Insatiable Truth*

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She continued to hold his gaze as a brief flicker of fear flashed across her face but quickly went away. She leaned in for a brief kiss then moved to get out of the bed. Sitting on the edge she looked back at him.

"I need another bath."

Shado didn't say anything as he went to get the water ready for her. While he was in there, Xael shifted and slowly walked into the bathroom. Her pain was just about gone as her claws clicked on the tile floor, catching her Mate's attention.

Shado nearly jumped out of his skin when he looked up to see the magnificent creature before him. The pitch black fur was shiny and he could see the muscles as the wolf continued to approach him. Just the sheer size of it was enough to send shivers through him. She was as large as the Alpha they had encountered on the road during lodge.

"It's you! The wolf from that night on the road after the dinner..."

Reaching him, the wolf gently brushed up against him and rested her head on him, her piercing grey/blue eyes holding him still.  He cautiously raised his hand to touch her but paused.

{You can touch me Adam}

"My God, you're so beautiful Xael..." His hand went through her soft fur.

{Will you shift too?}

Shado turned the water off, not taking his eyes off of her. He stood and shifted into a large silver wolf. Being a True Alpha, his wolf was large but still smaller than Xael's.   Xael approached him and placed her head under his and nuzzled his neck in a sign of submission.  Raising her head, she nuzzled his snout as he licked her.

Xael shifted back to her human form followed by Shado.  She walked up to him and into his arms, nuzzling her face against him.

"God Xael... you are. God I don't even know..."

"I'm a Dire wolf Adam, like my parents, except I'm an Omega."

"Oh baby, you are something else." Shado wrapped her in a tight hug.

After a long and intimate hug, the two of them enjoyed the nice hot bath together. When the bath was done, Xael gave the bandages a rest as she needed to let the wounds on her hips and thighs breathe. The two returned to bed, but put on fresh clean sheets before that and a towel for Xael to lay on. She curled up against him and was fast asleep. Shado on the other hand, was wide awake. It was almost 3 in the afternoon and he decided to let her Grams know that she was doing much better.

"Adam? Is everything okay?"

"Yes ma'am, I'm just calling to let you know that Xael is doing much better."

"Oh good! How are things going with you two?"

"Uh...I don't really have any words to describe it. She's... she's something else."

There was a pause on her end as she took a deep breath, her voice had taken on a serious tone. "Adam, has she told you everything?"

"Yes ma'am, we even shifted together."

"Oh! Oh! Okay then, I guess you now know everything."

"Yes...hold on." Xael was moving around when she sat up, she quickly looked around to see where she was at. He could tell immediately that she was out of it.

"Xael?" She growled but didn't respond to him and laid back down, falling asleep once again.

"Is she alright?"

"Yeah, it's just hard to get her to sleep consistently, she keeps waking up."

"I see, she's probably doing that to make sure things are still safe."

"Oh, I understand."

"Okay, you need to stay close to her, she wakes up again, see if you can get her to take another bath. I would also see if you can get her to drink more of the broth. I'll drop some food off for you tomorrow."

"Oh Thank you so much Ms. Emma!"

"Ah! Call me Grams, your family now dear."  Shado had to chuckle.

"You don't have to cook for me, I have stuff I can fix."

"That may be true but Xael will need you next to her the entire time she is healing. I'll have Ester drop the food off."

"Okay, Thank you again Ms.. Grams. Is the Sheriff there?"

"Sure, hold on."

"Shado? How are you two doing on your first day?"

"Better now. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you guys' help. Sorry this was without any kind of notice."

"Don't worry, I already have guys lined up to fill in for you. You just get some rest."

"Will do. Talk to you guys soon."

Shado laid down next to his Mate, as soon as he stretched out, Xael was snuggled against him. Around 5 in the evening Xael woke up. Shado felt shaking again along with a very hot hand on his shoulder. Trying to move and focus, he heard Xael breathing heavily.

