Growing Up

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The Alphas and pups walked into a fairly quiet house. In the living room, Ms. Emma was busy with her beadwork as usual. She looked up and smiled at them as the pups trotted right into the bedroom and onto the bed, sandwiching their momma between them. Adam already knew his Mate was fast asleep. He quietly walked into the bedroom and looked in on her. She didn't move or whimper to show that she knew he was there. Showered with fresh clothes on, Adam joined the Elders in the living room.

"Em, Pup is sleeping a lot more than she did last time around her heat, is she okay?" Sklyar too had noticed how tired Xael seemed lately. Having had an Omega as a Mate previously, even he was a little worried by her.

"Yes, she's fine dear. So Adam, are you happy to be working again with some of your old coworkers?" After her conversation with Xael when she returned from talking to her other Grandmother, Emma knew Xael was sleeping more because of whatever Adam was doing to her while he worked on his healing abilities. Wolves healed more during sleep, and because he didn't have the hang of his abilities yet, Xael's body was forcing her to rest so that the process he started could continue.

"Yes ma'am! I think they'll get along well with Beau...but."

Skylar became concerned by Adam's tone. "But what?"

"I don't know, just a feeling. I don't know how much longer Beau will be around. He doesn't seem all that happy here for some reason."

"Ahh, yeah I've noticed that too. I'm thinking him and Vivi are wanting to make things official and also move in together. Seeing how Vivi is a big city girl..." Skylar had busied himself with reading the paper but was still paying close attention to what was being said.

"What haven't those two mated already?"

"Oh Adam hon, they're not true Mates. But they've grown so close to each other that they are probably wanting to get serious. They might be hesitant because once they establish a Mate bond, that erases the possibility of finding a true Mate."

"Wow, I understand now." Adam rested his head on the back of the couch. "I'll talk to him about it Monday, actually I'll call him tomorrow sometime and check in on him, see what's going on."

"Good idea."

Adam looked over at Skylar. "You need me to help tomorrow with that deer hide?"

"Nope. Now it just needs to sit for a bit, nothing will bother it."

"Alrighty. I think me and sleeping beauty will head out after breakfast tomorrow, work on getting things ready for teh BBQ."

"Okay dear. You should probably get in there with her."

"Night you two."

"Night dear."
"Night Adam."

Adam walked into the bedroom and gently pushed the door closed so he could undress. By now, Xael had moved to the center of the bed, dog tails laying on top of her in a make shift blanket. Adam just stared at the trio, a soft smile creeping on his face. How much those three meant to each other he'd never know but he was glad they were together for now. He sat his clothes on a nearby chair as the pups moved to the foot of the bed. Laying down, he didn't realize how tired he was. Xael did her thing of coming over to him and snuggling up with him. He loved how much of an Omega she really was and hoped she'd never change. Before drifting off to sleep, Adam once again tried focusing his healing ability onto her; her soft purring returning to lull him to sleep.

Sniffing the air he smelled coffee. Adam went to move but stopped when he noticed a body still snuggled up next to him. Xael was still asleep which he found odd as she was usually up with the sun, but not today. He became a little worried as he placed his nose on her forehead to make sure she didn't have a fever.

No fever, but her scent had changed ever so slightly. Xael stretched with a heavy sigh and moved against him even more. Her hand caressing his side.

"Morning kitten."


"Sleeping into today?"

"Just for a little bit, you were still healing me so I just laid here and enjoyed it."

"I was? I was sound asleep!"

"You might have been, but your wolf wasn't."

"Mn. We should get up, we have a lot to get ready for the BBQ today."

"Yeah, As soon as you get the grill going, I went to get the meat on."


Xael finally sat up, she looked out of it but it only lasted for a few seconds. She made grabby hands for pups who were instantly there. She nuzzled each of them along with giving them long hugs. Off they went into the kitchen with the Elders. Xael watched them leave. "They're getting ready to leave..."

Adam, hearing the sadness in her voice, embraced her. Giving her a soft growl to help comfort her. "Is that why they're spending more time outdoors?"

"Yeah. They've been with the others. Taza has been teaching them how to be Pack Alphas."

"I see. I'm so sorry babe. I know how much they mean to you."

"There my babies. But, they know you're here with me now. Plus they need to have their own lives and they'll be with the others so that helps. Besides...we'll always be linked. They're young Alphas; They need to establish a pack for themselves eventually."

"They know how much you love them. I'm sure it hurts them too at the thought of leaving their momma."

Xael was a little teary eyed as he sought her Alpha for a hug. She held onto him for a few minutes to compose herself then gave him a quick kiss. "I'm fine hon."

Adam returned the kiss and got up to get dressed. Xael waited for him and the two of them headed to the kitchen. The pups were waiting at the back door to go out. Walking them to the end of the deck, she saw Taza and her Grandfather off in the distance. She knelt down and nuzzled her boys again. She could feel how antsy they were to get to the others but waited for her to give the okay. They wouldn't leave unless they had her blessing to.

"Go on!" Off the ran, quickly disappearing into the woods. Soon, it would be for good.

Turning around to head back inside she felt the emotions in her heart swelling and she knew her Alpha could feel how she felt. Entering the house she quickly sought him out. He was sitting at the table enjoying coffee but had sat it down for her as he knew she would be in his lap and she was. Arms wrapped around his neck, she cried. Adam growled softly to help calm her down.

"Oh Xael hon what's wrong?" Ms. Emma would let Adam comfort her because only he could with the state she was in.

"The Pups are getting ready to leave her."

Ms. Emma even got a little bit emotional at the thought of the pups leaving her. "Your Grandfather and the others will take good care of them dear."

"I know." Xael was calming down quickly thanks to Adam. "They need to, they are mostly wolf after all."

Xael left to clean her face up and returned, her mood a little better but she still stayed close to her Alpha. While she was in the bathroom Xael decided that tonight, she would allow her boys to go. She knew they would be close for sometime until her Grandfather felt they were old enough to become Pack leaders. Plus they were linked, that made their leaving a little less painful.

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