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Shado came rushing through the back door. "Xael! We need your help, Max slashed his hand open pretty bad."

"Bring him on the back deck, I'll grab my stuff."

Xael ran to her room and grabbed her EMT kit and headed to the deck. Her pups were right there beside her. Her grandmother was already out back with towels as the young Alpha was bleeding heavily. Max was sitting in a chair holding a bloody mess.

Xael sprang into action. She quickly opened her bag and removed the items she would need. Hands gloved, she got to work. Removing the towels, the slash was pretty bad. If he was human, he would need a lot of stitches. Being Wolfen, the wound would heal in a few hours but still needed to be cleaned so infection wouldn't set in. She grabbed a squirt bottle and began gently cleaning the wound.

"You doing all right Max?"

"Yeah, I slipped and fell on the ax head."

Xael continued to clean the wound, then went over it with an iodide solution.

"I'm not going to do stitches, you should heal enough that you won't need them, okay?"

"Okay, but it hurts like a bitch!"

"I know, but I don't want to give you anything, not if you're going to do lodge later."

Xael sprayed over the wound with a numbing spray she had 'borrowed' from one of the hospitals.


"Thanks Doc!"

All the guys looked on as she patched him up and bandaged his hand. It wasn't his dominant hand so he could do a little bit, but she told him to let it rest so the wound could at least start to close. He would be fine in time for lodge if he just laid off of using it. Gunner and Moose rested their heads on his thigh.

"Awww sweet boys! I'll be okay." He petted them both.

"They like you." Xael wasn't surprised, Max had a good heart. All the guys did.

"You can leave them out if you want!" Parker was the next one to speak out.

"Yeah, we'll keep an eye on them." Eli let her know her boys would be well taken care of.

"Okay!" Xael was kind of surprised that they all wanted her pups around. She gave them her 'momma means business look', and pointed a finger at them. "Do NOT kill anything!" Both the pups groaned and looked at Shado. He held his hands up as he was not about to go against her.

"You heard her boys!"

Shado gave her a kiss to the side of the head and she made a kissy face at him, causing him to chuckle. She cleaned up the mess and washed the blood away. There was too much blood to wash out of the towels so she bagged them for the trash in a red biohazard bag she had.

"Max, take it easy for a few hours before you try to use that hand."

"Will do doc!" Xael shook her head and headed back inside.

Her and her grams sat at the table and chit chatted. The older one was glad that work was getting done around the house.

"Oh Xael?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"Will you ask Eli if he minds installing a ceiling fan in the bedroom? I want to replace the old one that's in there."

"Sure, I'll go find him." Walking out the front, Xael saw Shado's hoody she had taken off earlier and put it back on. She found him out near the lodge trail laying mulch.

'Hey Eli?"

"Yeah sissy-roo?"

"Grams wants to know if you'd mind installing a ceiling fan for her?"

"Not at all!"

The two walked back in the house. "Here he is Grams."

"Oh Eli dear, do you mind?"

"No ma'am, it won't take long." He had removed his shoes after he entered. Ms. Emma showed him back to her room and the new fan that was lying on the bed. She told him she had already shut the breaker off to the room. He grabbed a few tools from his vehicle and got to work. He had it finished in about an hour.

"All done Grandma, do you want to check it out?"

"No, I'm sure you did a good job dear. Will you let the guys know lunch is almost ready?"

"Yes ma'am!" Eli left to inform the men. They had been working hard since breakfast and had gotten a lot done. Chris even fixed part of the gutter and downspout.

There were large bowls of chips and fresh strawberries already on the table along with pitchers of ice tea and lemonade. Ms. Emma brought a few pies from the dinner and was slicing those up. Xael had an assembly line ready for the sandwich making. The guys had the choice of ham, turkey or a BLT. The bread was ready with lettuce, tomato, onion and cheese. The guys could remove what they didn't like.

Her grandma had Xael make up a spirit plate and she would take it out while she finished getting things ready for the sandwiches. Coming back to the house Ms. Emma met up with Skylar.

"Lunch is ready, have them wash their hands with the outdoor shower, there's a thing of soap there already. I'll bring some towels out."

"Sure thing hun." Skylar gave her kiss to the forehead and went to gather up the men. Eli was supposed to be the one doing that but he got distracted and was playing with the pups.

After washing and drying hands, the guys left their shoes at the back door so they wouldn't track in dirt. As they entered the kitchen, they let Xael know what kind of sandwich they wanted. Xael fixed all the guys 2 sandwiches a piece and her Grandma took it out to them.

The process went smoothly. Xael let them know if they wanted more to just help themselves. The Alphas of course ate more than the humans but that was a given. While digging the sandwich meat out of the fridge, Xael saw that a couple of the guys had brought slabs of rib and steaks.

After everyone was done, the guys sat and chatted for a bit. They had finished all the work Skylar had wanted them to do. Xael leaned over to Shado.

"Hey will you and some of the guys pull the grill out and on the back deck?"

"Sure babe!" Shado asked Parker, Chris and Eli for help as the grill was large and heavy. The guys got the grill on the porch and set it up by the house. Everyone was excited to have barbeque! They had two hours before Skylar wanted to start the lodge discussion. He suggested they take quick showers.  Skylar had boiled water beforehand and filled up the holding tank. He wanted them to feel refreshed and not stink up the house. Having some down time, Shado headed inside to find his mate as the guys lined up to shower. 

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