on purpose.

"What on earth is going on with you two? Xael look at me!" Emma was getting slightly irritated for some reason.

Xael moved around and faced them.

"Dear god..."

"....holy crap."

Adam's eyes were now glowing with a golden hue as was Xael's and her ears were now at attention.

"Why are your ears out?!"

"I don't know. That's why we called you."

"Adam?"  Skylar was standing there, keeping some spaced between them, with his hands on his hips.

"I have no idea either. My eyes have been like this since morning and she can't retract her ears or tail!"

"Your tail's out too?!"  Ms. Emma had exactly 34 frowns in her face from the strangeness of everything she was seeing and hearing.

"Yeah, it happened while I was asleep."

"Wait, can't retract them!"


"Well do you two feel?" Skylar relaxed a little since no one was really hurt.



"Xael are you sure you're not doing any of this."

"I'm sure Grams. I'm too tired to do any of it."

"Dearheart I have no idea what's going on with either of you! Did you try getting a hold of your wolf grandparents?"

"Yes, they're not responding."

"Whoa, I have never seen anything like this. Red eyes yes but never that gold color."

"Xael are you sure you're not healing Adam or something? Your eyes turn gold when you're healing."

"I don't have enough energy to heal dirt Grammy. It's like something sucked all my energy."

"Adam dear, you may have to get a hold of your Great Grams. She may be old enough to have some clue to what's happening with you two."

"I already called her. She knew I'd be calling."

"How the hell does she know that?"

"'Spirit told her'. At least that's what she said."

"Well you two should get over there to her. We'll take care of the diner and things at the station."


"Are you going to be okay to drive Adam?"

"I'll be fine Ms. Emma."

As Adam stood up, both the Elders noticed that Adam was more muscular than yesterday but neither wanted to say anything. The young couple had enough to deal with for now. Xael stood up as well. She too had changed physically. Ms. Emma could have sworn that she was taller and curvier.

Due to Adam's scent, the elders felt it best to keep their distance for now. The Elders left first while Adam looked around for the keys to Xael's jeep. He didn't want to waste any time getting to his Gram's house. Inside the jeep, tt took Xael a minute to get comfortable with her tail constantly getting in the way. Seat belts fastened, Adam took off down the road, careful not to speed. Driving out of town, Xael's stomach growled causing her to chuckle.

"We'll eat when we get back home."

"Of course, there's nowhere we can go looking like this! I'll fix something that's quick."

"Sandwiches are fine."


There was about a 3-4 hour drive just to reach the town that Adam's Great Grandmother lived in, then another 45 minute drive to her house. Other than hunger, weird eyes, crazy senses, ears and tails, there was more for them to deal with as Adam's phone began to ring.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Luckily Adam had his phone already sync'd to the bluetooth in the Jeep as the caller's name scrolled across the radio screen.  He activated the hands free mode from the steering wheel.

"Dad? Can I call you back?"

"Okay, just headed out to your Grams later today and wanted to know if you two wanted to go?"

"Uh, we're headed there now. We'll probably miss you, can we get a raincheck?"

"Sure! Talk to you later."

"Bye dad." Adam heaved a sigh of relief at the awkward situation that had been narrowly averted.

"I hope your Grams can give us some answers."

"Me too babe. We'll be there in a few."

Xael curled up in the seat and was soon out like a light.

Turning down the road to his Great Grandmother's house, Adam picked up others. By 'others' that meant the wild wolves. He brushed it off as wolves were there the last time he visited. Nearing the house, Adam gently shook Xael awake. The closer he got to the house, he saw his Grams standing on her deck which was odd.

Waking up, Xael kept her ears pinned to her head as she looked around.

"We're here babe."


Parked, seat belts off and getting out the vehicle, the Elder approached them. Adam and Xael stopped as she gazed up into their eyes, her lips began to curl up but stopped just short of a flown blown smile. She raised her hand.

"I'm sorry grandson. Now is not the time according to them."

"Wait, what?!"

"They've told me I can't tell you yet."

"You've got to be kidding me?!"

"Sorry Xael my dear. Just know that what you're both going through is natural."

"Natural? Nothing about this feels natural Grandma!"

"But it is, my great grandson, it is!"

"Now off with you two! Go home, rest, eat, make love, do whatever young mates do! I'm going to soak my feet, ta-ta!"

The old woman turned and went back into her house, both hearing the click of the deadbolt lock. The young couple standing in the middle of her driveway were even more lost and confused.

"Jesus Christ. Let's go babe, we ain't getting any answers from her."

"But she said she was expecting us!"

"It doesn't matter if she isn't going to talk."

Xael growled in frustration, canines making a brief appearance then headed to the jeep. The trip had all been a waste of time, energy and gas.

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