"Xael?" Shado was still half asleep.

"I need you to wake up Adam..." Sitting up, Xael was suddenly in his lap. Her scent was strong and thick.

"What is it baby?"

Xael whimpered and buried her face in his neck. She moaned as she started to grind against him.


"Are you seriously in heat again?"


Four hours later and the two were both sweaty and out of breath.

"My God do you keep going into heat? I thought it was just once then you were done."

"I don't know, but I need a shower."

Shado carried her to the bathroom and let her sit on the side of the tub while he got the water going for her. He decided to take a shower with her as she was still a little wobbly.  Unfortunately for him, Xael went into heat yet again, but it didn't last long as she was exhausted from their mating session that happened just minutes ago.

Finally back in bed, Xael's stomach began to growl.

"Xael, I love you. I really do, but you're wearing me out baby."

The Omega moved over and cuddled up to him, her warm nose nuzzling his neck. Even though he was worn out, his wolf managed to growl for his Mate.

"Sorry, I should have warned you that I have a high sex drive."

"Oh I'm not complaining! I just need a break baby."

"I need to sleep deeply, otherwise I'll just keep going into heat. And that will make me sick again."

Shado didn't know what she was trying to tell him.


"Adam...I need you to put my wolf to sleep."


"My wolf isn't able to sleep, that's why I keep waking up."

"Soooo, that means what?"

"I need you to use your Alpha voice on me again."

"Xael baby, no. You're my Mate. I don't want to do that to you."

"Adam, this time it's different. You won't hurt me or our bond."

Xael looked at him with her striking grey blue eyes. He could tell she was exhausted and so was he.

"Shit...Fine."  Xael nuzzled him once more to let him know it was ok. "Get comfortable babe."

She did as he leaned down close to her. Xael gently caressed his cheek as he kissed her on the forehead. He rested his forehead against hers, as he was still hesitant.

"It's okay Adam. Please." With a heavy sigh, he used his Alpha voice on her.


Xael was out and in a deep slumber within seconds. Shado wrapped her in his arms and pulled her in close, he was soon asleep as well.

Shado woke to find the room filled with light, they had both slept through the night. He heard a soft but strange sound, looking around, he found it was coming from his Mate. It sounded like soft purring. He leaned in close and sure enough, she was purring.

He slowly moved away from her, making sure she was covered with the blanket. Not feeling his warmth, the Omega shivered a little and let out a faint whimper.

"I'm still here babe, rest." Shado moved close to her as he rested against the headboard, placing a hand under the blanket and on her shoulder. The Omega settled back down. Shado was confused as Xael hadn't mentioned any of this to him when they talked. Reaching for his phone he dialed Grandma. It was a little after 8am so she might be busy with the diner.

"Morning dear, how are you two doing?"

"Sorry to bother you Ms. Emma."

"It's no bother dear. Things will be slow this week. How's Xael?"

"That's why I'm calling, I... I had to use my Alpha voice on her again."

"What? Why? Adam, you can't keep doing that, you run the risk of breaking your Mate bond!"

"I know! It's the only way I could get her to sleep! She kept going into heat!"

"Wait a minute. She kept what?"

"Grams...Xael has gone into heat four times already."


"Yes! I don't know what to do, she didn't mention any of this when we talked."

"Adam, you need to talk to Chief Houser. His mate... His mate was the same thing as Xael. He would know more about what to do. I'm an Alpha hun, Omegas I know, but Xael is different. Call your Chief, he knows more about Xael's kind of Omega."

"Okay, Thanks so much for your help."

"No problem dear, I'll send some food over for you in a bit."

"Thank Ms. Emma."

With the call ended, Emma turned to Skylar who had been sitting at the counter but didn't hear everything.

"What going on Em?"

"Adam had to use his Alpha voice on Xael again."

"Ohhhhh, that's not good."

"I told him that. He's having issues with her, I told him to call Houser."

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