Home Cooked Meal*

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Xael made it to the cabin and pulled off to the side so Deputy Shado could park in the drive. Grams heard vehicles pull up and went to the front porch. Seeing two cars, she became curious, in an excited way.

Xael was at the back of her Jeep, pulling the cooler out to take into the house. Grandma turned her attention to the young Deputy.

"Why Deputy Shado, two nights in a row? You're starting to make this a pleasant habit." Xael gave her grams a look. "I was just about to fix dinner hun."

Xael stopped at the door. "I'll cook tonight grams. The hooligans over there decided to kill two rabbits while we fixed my Jeep. I got one in the cooler for dinner tonight."

Grandma might have been an Elder, but she was ornery. "And why is Deputy Shado here?" Her Grams had the cutest inquisitive voice.

"Because Ms. Emma, I'm the one that cleaned it! At least I think that's why I'm here. Your granddaughter doesn't talk much."

"Ooohhhh, I see. By all means."

Xael motioned for the pups to go inside as her grams held the door for them. Pulling the rabbit from the cooler, Xael followed, her grams smacked her on the ass.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You know why!" Xael chuckled and headed to the kitchen, commanding the pups to sit by the door.

As Deputy Shado entered, Grams made him stop.

"Yes ma'am?"

"You need to be smudged, wait here."

Xael returned with a towel to wipe the pup's paws, after that they were free to go. The two pups jumped on the couch. Xael told them to get on the floor but her grandma spoiled them and allowed them on it. Xael returned to the kitchen to fix dinner.

Grandma grabbed an owl's wing off the mantle and her sage bundle along with a match. As the Elder woman lit the bundle, the Deputy inhaled deeply. Standing in front of her, arms out to his side, she fanned the smoke at him. The pungent but relaxing aroma wafted around him. It had been years since someone had smudged him. Ms. Emma could see him relax. When she finished, she tapped him on the chest with the wing.

"All done! Have a seat." She returned the items to their resting place and went back to her beadwork and rocking chair. Shado made his way to the kitchen to help Xael with dinner. Once he entered she turned and looked at him with frowns on her face.


He put his hands up as a sign of peace and went back to the living room. Ms. Emma was laughing at him. "Pull up a chair Deputy."

"Please, call me Adam ma'am."

The Elder smiled at him as he set his weapon on the small table next to him. There was no need for it anymore. "Xael doesn't like anyone to bother her when she cooks."

"So I gather." He saw she was working on regalia. "You going to the powwow Ms. Emma?"

"Oh yes!! I never miss 'em! Plus, I offered to cook up fry bread."

Soon the smell of onions and veggies started filling the house. He turned to look into the kitchen.

"You going to dance Adam?"


"At the powwow? Will you dance?"

"Oh! Yes ma'am. Beau offered to help me get my things together and dress once we get there."

"Awesome! I would love it if Xael would dance. She's an excellent dancer. Xael! Come in here!"

Xael walked in, a dish towel over her shoulder. "Yes ma'am?"

"There's a powwow coming up, will you dance? Oh Deputy she used to win all kinds of competitions when she was younger!"

"Really?" Shado couldn't help but give her glare.

"Powwow huh? God I miss those. Yeah, I'll dance for a bit."

Her grandma clapped excitedly. "Will you also help with fry bread and braiding hair?"

"I'll help with the fry bread, but not the hair."

Her Gram set her beadwork down and pouted like a little kid. "But who will help all the single men and little ones do their hair?"

"Uh, all the single Omegas and women looking for partners. I got food cooking."

Xael headed back to the kitchen. She knew what her Grams was doing; she was trying to play matchmaker. The Elder turned to the Deputy.

"I'm sure she'll help you if you need it." Deputy Shado laughed. "Wait till you see her dressed for the pow wow! She's beautiful!" Ms. Emma giggled with excitement.

"Oh, I can imagine!" Shado hoped the heat he felt in his cheeks wasn't noticeable. The two sat and talked for a bit. Xael had finished the meal, braised rabbit with a red wine glaze that contained onions and mushrooms, sauteed veggies and brown rice. There were frozen rolls that she popped in the oven then set the table. Once everything was ready, she went to the others.

"Dinners ready, wash your hands first Deputy."

"Oh, wash them in the kitchen hun." Ms. Emma shoved him into the kitchen and towards the sink as Xael was getting the rolls out of the oven. Once he sat at the table his eyes almost popped out of his head at the meal before him. Ms. Emma saw his expression.

"Looks good, huh?"

"Oh my God, you did this with that rabbit?"

"Yeah." Xael placed the basket of rolls on the table. She picked up the small saucer and placed a spoonful of everything on it and took it outside. Grabbing a piece of loose sage from a bundle that was hanging by the door. Walking into the backyard, she placed the plate next to a miniature cast-iron skillet on a tree stump. She set the plate down and lit the dried twig of sage, placing it in the skillet and returned to the house after saying a small prayer.

Deputy Shado looked at the Elder for explanation.

"It's a spirit plate, to give thanks for the meal and the rabbit we're eating." Ms. Emma was happy that Xael had remembered so many of the things she had taught her.

Xael reached for her Grams plate to fix hers first. The Deputy being an Alpha, she would give him the larger pieces. Returning the plate to her Grams, she grabbed his. He saw that she gave him the larger two pieces of rabbit along with extra veggies and rice.

"Why d'you give me so much?"

Xael looked at him like he was speaking another language, then she said something to her Grams in their Native language. The Elder laughed as Xael turned back to the deputy.

"Cause you're an Alpha! You need more."

Deputy Shado looked at the two women. "How do you know I'm an Alpha?"

"'Cause I can smell you."

Xael fixed her plate, but didn't get any of the rabbit. There was still a lot left as the three sat and enjoyed a delicious meal. Shado tried to make small talk again, he hoped Ms. Emma would step in to be his wing-man as he tried to get to know the quiet beauty a little more.

"So what branch were you in?"


"I was a Marine." That caught her attention. She actually looked at him this time. He had her full attention.

"Oh really? What was your job?"

"Infantry." He saw her grimace as he said that. "You?"

"Medic. Eat, your food is getting cold." She was suddenly done talking about that and her Grams could tell.

"I'm so glad you're going to dance at the powwow hun, there will be a lot of youngsters there. I know they will love to see you dance."

Xael smiled at her, the Elder knew how painful it was for her to talk about the service and was changing the subject.

"Yeah, when is it again?"

"Day after tomorrow."

"Ok." Xael went back to being quiet as her Grams and the Deputy chatted away. They enjoyed the meal, afterwards Grams took the deputy back into the living room where the two continued to chat. Xael took the leftovers and placed them in a large container for the Deputy to take home with him. Once she washed all the dishes, she returned to the living room to see him getting ready to leave.

While she was in the kitchen, the light of a very full moon caught her eye. As she stared at it, she realized it had been years since she could shift and run freely. Being back home and on tribal land it was safe for her to do so and with the full moon, she couldn't resist. She'd also never ran with her boys. Tonight would be a perfect night for it.

"Here you go Deputy Shado, you can bring the container to the diner."

"Oh wow, thanks!"

Her grams gave her another knowing look.

"Well ladies, I'll see you in the morning for breakfast!"

"We'll be there Adam, go slow till you reach the paved road."

"Yes ma'am, good night you two."

"Night hon!" Grams was always in a good mood. Xael waved at him and smiled. As her grandma shut the door, Xael walked towards the bedroom.

"Xael? That young Alpha has his eye on you!"

"What? More like an eye on my cooking. Plus he's Mated Grams."

Xael went into her room to change for a much-needed night run.

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