Like a Faerytale

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Driving back, Xael was with her Mate in the back seat. The three were quiet as Shado's dad drove down the bumpy road. Xael could sense some of the wild wolves running with them off in the woods but felt it best not to say anything.

"It won't always be like this."

"Hm?' Adam looked over at her. "What do you mean Xael?"

"Sometimes my life is like a fairytale. If a unicorn showed up in front of us, I wouldn't be surprised."

"Let's not call forth anymore mystical creatures my dear."

"Sorry Mr. Shado."

He had to chuckle at her. She was right, her life is like a fairytale. "No worries Pup. How you feeling?"

"Tired, I'll be fine after I get some sleep."

"Adam, you stay close to her for the rest of the evening."

"I will dad."

"Xael my dear, you truly are something. Thank you for healing my Grandmother and Thank you for being my son's Mate."

"And Thank you Mr. Shado."

As they drove back to the city, Xael snuggled into her Mate, Adam wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in close. He always wanted her next to him and would never let her go. As they reached their vehicle at the restaurant, Xael had fallen asleep. Adam woke her up so they could go home. Before they left, Xael gave Adam's dad one more long hug. He reminded her to message him after they were done at the police station so they all could meet up for lunch.

As the couple drove back to town, Xael was fighting to stay awake. She didn't want to sleep in the vehicle anymore, she wanted a nice soft bed. Leaning back in her seat she exhaled and reached for her Mate's hand.

"I'll be glad when tomorrow is over and things can get back to normal. Well, as normal as possible."

"I know babe, it will."

"I hope so."


Back at Grandma Shado's, she was searching in her room for a very old and special book. It was from her Grandmother and told of the different types of Wolfen. As she carefully flipped through the pages, she came across one entry that she hadn't noticed. It talked about special hybrids. It had hand drawn and colored pictures of the types of hybrid eyes and explained a little about them. The entry on hybrids was small because they were so rare. Hybrids had amazing healing abilities and they lived for an extremely long time. Their Mates lived longer also due to being in their healing energy. How long they could live was unknown. It did mention that female hybrids usually bore twins and were able to conceive pups much later in life unlike normal Wolfen due to their extended lifespans. They could also control if they wanted to conceive or not.

Grandma Shado closed the book and returned it to its special place. She clapped happily and returned to her chair. Turning on the tv, she tuned into an episode of Ancient Aliens. Off in the distance she heard a familiar and welcomed howl. Her pups returned the howl, causing her to giggle out of happiness. Taza indeed was still present.


Pulling up to Adam's apartment, Xael was slow to get out of the vehicle. It had been a long and emotional day. As grateful as she was for all that had been revealed, she was over it. She just wanted a typical boring life. Wake up next to her mate, cook at the diner, spend time with family and friends and back with her mate and pups.

Xael waited on the passenger side while Adam came to get her. She also wanted out of the dress she had on, like now. Seeing how there was no one else out with it being Sunday evening, she unwrapped herself from the blanket.

"Hold this up for me Adam."

"Huh, what are you doing babe?"

"I want out of your mom's dress."

"Are you seriously getting naked out on the street?!"


Over her head with the piece of fabric, Adam quickly wrapped her in the blanket.

"Let's get you in the apartment!" Adam picked her up to carry her upstairs.

"I can walk Adam!"

"No!" He was still extra protective of her, especially now that she was butt naked and out in public. He quickly sprinted up the stairs and got her into the apartment. Back in the safety of the apartment, Xael relaxed in her Mates arms, nuzzling into him. She wanted to cry but was too exhausted.

"I need a shower." Xael didn't even bother taking clothes with her. Adam let her go. While she was in the shower, he wanted to make sure his dad had made it home alright. Before placing the call, he lit some sage, he figured Xael would need it when she came out of the bathroom. He relaxed on the bed and called his dad. Xael meanwhile cranked on the hot water. She kinda wished she had another medicine bundle as she felt her body getting achey.

"Hey dad, you make it home okay?"

"Yeah, how's Xael, she didn't look so good."

"She's in the shower, I have no doubt that once her head hits the pillow she'll be out."

"Good, So how are you doing son. You also have been through a lot today."

"Yeah, I've kinda gotten used to it being with her. But it was a bit much today, even she's kinda had enough of it."

"Well you two just stay strong, things will get better."

"I know, I know." Just then Xael opened the bathroom door. All she had on was a robe. She practically dove into the bed, tossing the robe to the floor, she curled up against her Alpha. Ears and tail were back. Adam could tell she was still pretty weak. Her purring started almost immediately.

"Hey dad, I'm gonna let you go, she's out of the bathroom."

"Okay, you two take care, talk soon son. Love you guys."

"Love you too."

Adam kissed and nuzzled his Omega, letting out a soft growl as he picked up her wonderful scent. He needed a shower, seeing how she was out, he let her be. He didn't want to spend to long away from her given her current state so after a quick shower he put on a pair of boxers and returned to the bed.

{Thanks for the sage Adam}

He laid down next to her for a bit. He nuzzled her forehead, her furry ears tickled his face. He growled again, soft and low to put her at ease. "Get some sleep baby."

She snuggled under the covers, her large tail coming up to cover her face. Adam leaned against the headboard, seeing how it was only about 7pm he wanted to touch base real quick with Chief Houser, if he couldn't join them tomorrow, he wanted to make sure either he or Max could be with them. With Xael finally settled and asleep, he called Houser.

"Hey Adam!"

"Hey Cheif, you got a minute?"

"I do, everything okay?'

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind going with Xael and Ms. Emma tomorrow. They have a meeting with the homicide dectectives concerning her parents. I'm not sure I can get away tomorrow to go with them."

"Oh wow. That must be the cold case I've been hearing about?"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, seems they caught a lucky break after someone squealed to cut a deal."


"I know. Yeah I'll be down there with them."

"Thanks, I know they'll appreciate it. I was going to ask Max if you weren't able to make it."

"I should be fine, if not I'll send one of the guys down"

"Thanks, I really appreciate it."

"Not a problem."

Call over, Adam looked for a movie to watch, the shower had him wide awake. It was only 8pm so he wanted to stay up for a bit. Settling in for the evening, Adam's phone rang, it was Ms. Emma.

"Adam dear? Is Xael with you? She's not answering her phone."

"Yes ma'am, she's sleeping. She's had something of a rough day."

"I see. Did the visit with your Grandmother not go well?"

"Ms. Emma, I don't even know where or how to begin."

"That's okay dear, I'll talk to her about it tomorrow on the way into the city. Let her know I'll meet her at the diner in the morning."

"I will." The call ended and Adam returned to what as now a quiet evening.

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